Sentences with phrase «by one's muscles»

He believes sports and remedial massage is critical to helping clients overcome problems caused by muscle tension, injury, stress, bad posture and over training.
If it's in the muscles, as most of it is, then it is going to be used by those muscles for energy.
Protein combined with carbohydrate stimulates a greater release of insulin, which promotes faster uptake of glucose by the muscle cells and faster glycogen storage.
It would be better to eat the raisins after your workout when the sugar will be quickly absorbed by your muscles and your blood sugar will not rise.
Eating 20 grams of protein 45 minutes before exercise increases amino acid uptake by the muscles to an equal extent as eating protein immediately after exercise.
It's also used by our muscles for movement and by our immune system to fight infections.
These actions are controlled by the muscles in the arms and legs.
The disease is characterized by muscle weakness which begins to appear at a young age and progresses rapidly leading to significant disability.
In the syndrome, the body's immune system attacks part of the nervous system and is characterized by muscle weakness and paralysis, which can be permanent.
The liver becomes resistant first, followed by the muscle tissue and lastly the fats.
Every joint in our body is surrounded by muscles, if we make these muscles a bit stronger, our joints get more support and become less vulnerable.
The full force of a punch powered by these muscles would be off the charts!
It's basically stating that when we move, we do so in a manner that is controlled by muscle groups to perform that motion.
If it's more, you can start thinking about splitting your workouts by muscle groups so you have time to recover for the next time you hit each body part.
Strength is not only force produced by your muscles, it is a very precise skill.
This association has led many researchers to assume that the fatigue resistance of this group of athletes is determined by muscle fiber type.
That would be great for athletes or people that do heavy occasional workouts followed by muscle pain.
By ensuring that you are not using momentum to move the weight, all of the force is being created by your muscles and this stimulates them to grow.
Your body uses insulin to transport blood sugar (glucose) out of the bloodstream to be either utilized by muscle as energy or stored as fat.
It also has an effect on muscle tissue; the amount of oxygen required by muscles during activity is reduced.
The temperature in a mammal's body is mostly generated by muscle action, which is generally the most active body tissue.
But the number of calories burned by muscle mass and fat mass at rest is not the same.
It also enhances the uptake of glucose and some amino acids by our muscles and increases protein synthesis.
Your right arm lifts up toward the sky and your whole body is strong and supported by your muscles.
They will give you a steady supply of fuel throughout the day by slowly breaking down into glucose, which is the energy source required by muscles in order to both work and grow.
Also, to force high concentrations of blood into the damaged area in order to bring the nutrients needed by the muscle for repair and growth.
It was also voted one of the top 10 restored muscle cars by Muscle Car Review.
The higher the energy demand by the muscles, the higher demand for the mitochondria to provide it.
Whether you are a man or a woman, the most effective and sensible way to become physically powerful and lean is by muscle growth.
Instead, movements are produced indirectly by gravity and by these muscles acting on the trunk and lower limbs.
This is because only about 60 percent of protein gets turned into glucose for energy use and used up mostly by your muscles.
Those kinds of sharks like to be in the shallow surf, and actually can find prey by detecting the electrical charge emitted by their muscles.
Put 1/2 tsp oil on it and make the dough smooth by the muscle.
People use their skeletal muscles for movement, and therefore to be active requires oxidative metabolism by these muscles.
Yet also all other cell types in our body continually generate forces, aided by muscle - like structures present in every human cell.
The body still has to digest some of the protein chains but in general, the protein is absorbed more quickly and used more effectively by muscle.
What I didn't know was that most of the pain was caused by muscle knots and all I had to do was to release the tension in these spots.
And there are very few front - wheel - drive cars that have been embraced by muscle - car or sports - car lovers.
These are mostly taken up by muscle cells as fuel and automatically induce insulin resistance in those muscles.
Since there are different types of protein, are there certain types that are better for taking after your workout that will be better absorbed by your muscles?
Also, the sugar fructose can't be used by the muscles for fuel.
Also, while insulin stimulates glucose uptake by our muscles, they have other glucose receptors that do not require insulin to work.
Your spine is comprised of 33 different bones and it is surrounded by muscles and tissue that that go up and down your back from your pelvis up to your skull.
It could also be caused by muscle damage or an inhibition of the stretch reflex, which would reduce performance [5].
The pancreas then releases insulin so that the glucose in the bloodstream can be utilized by muscles and the brain.
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