Sentences with phrase «by other bishops»

The Bishop of Rome was regarded by all other bishops of the Church as «first among equals,» not on account of any alleged jurisdictional supremacy accruing to the See of Peter, but in respect to the antiquity and greatness of the city of Rome, the first capital of the empire...
However, as I write this review in mid May, thismost important document is being neglected by other bishops.
Another major factor is the claim of Orthodoxy to be the Church founded by Christ, led by bishops who were appointed by other bishops who were appointed by others back to the apostles themselves, a concept known as Apostolic Succession.

Not exact matches

The Catholic bishops of the United States have vowed to continue to resist the HHS Mandate, which forces Catholics and others to violate their consciences regarding grave issues of the human person and human life by requiring coverage of abortifacients, sterilization, and contraceptives.
Otis Charles - described by the Times as «the only openly gay Episcopal bishop,» thereby implying that others are in the closet — says, «The new phenomenon is that we're no longer willing to remain silent and invisible.
I'll say, and the Synod of the Church of England just admitted women bishops, the Jews and Muslims in Palestine are at each other's throats again, and a new dinosaur with 4 wings was just dug up in China (no doubt planted by Satan).
It is vitally important to recognise the truth, whenever the topic of sexual abuse is discussed, that there have been many cases of such evil and the cover - up of it by individual Priests, Bishops and others in various Catholic dioceses in the world.
What is needed, however, so as to reassure the Eastern Orthodox is some mechanism whereby a pope who departs from Tradition by teaching error, or what may be construed as error, can be inhibited by a form of ecclesiastical enquiry or trial — as is the case with any other bishop in the Church.
As Ambrose, the fourth - century bishop of Milan, told the recently initiated: «You must not trust, then, wholly to your bodily eyes; that which is not seen is more really seen, for the object of sight is temporal, but that other eternal, which is not apprehended by the eye, but is discerned by the mind and spirit» (Ambrose of Milan, De mysteriis, III, 15).
The pilgrims would gather at a church, known as the collecta, where they would be met by the bishop and other clergy of the city.
The bishop's views have been echoed by many other Catholic theologians since the Second Vatican Council as Luther's teachings, especially his esteem for the Word of God, has come to be appreciated in a way that would have been unthinkable a century ago.
This Catholic structure defended itself proudly against doctrinal and moral compromise; it was, above all, obedient to the authority which was exercised for generations without any serious challenge by its bishops and clergy and other religious teachers.
Other statements, notably various declarations issued from 1969 to 1989 by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the U.S. and a 1984 statement by the Chinese Catholic bishops, appeal instead to the nature of the human person and the idea that life begins at concBishops in the U.S. and a 1984 statement by the Chinese Catholic bishops, appeal instead to the nature of the human person and the idea that life begins at concbishops, appeal instead to the nature of the human person and the idea that life begins at conception.
He will join 25 other Bishops in the Church of England as the newest member of the «Lords Spiritual» who vote on bills passed by MPs in the House of Commons.
In the United States, health care providers and others involved in the health care system (including employers and insurers) are threatened by the dictatorship of relativism in the guise of the Obama administration's Department of Health and Human Services, as the bishops of the United States have warned.
We noted that no other major institution in American society» notably the public school system, social workers, Boy Scouts, athletic associations» has been subjected to similar scrutiny, and that some experts believe that the incidence of sex abuse by priests and bishops is relatively small by comparison.
By AD 353 the Christian community in Edessa was divided by the rift between the bishop and his adherents on the one hand and the school of Edessa and the majority of the Christians on the otheBy AD 353 the Christian community in Edessa was divided by the rift between the bishop and his adherents on the one hand and the school of Edessa and the majority of the Christians on the otheby the rift between the bishop and his adherents on the one hand and the school of Edessa and the majority of the Christians on the other.
Gogglebox's Kate Bottley joined in alongside other reverends, canons and bishops from all over the country including areas where kids had been helped by the charity.
«As bishops and defenders of the human rights and religious freedom of all, weare alarmed by the deteriorating situation of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq... Christians in particular are caught in the middle of civil strife between Sunnis and Shiites... We are deeply impressed by the courage of many Christians who remain in the land of their birth.»
Not even this mode of attack is new; it was the approach taken by López Trujillo before Puebla, both through his network of communication with other bishops and in his Liberación o Revoluciön?
(The notion that the concerns of the «people» automatically set them against the «hierarchy,» as Cardinal Ratzinger and others charge, can be quickly disposed of by pointing out that the book is dedicated to two bishops, characterized by Gutiérrez as amigos definitivos, «friends forever.»)
As the U.S. Catholic bishops acknowledge, churches must judge themselves by moral standards that are at least as rigorous as those to which they would hold other corporations accountable.
On the other hand, virginity was highly exalted in the view of many early Christians, and even heterosexual intercourse was looked upon as at least venially sinful by many bishops and theologians (for example Augustine and Gregory the Great).
The answer, of course, was that a succession of nuncios had «gone native», and had advised the Holy Father to appoint the men suggested to him by our own existing bishops, and especially by Cardinal Hume and then Cardinal Murphy O'Connor: in other words, nuncios had been agents for the continuing project of the English bishops endlessly to perpetuate themselves and their de-Romanising, even secularising, vision for the English Church.
Other groups, including the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Christian Coalition, and the American Jewish Committee, did not distinguish themselves by rushing to join the NCC - led panic.
The remarkable bishop of Mainz, Wilhelm Emmanuel Baron von Ketteler (1811 — 1877), strongly encouraged the formation of workers» and other forms of associations to replace the institutions swept away by the liberal reformers.
It is apparently the role of bishops, popes, imams, gurus, and other officials to monitor the flow of information in a religious system by carefully patrolling its borders.
