Sentences with phrase «by one's bootstraps»

I am not certain how to feel about the supposed theory of «self - sufficiency» and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps when I feel that there are a number of barriers facing me that are beyond my control.
In a perfect world, everyone would be able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps after a loss and make life work again.
You've pulled yourself up by your bootstraps at every opportunity and made a better life for yourself and your family.
You can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps unless somebody recognizes the value of your work and has the deep pockets to reward that ability with a «living - wage» job that allows for advancement..
That not everyone can pick themselves up by their bootstraps so to speak, and that those in need should get help, as long as they use that help to turn it around.
However, when he's murdered and she's forced to leave the country, Teresa pulls herself up by her bootstraps even more, eventually becoming the leader of her own drug empire.
... is typical of the ambitious former physics teacher who emigrated from Haiti as a boy, used the U.S. education system to drag himself up by the bootstraps from housing project poverty, then applied the same zeal to reforming the system that helped him, say friends and enemies alike in this upstate New York city of 210,000.
The ever inventive Baron does pull himself and his horse out of a swamp by his own hair, but never by a bootstrap.
THE RIOT ACT — Lowell, MA — Dec. 1, 2007 — Geoffrey Young will read from The Riot Act, a new book of poetry and prose published by Bootstrap Press.
But she picks herself up by the bootstraps of her Birkenstocks and chooses to focus on the best.
Lines 30 - 34 on page 7 - 49 of the leaked SOD make clear that the -0.73 W / m ^ 2 estimate (derived by bootstrap - processing the satellite - based estimates) is for AFari + aci - that is for Adjusted foring, including both direct and all indirect effects.
I got picked along with somebody for northern California, they split California in two, and that agreement, that business relationship, was really the foundation for me being able to pull myself up by the bootstraps again.
If it is not possible to resolve the disputes ourselves, then we each agree to resolve those disputes or claims between you and Bootstrap Legal of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those relating to use of the Site or the quality or appropriateness of services offered by the Bootstrap Legal, shall be resolved by binding arbitration before Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services («JAMS»), rather than in a court of general jurisdiction.
They both started small, having pulled themselves up by their bootstraps before landing in the upper echelon of the Fortune 500 list.
So here are some tips on how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you need to, and become the person that you know you have the power to be — here are 20 things that happy people do every single day.
In a perfect world, everyone would be able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps after a loss and make life work again.
You've pulled yourself up by your bootstraps at every opportunity and made a better life for yourself and your family.
Rockwell's Freedom from Want, depicting a white American family gathered around their dinner table as they are served turkey, is accompanied by Rasheed's print that reads: «PURCHASE THE PROPER BOOTS WITH WHICH TO PULL YOURSELF UP BY THE BOOTSTRAPS
After all, this is the very culture that turned the chestnut «pick yourself up by your bootstraps» into a much - celebrated verb.
In other words, like the startups they are trying to support, cities like St. Louis (and Kansas City, Columbus, Pittsburgh, and pretty much every community in the middle) must pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Synopsis: Kane raised himself up by his bootstraps, beginning his entrepreneurial career by taking control of a small - town newspaper and building a media empire.
Central to Hunter's tough love message is the idea that if you pick a creative freelance lifestyle, you have to «Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
The young are just as committed to hard work, delayed gratification, and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps (a suite of characteristics the research team groups under the term «Protestant Work Ethic») as their elders.
«It was not just that they were taking the same job and feeling better about it, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and whistling.
Since then any number of corporations have lifted themselves by their bootstraps out of the same primordial ooze.
Amazon building its second HQ in Pittsburgh means benefiting from the city's dedication to innovation as a means of pulling itself up by its bootstraps.
If people can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, then why do we need all these programs?
Maybe you feel it's because you didn't invent a cutting - edge product like Facebook or a SpaceX rocket, or perhaps you haven't had to «pull yourself up by your bootstraps,» as many in the tech sector have.
The term is derived from the phrase, «Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps
It is certainly enough to make you severely question and doubt on a consistent basis whether or not you are wasting your time with all of this and would life not be better spent trying to better yourself, believe in nothing, and pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carve out your kingdom while you're alive.
I didn't need to pull myself up by my bootstraps.
It is entirely a myth that working hard will allow you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
@ * facepalm * says: «It is entirely a myth that working hard will allow you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
Lent is not about our abilities or sheer will and motivation to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and be perfect image - bearers.
Then, just as they start stuttering and stammering through some half - @ $ $ attempt to pretend they understand their own bss - ackward behavior, ask them why anyone who believes in SELF - RELIANCE and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps would worship anyone or anything... AT ALL.
Pro-Life (tm) has historically only applied to the pre-born; once they're born, the little 47 % Moochers (tm) need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps or simply starve to death.
If its all about self help and lifting one's self up by their bootstraps, then what do I need Jesus or God for?
No sacrifice made by the people in penitence satisfies a holy God, nor can they pull themselves up by the bootstraps to walk the way He would have them walk.
The gospel does not say «Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
I can pull myself up by my bootstraps, look challenge in the eye and choose to evolve through the hurt.
«This is not just a gripping story of one man's heroic attempt to pull an entire neighborhood's worth of children up by their bootstraps.
Americans are proud of their heritage of «picking ourselves up by our bootstraps
You may argue — plenty do these days — that people in these situations should simply pull themselves up by the bootstraps.
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