Sentences with phrase «by other evil»

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«By shifting to a more collaborative work environment, the knowledge industry has opened a veritable Pandora's box, full of countless interruptions, distractions and other evils,» wrote Jonathan B. Spira, an analyst with Basex, a New York — based research firm.
As others were getting sick, the traditional village healers, sometimes called the «secret societies» by outsiders, would attempt to dispel the evil spirits that seemed to cause these hellish symptoms, keeping both the illness and the ultimate deaths shrouded from the rest of the world.
«Zenefits is viewed by other brokers as a profoundly evil company because we've stolen a lot of business from folks.
The spectacle of modern investment markets has sometimes moved me towards the conclusion that to make the purchase of an investment permanent and indissoluble, like marriage, except by reason of death or other grave cause, might be a useful remedy for our contemporary evils.
Deuteronomy 17:2 - 5 Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden.
The church is not authorized to represent the reign of God, his justice and peace, in any other way than that in which Jesus represented it, namely by being partners with him in challenging the powers of evil and bearing in its own life the cost of the challenge.
As the beings given speech or complex language by nature, we've been given excellences, responsibilities, perversities, and the potential for both good and evil not given to the other animals.
Also, these later other evils in classical Christian cosmology are not caused by the God v. Satan battle simply in that they occur after Satan's initial rebellion, but are caused by a battle Christians have typically seen as ongoing and continuous.
Some evils may be derivative from earlier evils (e.g. evil choices by people) rather than necessarily always directly imputed from without by Satan, but for classical Christian cosmology, especially in the Roman Catholic system of inherited guilt, the one (Satan's rebellion and successful tempting of Adam and Eve) causes the other (the Fall and subsequent evils).
@fimeilleur actually i can back up the claims i make both personally and historically, one example Abraham, Machpelah (actual location of his tomb and remains along with 5 others in Israel right where they are supposed to be) Kedorlaomer king of Elam, (defeated by Abraham and recently discovered) it is said Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.More than that Abraham saw God and spoke with Him, not the god you are on about that men use to justify their evil intent, but the God who has created all things, the God that no one especially you can not contain.Ignorance is your choice but that will not negate the existence of God in any way.No one that i am aware of has all the answers at this point regarding spiritual things, evolution or evilution there are areas God has not yet revealed to mankind but every day more is discovered.I find it amazing that God is big enough to share discovery even with those who would reject Him.
So my question to you even before it gets to that point is the same as I have given to others, first why do you hate God so much and second what are you afraid of by switching your faith and it is by faith that you believe there is no God to a belief that God does exist he sent his Son Jesus to the world to redeem you from your evil and hateful ways?
In the name of a higher morality, their argument went, birth control could be defended as the lesser of two evils (a position argued by the dissenter Charles Curran, among others).
He said «You have heard it said by them of old time... (referring to the old testament), but I say unto you...» Such as «resist no evil,» «turn the other cheek.»
But, as John Paul, Havel, and others said at the beginning of the revolution and say now, it was above all a matter of people discerning the possibility and moral imperative of «living in truth» and «calling good and evil by name.»
Right... so they didn't overtly «ask» you, however if you and the other members are living by «correct principles» then not a big leap to decide for yourself about the evils of gay marriage and contribute money yourself... which, in fact... many of you did, yes...?
Allowing terror and injustice to flourish unchecked is not something the Bible teaches and this lost Scribe is educated enough to know better, but is apparently too intoxicated by his spiritual pride to discern the difference between what Jesus tought about forgiveness, on one hand, and what he demonstrated and taught about actively confronting and battling evil, on the other.
This means that God is working through you and through other good people, who are outraged by the actions of these evil priests.
The Mormon faith bears scrutiny for several reasons — first, they alienate others by declaring them immoral, or evil, or just dismiss them.
-LSB-...] In Tanzania to this day, as with other parts of Africa, epilepsy is associated with possession by evil spirits, witchcraft, or poisoning and is believed by many to be contagious.
It's silly) And since the belief and the book can be used to justify evil actions, then it's really about how YOU interpret the belief, because others can interpret it in a completely different way and act «immoral» by their exegesis.
The most important has to do with the structure of the play, which turns the story of the Passion into a melodramatic clash between on the one hand the good Christ and his followers (including by implication the entire Christian Church), and on the other the evil Sanhedrin and its followers.
It is vitally important to recognise the truth, whenever the topic of sexual abuse is discussed, that there have been many cases of such evil and the cover - up of it by individual Priests, Bishops and others in various Catholic dioceses in the world.
I consider that men DID create and write the bible, but both Christ and satan are metaphors... christ is the metaphor for the potential good in a person, satan the metaphor for the potential of bad or evil... given that this is MY definition, and makes much more sense that most other beleifs, then the bible WAS written by satan, or rather it was inspired by the bad / evil side of the minds of the writers.