But in the dramatic opening sessions of the council in the fall of 1962, the assembled bishops and other leaders of the Catholic Church, headed by those from Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, refused to follow the agenda set by the traditionalist Curia, repudiated their reactionary schemata, and unexpectedly showed themselves to be, in the majority, progressives open to John XXIII's agenda of sweeping pastoral renewal.
The tragic isolation of the Copts began in 451, when a majority of Egyptian bishops, led by Patriarch Dioscoros of Alexandria, refused to accept the teaching of the Council of Chalcedon, which decreed that in the person of Christ there are two natures, one human and the other divine.
In the absence of proof that the God so confidently invoked by the orthodox bishop really exists in the world, perhaps Merrick in his last moments is yet attempting, in his confused way, to «Follow the way by which [others] began,» as Pascal wrote, accepting the sacraments, discipline and consolations of the church and now imitating Christ's death as if he believed in their efficacy.
In others in which summons by an ecclesiastical body is as important as an inner call the latter must be supplemented or tested by a period spent under the supervision of a bishop, a conference, a presbytery, or some other official body.
Yet, having encountered Christ and the Church through FAITH or some other of piece of Providence, they often express a desire to «do something for the Church» or even to «work full - time for the Church,» and they look towards the pro-life movement which now has salaried positions to offer, or think about one of the internships offered in Parliament or elsewhere through the scheme initiated by the Bishops» Conference.
But in fact, as a result of Bishop Finn's resignation, and other actions taken by the Pope's Commission, led by Cardinal Seán O'Malley of Boston, the Commission has a renewed sense of hope, as it works closely with Francis to advance bishop accountability, with Bishop Finn's resignation representing a major step forward.
Other Catholic groups, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, are not satisfied by the revised rule.
«Just as Catholics for a Free Choice and other such groups suggest to the general public that not all Catholics agree with positions adopted by their bishops on birth control, abortion and in - vitro fertilization, so will the Religious Right serve to suggest that not all Catholics accept the positions of church leaders in social justice matters,» writes Richard J. Dowling, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference.
Despite the efforts of individual bishops, the church may also be criticized for turning a deaf ear to the expressions of pain and frustration voiced by faithful women, many of whom have no desire to be ordained, who are working as diocesan social action directors, parish - based directors of religious education, parish administrators, and in a host of other critical capacities.
Research by Premier earlier this year revealed that Bishop Sarah tweets more often than any other bishop with an average 165 tweets sent every month.
If the bishops and other negative absolutists would speak of tradition, let them speak of it in its full ambiguity and subtlety, instead of acting as though the tradition were a simplistic, Platonic negative floating through time untouched by contradiction, nuance or complexity.
Kings and other political grandees provided for their illegitimate sons by having them appointed bishops, and bishops obtained offices, either clerical or secular, for their illegitimate male progeny.
The Pope and all Cardinals, Arch Bishops, Bishops, and others involved should be charged with conspiracy by all countries where such abuse has taken place.
Marking the document by a bishop who had to remember the real purpose of certain statements might expose its true meaning so others would see the truth.
He needs to start by cleaning out EVERY priest, bishop cardinal and any other funtionary of the church that was in any way involved in the abuse of others or the covering up of those abuses.
Among them were pantheism and the positions that human reason is the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood and good and evil; that Christian faith contradicts reason; that Christ is a myth; that philosophy must be treated without reference to supernatural revelation; that every man is free to embrace the religion which, guided by the light of reason, he believes to be true; that Protestantism is another form of the Christian religion in which it is possible to be as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church; that the civil power can determine the limits within which the Catholic Church may exercise authority; that Roman Pontiffs and Ecumenical Councils have erred in defining matters of faith and morals; that the Church does not have direct or indirect temporal power or the right to invoke force; that in a conflict between Church and State the civil law should prevail; that the civil power has the right to appoint and depose bishops; that the entire direction of public schools in which the youth of Christian states are educated must be by the civil power; that the Church should be separated from the State and the State from the Church; that moral laws do not need divine sanction; that it is permissible to rebel against legitimate princes; that a civil contract may among Christians constitute true marriage; that the Catholic religion should no longer be the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other forms of worship; and «that the Roman Pontiff can and should reconcile himself to and agree with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.»
As the Catholic bishops say, local church groups can help by working «creatively and in partnership with other private and public groups in responding to local and regional problems.»
At the end of the book he is looking for other institutions that might fill the moral vacuum left by the abdication of the bishops.
some of the bishops supported by a section of the Nestorian community wished to elect a candidate other than his own nephew Shim» un Denha.
That they were guided by conscience and not mere politics was shown a year later when five of the seven, along with one other bishop, surrendered place and power rather than take the oath to William and Mary.
... when the danger is common to all, that is, to bishops, clergy and laymen, let those who are in need of others not be abandoned by those of whom they are in need.
In this very early church order the bishop is chosen by the people and ordained by bishops invited from other communities.
MARIE BISHOP: With my first he actually dealt with it really well considering that he was six weeks preemie I was kind of shocked by that whereas my full term baby she has a lot of clicking and coughing and every once in a while a little bit of choking and we mainly deal with it, just we do a lot of side lane nursing which is besides that I get to lay down but it is what it is I feel like I can't really control it's when the letdown comes and the other side I have to push my hand really hard on the other side or I'll end up soaking myself because both sides are really strong
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