Sentences with phrase «by noble men»

All the pride his father invested in the family name, Michelangelo hoped to recoup through his immortal fame, demonstrating that art could be a noble pursuit proudly pursued by noble men.
But certainly in this bewildered world of our time, students ought to be exposed to some of the deepest issues of life, as they have been experienced and understood by the noblest men and women through the ages, in the East as well as in the West.

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As a participant in that 1998 Ramsey Colloquium, a longtime supporter of the cautious use of rights language, and a frequent critic of its misuses, I was moved by Reno's arguments to ponder whether the noble post — World War II universal human - rights idea has finally been so manipulated and politicized as to justify its abandonment by men and women of good will.
Man is a noble creature, so that constant state of chaos may be occasionally broken by intermittent times of peace that men may work together for some purpose or endeavor that may seem advantageous at the time, but the morality of men by themselves is a fickle thing, and it is ever changing to please an ever declining sense of morality of the masses.
Indeed, as best as I can tell, the None's and the Done's have recognized the walls of the Evangelicals — not as noble walls of doctrine, but rather, as the sides of a ditch being viewed by the blind man in the muddy center.
A man rescued by the contents of his pockets is not, after all, a noble ethical hero.
Let us admit this frankly, once and for all: what most discredits faith in progress in the eyes of men today, over and above its reticences and its helplessness in meeting the cry of the «last days of the human species», is the unfortunate tendency still shown by its adepts to distort into pitiful millenarianisms all that is most valid and most noble in our now permanently awakened expectation of the future appearance of some form of «ultra-humanity».
A man of noble birth, representing the power of Rome, endowed with authority over life and death, confronted by a barbarous colonial of no name or estate, a slave of the empire, beaten, robed in purple, crowned with thorns, insanely invoking an otherworldly kingdom and some esoteric truth, unaware of either his absurdity or his judge's eminence.
Furthermore, European theology in general laid great stress on man's sin and his inability to save himself even by his best and noblest works.
If despite all this he is obedient to God's word and thinks what is noble and holy of men, believes (it is not easy) that he is a child of God, loved by God and worthy of an eternal life which is already operative and growing within him, he will not be haughty and proud, will not - regard what is promised as a matter of course as his inalienable dignity.
Education for chastity, on the other hand, can teach boys to grow to be «real men», offer them a noble understanding of their own masculine sexual identity, and give them a chance to avoid falling into the cycle of sexual addiction offered by pornography on their camera phones and computers.
«2 Can man really submit even his high ideals and noble virtues to be transformed by the demands of the one final good, the Great Society of all?
By the term «humanism» Hartshorne means the belief that man is the highest type of individual in existence and that «God» can only properly mean the noblest aspects of humanity.
(b) It is commonly assumed that Isaiah was a man of noble birth, related by blood to the wider royal family of Judah.
Again, that which perfects man in a nobler sexual ethic must come from within a man, by the powers of his personal spiritual being.
• the fortitude of not going with the crowd; 7 • the fortitude of knowing that caring for the world is a nobler task than that of mastering it; • the fortitude of knowing that a successful woman is not the same as a successful man; • the fortitude of realising that money is less important than character; that you are worth more than your salary is worth; • the fortitude of preparing yourself for a worthwhile commitment and sticking by it (self - worth is empty without self - commitment); • the fortitude of being proud to aim at being a woman of character, and to resist the pathetic envy we are all capable of towards a man or woman with more power but with a weak character.
Get into a country store and sit on the cracker - box by the side of two or three Georgia «colonels» and «majors,» and they will tell any number of tales about how their ancestors bought their estates from the Indians and to close up the bargain gave the «noble red men» a barbecue, consisting of venison and sweetened hoe - cake, followed by plenty of imported rum and other «firewaters.»
The New Mexico State Legislature and Governor King quickly passed Senate Joint Memorial 5, which stated, in part and with considerable exaggeration: «Whereas, despite New Mexico's long and rich chile history and prehistory, with solid archaeological evidence indicating the continuous use of both red and green chile since the time of Folsom Man some twelve thousand years ago [this is not true], we now find «Texas Man» claiming the noble chile as his; and whereas despite the facts, we hear boasting from east of the Pecos that «The Lone Star State» is the chili capital of the Southwest... and Texas chefs malign the noble «red and green» by blending it into a slurry of kidney beans and onions called chili; now, therefore, be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of New Mexico that the Land of Enchantment bets the «whole enchilada» and its reputation as the Chile Capital of the World against the Lone Star State in the Mother of All Chile Wars Festival to be held May 29 - 31, 1993 at the Doña Ana County Fairgrounds.»
