Sentences with phrase «by our belief in»

This supports our view that by year end credit spreads will be wider than current levels which was predicated by our belief in higher inflation, yields and volatility in 2018.»
Much like a roller coaster ride, our pleasure is heightened by anticipation of what's just around the curve and buttressed by our belief in the sturdy design of the roller coaster itself.
I want you to know, I appreciate your opinion in many respects, but this portion confuses me: «they were saved by the belief in what was to come.»
Dr King, motivated by his belief in the equality of all people before God, organised three protest marches from Selma to walk the 54 miles to the state capital, Montgomery.
No it's doesn't pertain to people of God who walked the earth before Christ, they were saved by the belief in what was to come.
There is God's wrath abiding on the person as he / she lay there dying, unless it has been taken away by belief in His Son Jesus Christ.
Nearly all Christians believe that one gets eternal life by belief in God, Jesus and Baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
Indeed, if the prudential judgment in favor of democracy becomes an ideological democratism, animated by a belief in the infallibility of the popular will, the possibilities of abuse multiply accordingly.
Hence there arises the question whether the religious ethic of love is possible without the belief in an ethical God and World Sovereign, or knowledge of this God, which can be replaced by a belief in Him.
We must replace the love of God by the love of man as the only true religion... the belief in God by the belief in man... My wish is to transform friends of God into friends of man, believers into thinkers... candidates for the hereafter into students of this world, Christians, who, by their own profession are half - animal, half - angel, into men, into whole men.13
''... logic isn't your strong suit, as evidenced by your belief in imaginary beings.»
But, of course, that's not surprising since logic isn't your strong suit, as evidenced by your belief in imaginary beings.
Finally, imagine that you noticed many abuses caused by the belief in witches, such as people giving 10 % of their crops to highly suspect priests to ward off witches, belief in witches and elves being used to deny the pollution you noticed building up in your village and laws being passed controlling how a woman must act while pregnant based on witchcraft.
Creationism is bad: Mr. Nye is confused by his belief in science.
They deem the talk of God's judgment irreverent, but think nothing of entrusting judgment into human hands... And so violence thrives, secretly nourished by belief in a God who refuses to wield the sword.
With all the evidence, religious people ought to be intelligent design (I mean god - guided evolution by this) supporters at worst, though I would hope that after some serious thoughts on the moral paradoxes induced by belief in the «divine» people would come to their senses.
All Nye is saying is, the future successful development of America and the world depends on people who understand the distinction, and who can relate to and interact with the natural world scientifically and objectively, without being constrained by belief in the creation story or any other explanation of the world not supported by facts and evidence.
No, Bill, it is almost certainly untrue that the first followers of Jesus were defined by a belief in his resurrection, because there doesn't seem to have been any mention of resurrection in the early oral tradition.
Belief in christianity definitely worked against humanity, nad led to many, many more deaths, incalculable lives lost, due to silly superst!tions fed by belief in myths.
Considering the chaos, destruction, death wars, faster spread of disease, murders, slavery, attempted genocide... all justified by belief in the bible... 40,000 different versions of christianity, with each person interpretting it differently... clearly chaos (a tool of the devil) then you see all of the things that are flat out wrong... it becomes clear
But belief in objective truth and belief in objective right are part of what we mean by belief in God.
Whether that understanding has been informed by a belief in deity or not, has no relevance.
That is mythological aetiology, and it may be quite conscious and deliberate or it may be accompanied by belief in the occurrence of the earlier event.
You separate yourself from Christ by your belief in the fraudulent gospel of Joseph Smith.
«Christianity has such a contemptible opinion of human nature that it does not believe a man can tell the truth unless frightened by a belief in God.
No sensible atheist would suggest that child abuse is caused by a belief in God.
In the story the people participate in the illusion, fearful of losing the security represented by belief in the rulers» wisdom.
They are distinguished from other evangelicals by their belief in the continuation of the spiritual gifts, including healing, tongues, miracles, prophecy, and word of knowledge.
When we do this the Body of Christ will start moving effectively throughout the world, no longer bound by our own beliefs but unified by our belief in Jesus Christ.»
Our analysis suggests that one of the emerging coalitions will be united by belief in God, an understanding that such belief has implications for public life, and a preference for religious language in political discourse.
Only he who apprehends with the first Christians the horror of death, who takes death seriously as death, can comprehend the Easter exultation of the primitive Christian community and understand that the whole thinking of the New Testament is governed by belief in the Resurrection.
A blog devoted to people voicing opinions about events caused by belief in books of fiction.
This only reinforces by belief in the Word of God my Yeshua Jesus Christ the one and only true savior of the world.
What is added by the belief in God?
Christians who believe with Cullmann that «the whole thinking of the New Testament is governed by belief in the Resurrection» will no doubt join him in denouncing all attempts, ancient or contemporary, to make of death a natural phenomenon (Cullmann, p. 19).
I am sure that all Atheists enjoy the interplay here but we are all flabbergasted by your belief in this children's fairytale.
Their actions, while they were certainly motivated by their belief in Jesus were missing one important piece.
In fact the point has been made more than once that the great age of science was prepared by a belief in a god who was himself a scientist and technician, and who would therefore approve of a civilization committed to such an enterprise.
===== @GOPer «Misrepresenting the United States as a Christian nation» @Chad «USA has a Christian majority and was founded by men that were guided by their belief in the God of Abraham.
Cicis invented the Unlimited Pizza Buffet concept, driven by a belief in making life more flavorful by empowering guests to find the flavors they love.
As Loudon explains, «Medical care in the United States was dominated by the belief in the virtues of competitive free enterprise combined with an intense distrust of government interference.»
A claim to a right is a result of a process initiated by an assumption of a right, followed by a belief in a right.
We believe in the spiritual values which have informed British institutions, her culture and her nation's sense of identity for centuries, underpinned by the belief in a strong nation state.
Everything this coalition does is guided by our belief in the need to improve social mobility after it stagnated under the Labour party.
Our worship and life together is guided by our belief in the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ along with the core values of our congregation.
Today, Chaco is emerging from the water to offer a year - round program of shoes and sandals that follow the «healthy feet, healthy body» mantra, inspired by a belief in the powerful connection between outdoor adventure, travel, and community.
Sometimes walking through the hard times in marriage is a fairly simple stroll, side - by - side, spurred on by belief in the commitment we've made to one another.
Our worship and life together is guided by our belief in the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ along with the core values of our congregation.
Michaela is a former teacher, numeracy coach and Teach for Australia Associate, who is driven by her belief in the importance of growth mindsets and the capacity of all students to access thought - provoking, creative mathematics.
Fueled by a belief in the power of social networks and social capital, these educational networks reflect the idea that when schools work together with one another or with other agencies, they can share their expertise and support one another's development, improvement and success more effectively than they can working on their own.
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