Sentences with phrase «by my calculations for»

By my calculations for the 17 - month and one - year regressions, the explained variation is between 2.4 % and 6.6 %.

Not exact matches

The gathering capped off what was later reported as a record - breaking month for the the company: 14 million rides, an uptick in full - price rides taken, and a $ 400 million to $ 500 million run rate by Recode's calculations.
In his opinion, the Carnegie courses, which are offered in more locations, are a better deal when you factor travel into the hourly cost: $ 50 to $ 60 an hour for Carnegie's versus $ 70 to $ 80 for the others, by Harmon's calculation.
Then over the weekend, he printed a $ 6.5 million invoice for Darby (again not naming her) based on calculations by a Dublin PR firm regarding the value of the publicity their exchange had generated.
By almost anyone's political calculation, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's increasingly problematic drive for the White House will be practically impossible to pull off in November unless he can carry Florida, the premier battleground state.
The latest calculations were based on an earlier finding by the groups that earnings for CEOs in the U.K.'s benchmark FTSE 100 dropped by a fifth in 2016 to 4.5 million pounds ($ 5.4 million) annually and another showing a CEO - to - worker pay ratio of 120 to 1.
In the base year used in the five - year growth calculation (e.g., 2012), any companies with revenue of less than $ 200,000 will have their revenue for that period lifted to $ 200,000 for the purpose of calculating five - year growth that is not grossly exaggerated by immaterial differences in the base - year revenues of otherwise equal candidates (for instance, a company that grows from $ 1 to $ 2 million would have a higher growth rate than a company that grows from $ 2 to $ 3 million).
In the base year used in the two - year growth calculation (e.g., 2015), any companies with revenue of less than $ 200,000 will have their revenue for that period lifted to $ 200,000 for the purpose of calculating two - year growth that is not grossly exaggerated by immaterial differences in the base - year revenues of otherwise equal candidates (for instance, a company that grows from $ 1 to $ 2 million would have a higher growth rate than a company that grows from $ 2 to $ 3 million).
The more than $ 3.3 billion fundraising is, by some calculations, the largest for a private Internet company, outstripping compatriot's $ 3 billion announced in September.
The value of the Internet economy may be understated in GDP calculations, for example, but the omission is offset by artificial inflations in other sectors like financial services, which ballooned in the run - up to 2008 thanks to risky, unsustainable products like mortgage - backed securities.
A back - of - the - envelope calculation suggests that even if Sanders has been contributing just 3 % of his salary per year for his entire time in both the House and the Senate — and has earned a modest 5 % annualized rate of return — he'd have accumulated almost half a million dollars by the end of 2015, thanks in part to the government's matching contributions.
Incentives for early and late retirement will be modified to decrease the attractiveness of early retirement and increase the attractiveness of late retirement; phased retirement will be facilitated by allowing people to collect benefits while contributing and earning new claims on CPP retirement benefits; and the number of years of low earnings that can be deducted from the calculation of a CPP retirement benefit will be increased.
Compared to the monthly payment calculation for a regular mortgage, the main difference in calculating a condo payment is the addition of monthly dues charged by your condo association.
Our three - year average burn rate, which we define as the number of Shares subject to equity awards granted in a fiscal year divided by the weighted average Shares outstanding for that fiscal year, was 2.17 % for fiscal years 2016 through 2018 (see chart on page 60 for detailed calculation of our three - year burn rates).
The calculation, made by The New York Post using data from, highlights the unusual methods the city employs when calculating real estate values for...
34 The data file for this speech, available on the New York Fed's website, includes a historical calculation of the OBFR based on data provided by federal funds and Eurodollar brokers until October 19, 2015 and based on FR 2420 data, from October 20th, 2015 until February 17th, 2016.
The calculation decreases or increases benefits by a fixed percentage for every month you claim early or late, so people with a lower full retirement age will get more in benefits as a percentage of their full retirement benefit if they claim earlier or later than someone with a higher full retirement age.
Though calculations of the environmental impact of Dr Post's lab - grown meat have yet to be published, early indications suggest that cultured meat could reduce the need for land and water by as much as 90 % and overall energy use by up to 70 %.
My back - of - the - envelope calculation (that's the technical term for a fair guess) is that demand exceeds supply by as much as $ 1 trillion to $ 2 trillion a year.
For the calculation of diluted net loss per share, net loss per share attributable to common stockholders and preferred Series D, E, F, and FP preferred stockholders for basic net loss per share is adjusted by the effect of dilutive securities, including awards under our equity compensation plaFor the calculation of diluted net loss per share, net loss per share attributable to common stockholders and preferred Series D, E, F, and FP preferred stockholders for basic net loss per share is adjusted by the effect of dilutive securities, including awards under our equity compensation plafor basic net loss per share is adjusted by the effect of dilutive securities, including awards under our equity compensation plans.
Shares counted toward these guidelines include any shares held by the executive directly or through a broker, shares held through the HP 401 (k) Plan, shares held as restricted stock, shares underlying time - vested RSUs, and shares underlying vested but unexercised stock options (50 % of the in - the - money value of such options is used for this calculation).
These include industrial IoT platforms Relayr and Mnubo, which created a commercial partnership with Munich Re to create risk management products for Mnubo's customers making IoT investments as well as WePredict, which planned to co-develop an insurance solution with Munich Re backed by the auto warranty analytics startup's risk calculations.
In most calculations, they account for market frictions by opening (closing) short positions at the bid (ask).
Tokens or «numeric characters» referred to in the document acquired for the purpose of exercising the rights certified by the marker» will be classified in terms of how credit «calculations with different debtors and creditors» and «other income and expenses».