That is a most shameful thing for any noble man to do, an action worthy of thieves and rascals, who are punished for their evil deeds by hanging or otherwise, whenever they may be seen and taken.
For whatever reasons, women and some of their men are turning to what they perceive to be the «gentler» and more «natural» ways of birthing and parenting (fairly noble goals, really) and are then waylaid by a predator and her system.
The Lehane story, about a noble, good - guy Boston gangster in love and war and bootlegging, spins variations on the usual Tommy - gunning melees and cheap manipulations to keep the protagonist, a dull man portrayed dully by Affleck, in our good graces.
After all of the noble talk on the red carpet, the audience heard only the occasional mention from men of the «strong, intelligent and righteous women» in their lives (as noted by Best Supporting Actor winner Sam Rockwell).
As it starts, we find him playing the part of «The Noble Savage» in a 1933 carnival sideshow (and wearing impressive age makeup reminiscent of that worn by Dustin Hoffman at the beginning of 1970's «Little Big Man»).
Very much an «Avengers» movie in scope and ambition if not title (the conspicuous absence of Thor and Hulk notwithstanding), this chronicle of an epic clash between two equally noble factions, led by Captain America and Iron Man, proves as remarkable for its dramatic coherence and thematic unity as for its dizzyingly inventive action sequences; viewers who have grown weary of seeing cities blow up ad nauseam will scarcely believe their luck at the relative restraint and ingenuity on display.
King Arthur was written by David Franzoni, the man also responsible for the historical farce that is Gladiator, which asserts that by overthrowing the decadent and fascistic dictatorship of the cruel Roman Emperor Commodus, a group of high - minded nobles and warriors will (did) bring freedom (that word again) to the backwards peoples of the Empire, which is, of course, the opposite of what actually happened in Rome (and Iraq, so far at least).
But it's still a form of good fortune to be a man whose lack of talent gets rebranded as quixotic and almost noble, even by a movie that purports to make fun of him.
The story is about a young man named Gilbert «Gilly» Noble (note the subtlety of the meaning behind the name) played by Chris Klein.
That last point may explain why Noble is a business created by a white man with a student body of nearly 100 % students of color.
To cap it all off, William Lynch — the man who spearheaded Barnes & Noble's push into digital by bulking up the Nook line of products — resigned as CEO of the company last month.
The Barnes and Noble Nook Daily Find is Indestructible: One Man's Rescue Mission That Changed the Course of WWII by John R. Bruning.
The Barnes and Noble Nook Daily Find is Buried Secrets (Men of Valor Series # 1) by Irene Hannon for $ 1.99.
2016Dreamlands Expanded, Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn as part of Whitney Museum of American's Art's «Dreamlands» Exhibition, Curated by Chrissie Iles Art Night, Institute for Contemporary Art, London, UK, curated by Kathy Noble Folkeobservatoriet (People's Observatory), Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo, Norway On the Verge of An Image: Reconsidering Marjorie Keller, LAND, Los Angeles, CA Stratographic Fiction, Berman Museum, Philidelphia Fuck Newton, KARST, Plymouth, UK NO MAN»S LAND: Women Artists from the Rubell Family Collection, Rubell Family Collection Museum, Miami, FL Active Ingredient, Lisa Cooley Gallery, New York, NY First Films, Marc Foxx Gallery, LA, CA
This noble trust was accepted by a body of men who have discharged it with unwearied fidelity, zeal and wisdom.
Recent exhibitions include Creekside Open selected by Paul Noble, APT Gallery, London (2013) and Backwards Man, CGP, London (2012)
They are attempting to return the wold back to the way it was, with a few privileged nobles while everyone else lives as serfs in abject poverty and powerlessness while paying for the privilege to do so, and away form this newfangled idea that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.
It was 100 percent occupied at the time of the sale by tenants including Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, Men's Warehouse, Michael's, Office Depot, Party City, PetSmart, Ross and Sports Authority.
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