Sentences with phrase «by one's story»

One can't help but be moved by her story of loneliness.
Get inspired by the stories of five practitioners who turned their ideas into money - making inventions.
Insurance companies are seldom moved by stories of hardship.
I have been fascinated by stories in games ever since I fell more and more into the universe of gaming.
Four friends inspired by the stories in their lives, created these lovely, thoughtful, shy and atmosphere inspired pieces of jewellery.
I was intrigued by the story more than expected and the short cutscenes are kinda funny at times.
This game is heavily driven by its story, and the story moves along at a good clip, with great pacing so things don't feel like they get stale.
Try a bath followed by a story and bottle, keep the lights off and tv low, or do it in his or your room.
Being a blogger who tells stories we were fascinated by the story telling nature of the characters.
Become inspired by stories from the families at the heart of our mission or share your own story in our community.
I can't say I was too blown away by the story elements, yet I was captured by the mysterious and random appearing creatures of the darkness.
In our digital age, society is increasingly shaped by stories told with moving images.
Not for any remarkable reason, mind you, but I wasn't deeply affected by the story or felt any need to take another lap around its track.
Having not read the book going in, I was more than pleasantly surprised by this story of social injustice that takes place during the civil rights movement of the 1960's.
It's a visually beautiful game, but I was really disappointed by the story.
I was moved to tears by this story of human goodness and the courage to do what is right.
We were impressed by the stories we heard about from the firms who were willing to take the plunge and provide their information for the survey.
Those nights were epic — sitting around with new college friends, staying up way too late as we got to know each other story by story.
The real action generated by his story begins after the film ends.
I believed the lies that said I was forever defined by my story.
I assumed the rest of the reading world was like me, that they read across the board, more amazed by stories than by the gender of the writer.
Their concern is prompted by stories of people who lost this exemption after years of renting out their basement.
We are led by the stories shown to us on the television, and how the media chooses to portray them.
There are some additional points made by these stories as well.
The loss of scientific context does something to explain how the significance of scientific research is amplified by stories which cover them.
I'm certainly motivated by stories of brave solo travelers, and they've inspired me to embark on my own one - year trip around the world.
Ever since I read their emails, I've been haunted by their stories.
The third and fifth are most specific to this story, but all of these issues are raised by this story.
Even now with my studies complete, I continue to be intrigued by the story behind social media stats and spend far too much time tracking the stats and thinking about the implications.
And when the action heats up, it's first rate and entirely justified by the story.
People are more likely to remember numbers and ideas when they are framed by a story.
You want them to be so engaged by the story that they don't notice your words.
It sort of contradicts what you say afterward about being challenged by stories, etc....
The congregation's communication among its members is primarily by story.
Within this circle are the local churches we know, each arranging its view of the world by stories whose structure links them to a certain section of the horizon.
You get your kicks and feel elevated by the story all at the same.
But he explains in the commentary that when action is supported by story, you're on solid ground.
I hope that not one person reading this will ever need the practical advice implied by my story.
If people lived their lives in a simple moral way as indicated by the stories of most religious publications we would all live in a better world!
And so we actually included five examples from other games of what we mean by stories.
Players who haven't played Destiny 1 may get confused by story references and loot systems that assume players are aware of the old system.
She is influenced by these places, but also by stories found there — the Dutch photographer's work wouldn't be possible without close collaboration with local people.
Lots of moms have strong, regular contractions for hours (days, weeks by some stories) that don't cause significant change.
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