Turkish banks will normally allow a mortgage to be repaid up until the 75th birthday of the oldest applicant, but for every year the applicant is over the age of 60, the income used in the debt to income (DTI) calculation could be reduced accordingly by a lender's set scale, thereby reducing the maximum mortgage available.
In general, it's more difficult to get approved for a jumbo loan as compared to a loan backed by the FHFA because of additional credit score requirements and more stringent income calculations.
The increase in wealth over 10 years by utilizing asset location tenets was $ 70,360 (see disclosure for details on tax calculations).
Apollo Power explained that «the trial demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing the energy produced by the system for mining virtual currencies by using a low - output mining computer that computes the mathematical calculations required to solve transactions in virtual currencies.
Apple, for example, pays taxes at a small fraction of that rate on its offshore profits, according to calculations by The Times based on the company's securities filings.
It is a calculation that represents the total debt a borrower is utilizing in comparison to the total revolving credit that they have been approved for by credit issuers.
It is a fairly simple calculation that divides a stock's price by the company's earnings per share for a given 12 - month period.
Using monthly risk premium calculation data during March 1934 through June 2017 (limited by availability of T - bill data), and monthly dividend - adjusted closing prices for the three asset class mutual funds during June 1980 through June 2017 (37 years, limited by VFIIX), we find that:
1 The calculation for distribution yields employs the most recent distribution, which may be interest, a special dividend, or a capital gain, and multiplies the payment by 12 to get an annualized total.
For cryptocurrency traders with numerous transactions in 2017, the tool sorts through multiple buy and sell orders to figure out both the cost basis of purchases and the gains or losses by using the first - in - first - out calculation methodology.
 The Harper government's decision last year to write off every penny of the auto aid and thus build it all into last year's deficit calculation (which I questioned at the time as curious and even misleading) has already been proven wrong. Since the money was already «written off» by Ottawa as a loss (on grounds that they had little confidence it would be repaid — contradicting their own assurances at the same time that it was an «investment,» not a bail - out), any repayment will come as a gain that can be recorded in the budget on the revenue side. Jim Flaherty has learned from past Finance Ministers (especially Paul Martin) that it's always politically better to make the budget situation look worse than it is (even when the bottom has fallen out of the balance), thus positioning yourself to triumphantly announce «surprising good news» (due, no doubt, to «careful fiscal management») down the road. The auto package could thus generate as much as $ 10 billion in «surprising good news» for Ottawa in the years to come (depending on the ultimate worth of the public equity share).
A standard yield calculation developed by the Securities and Exchange Comission for bond funds.
The average Chicago property tax bill is going up about 10 percent this year following City Hall and Chicago Public Schools tax hikes to pay for police, fire and teacher pensions, according to calculations released Tuesday by the Cook County clerk's office.
It should be pointed out, perhaps, that for the first fifty years or so of quantum chemistry, the results of theoretical calculations were uniformly poor and unhelpful; but this tended to be put off to the enormous complexity of the mathematical techniques — if only these could be overcome, it was thought, it would become obvious how wonderfully we could depict the results of chemical reactivity and bonding simply by applying calculations to the known constituents.
What it is to suggest is that the default basis for evaluating institutions, society, affiliations, memberships, and even personal relationships becomes dominated by considerations of individual choice based upon the calculation of individual self - interest, and without broader considerations of the impact one's choices have upon the community — present and future — and of one's obligations to the created order and ultimately to God.
It will seem clearly realistic to judge that my actions, as well as everyone else's, are and must be guided by calculations of self - interest, looking toward some maximum excess of pleasure over pain for some segment of an expected lifetime.
So Niebuhr advised: «If it is not possible for modern man to hold by faith that there is a larger meaning in the intricate patterns of history than those which his own virtues or skills supply, he would do well to emphasize fortune and caprice in his calculations
In other words, the three Passovers mentioned in St. John (2:13; 6:4; 12:1) can be dated precisely to 28-29-30 AD, the last being one of two dates established for the crucifixion by Professor Bradley E Schaefer's scientific calculations (letters November 2011).
And we must not forget that a quantum - mechanical calculation even on one particular bacterial cell would be incorrect for every other cell, even of the same species — a point clearly made by Elsasser in his conclusions about the heterogeneity of the material with which the biologist has to deal.
For example, one calculation considered by Nordhaus and Tobin showed the MSEW actually declining in the years after 1947 instead of growing slowly, as their preferred figures indicated.
'' «there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred»» Michael Behe.
The students Brooks examined in 2001, who had entered adolescence after the fall of the Berlin Wall, spent their formative years in a world predicted by Francis Fukuyama in 1992: «The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one's life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands.»
This word presses us to hope for the unimaginable and to trust in things that by simple human calculation are impossible.
The choice of December 25 for the observance of Christmas was arrived at by faulty calculations and was probably influenced by the fact that the Jewish feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and the Roman festival of Saturnalia, celebrating the winter solstice, came at about that time.
The number of full - time employees is reduced by 30 for purposes of the calculation.
I use the recipe builder to calculate the points for my recipes, but my calculations have not been verified nor endorsed by Weight Watchers.
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