Sentences with phrase «by outside counsel who»

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For contemporary Protestants such as Stanley Hauerwas who justify Protestantism by the perceived need to reform the Church from the outside, the «conciliar option» offers an alternative: reform from within, such as the early Luther counseled.
«There are a number of things in this policy that I'm very proud of that I'd like to see in every sexual harassment policy, including the private sector,» said Rossein, who has since been retained by the Assembly as an outside counsel to investigate complaints against members, in an interview with Gotham Gazette.
These proposals include tough new anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, a test of public financing of elections at the state level using the 2014 Comptroller's race, the establishment of an independent enforcement counsel at the Board of Elections, increased transparency of political contributors to independent expenditure committees and disclosure of the outside clients or customers of State Legislators who had been referred by registered lobbyists.
The deal was brokered by Don McGowan, General Counsel at The Pokémon Company International, who led the negotiations with outside counsel Dan Black of Greenberg TCounsel at The Pokémon Company International, who led the negotiations with outside counsel Dan Black of Greenberg Tcounsel Dan Black of Greenberg Traurig.
Placide had sought to bolster her contract argument by introducing evidence that she had called the state bar's advisory counsel, who said her contract with the law firm determined whether she was permitted to represent outside clients.
By staying one step ahead of your clients in evaluating your efficiency, your firm can thrive as clients with more and more ability to evaluate outside counsel can see for themselves how well you stand up against firms who have failed to take charge of their own efficiency.
0738 (JSM), 2001 WL 1154666, at * 2 (S.D.N.Y. 1 October 2001)(finding certain communications between the investigator, who conducted the internal investigation, and in - house and outside counsel are protected by attorney — client privilege because the investigator received legal advice from counsel under circumstances in which the employee under investigation was an executive and litigation was expected if the employee were terminated).
Though outside counsel generally do not have a regular seat at the management table and, thus, are not intimately acquainted with the day - to - day operations of their clients, outside counsel who can add value with their strategic vision are appreciated by their clients.
Once the investigating attorney has identified the subject matter of the investigation (the who, what, when and where), the scope and the purpose of the investigation and a concrete plan for carrying it out should ordinarily be memorialised by outside counsel in a written work plan.
Only 68 per cent of in - house counsel who were asked felt their feedback was heard and acted upon by their outside legal counsel.
The article reports on a recent research paper released by Curt Levey, who argues that actions by corporate law departments to pressure outside counsel to hire minorities may violate anti-discrimination laws.
The first story is about one GC who was recently called by one of her regular outside counsel for a «let's get together» lunch.
There is a greater likelihood of maintaining privilege protections in interviews conducted by outside counsel because they are more likely to be viewed by courts as conducting an investigation for the primary purpose of providing legal advice, as opposed to in - house counsel who often operate in a business capacity in their daily functions.
The trend documented in this article is further confirmed by the results of the most recent Chief - Legal - Officer survey conducted by A&W, who believe (for the last 5 years) that their outside counsel firms do not have the desire or will to significantly change their methods and practices.
GCnow is the first organization that is dedicated to helping «outsourced» in - house counsel succeed by providing mutual support, exchanging best practices and educating clients about the many benefits offered by outside GCs, AGCs and other attorneys who fulfill an in - house legal role in an innovative way.
We wouldn't be so hot and bothered by this had Corporate America not launched a brazen, hypocritical campaign attacking underfunded and under - resourced state Attorneys General who also hire outside counsel.
The White House referred a request for comment to Trump's outside counsel, who did not return a phone call by press time.
In my view, a secondary reason why so much material fails the acid test of experience is that organizations such as the International Society for Mental Health Online are so widely viewed as thriving hotbeds of activity by those outside the field — i.e., by those who are not able to draw on their own direct experience of online therapy or online counselling in order to evaluate such organizations.
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