On foreign policy, Washington declared our independence from friends and foes alike, warning against the «evils» produced by «permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others
Traditional Buddhist stories abound of meditators being taken over by evil spirits, and contemporary psychological studies of mindfulness practice going back to the 1970s include patients who experienced hallucinations, psychotic episodes, depression and other mental trauma, as well as nerve pain and similar physical impacts.
But the other side of this is that God is also involved, profoundly, palpably, personally involved, in suffering, in the suffering caused by evil.
gen3: 22 It does raise the issue why were they so foolish because the only tree they were told not to eat by God was the tree of knowledge of good and evil and they knew that if they did they would die.God said all the other trees were fine for them to eat that included the tree of life and had they eaten of it they would have become immortal.brentnz
As long as there are bigoted, intolerant, evil people who think it's their mission to invade other people's lives, just because of some perceived «sin» by their superstition, we will never have peace.
There are but two methods of providing against this evil: the one by creating a will in the community independent of the majority, that is, of the society itself; the other, by comprehending in the society so many separate descriptions of citizens as will render an unjust combination of a majority of the whole very improbable, if not impracticable.»
By locating the discussion of evil in the context of the entire cosmic complex, one may overlook the particular powerful role that human beings increasingly play in bringing evil to their own species and to other species as well.
But in pure logic it is not true that there is sheer contradiction between the joint admission of divine perfection of goodness and divine perfection of power, on the one hand, and the fact of real evil on the other, for the simple reason that the greatest possible power (which by definition is «perfect» power) may not be the same as «all the power that exists united into one individual power.»
The temptation that led to this sin as well as to the other evil in the created order is to be explained by the previous rebellion of angels.
!!!! The more freedom we give those Muslims by letting them wearing their scary Islamic clothes, opening mosques (paying no tax), shoveling their evil religion in our throats, wanting Sharia Laws, etc. — the more problems will be caused!!!!!!!! Most Muslims are extremists, and even «moderate» Muslims still support them, so we should NOT tolerate them and we should BAN Islam unless they allow other religious minority in their countries to live in peace!!!!!
The evil I want to inflict on the other (who is bad, either because of his personal qualities or because he belongs to a certain race, class, or nation or holds certain opinions)-- is the evil I inflict justified by the evil he has done?
(Women, by contrast, being more relational and better able to deal with ambiguity, are thus more apt to deal with evil in themselves and work out the evil in their relations with others.)
In between the self - righteous avoidance of the evil of others and the acceptance and willing of evil lies the difficult path of taking evil upon oneself without being corrupted by it and transforming it into love.
Although I am very far from subscribing to the doctrine of the total depravity of man, it does seem to me to have been proved within my own lifetime that the problem of human evil is not much affected by better education, better housing, higher wages, holidays with pay, and the National Health Service — desirable as all these things may be for other good reasons.
Therefore, natural disasters (such as the recent tornado outbreak, the Asian tsunami of 2004, the Japanese earthquake, sickness, cancer, accidents) as well as evil perpetuated by others (the Sandy Hook shootings, the Boston bombings, the Holocaust, 9 - 11) are merely expressions of this god's unending, unquenchable, and unpredictable wrath upon humankind.
It seems to have been proved within out time that the problem of human evil is not much affected by better education, better housing, higher wages, and holidays with pay — desirable as all these things may be for other good reasons.
The therapist engages in exorcism, while the pastor offers experiences of the Holy Spirit to fill the void left by each departing spirit, lest «seven other spirits more evil... enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man become worse than the first» (Luke 11:26).
[It] has historically been used by their leaders to justify a long succession of evil systems — including fascism, communism, anarchism, nazism, occultism, and many others.
To pay attention to him either indirectly, by attending to his image which we all bear, or directly, by attending to him as portrayed in the Scriptures and by praying, has the effect of relieving some of the burden of evil we carry and enabling our love for others to increase.
Confession, by inviting a person to acknowledge evil and fault in himself, allows him to see and address the distress of others.
And so it follows that the opus humanum laboriously and gradually achieved within us by the growth of knowledge and in the face of evil, is something quite other than an act of higher morality: it is a living organism.
Then there is the school of Christianity characterized by Quakers, Congregationalists, and others, who understood that slavery was a terrible evil and didn't pretend to justify it with their religion.
Just because evil is always relative does not mean we as humans can not see ourselves in others and share that with them, letting them know we can relate, that we feel the relative evil as well and attempt to support those in harms way by saying «I am you too, i'm on your side.»
Religion however has tried to supersede our humanity and tell us it's okay to kill those other humans because they aren't like you, they don't worship the same God as you, they don't have the same hope for an afterlife, they aren't special and «chosen» by God like you... that is the true face of evil on the planet, the one that tries to make you forget your humanity with bribes and extortion.
When they abandon their «so called» belief that the the Mormons are evil (a ridiculous belief) just to get noticed by CNN and any other fool who wants to listen, they cheapen themselves and their money making message.
Prepare your selves for the worse coming now others will try to copycat him... shame really that human is over taken by the evil forces whether he is Religious or non religious... killing is evil.evil.evil..
There was, in other words, an incremental and by no means predetermined movement to the ultimate evil.
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