Sentences with phrase «by mystery shoppers»

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Have you ever wondered if making money by becoming mystery shoppers is really possible?
One of the stranger films of a year of strange films, Personal Shopper is a ghost story mystery by way of Olivier Assayas, an odd combination on the face of things that turns out something akin to magical.
But if you're feeling up for it, you can go the extra mile by being a mystery shopper and take advantage of your next trip to the nearby convenience store... Click to read more
Organically grown food, while a preferable choice for green shoppers in grocery stores and farmers markets, isn't necessarily the same thing as food grown using smart carbon farming practices, and though the two aren't mutually exclusive, demand for organics is driven more by marketing, while the other is still a bit of a mystery to the average person.
Initiated and managed mystery shopper program, resulting in improved responses to customers and more effective call handling by call centers.
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