Sentences with phrase «by physical law»

However, in the end, even those who believe the world is governed by physical laws find it difficult to believe that love is merely an illusion.
Of course, no scientists really believe that all they think, and say, and do is completely determined by the physical laws governing matter in motion.
This bold new catalogue collects the work of a generation of international artists who were fascinated by the physical laws of light and optics, visual phenomena and the principles of perception.
This was probably the most complex machine of the time, operating by physical laws, but fulfilling a purpose.
Why is it that in a world defined by physical laws, you can't also have emotion, reasoning, and consciousness?
The limit of flexibility is the ability to arrange atoms in all the patterns permitted by physical law.
However, since biological organisms require more special environments than do physico - chemical organisms, there is no reason for thinking that biological generalizations will come to represent dominant orders of environments as wide as those represented by physical laws.
Einstein insisted that the handedness of the glove must be determined in advance by some physical law.
This is tied to determinism; the idea that every effect is connected by physical laws to a cause.
Nanotechnology (or molecular nanotechnology to refer more specifically to the goals discussed here) will let us continue the historical trends in manufacturing right up to the fundamental limits imposed by physical law.
that a person who expects the physical world to behave in the manner predicted by physical laws is an «alarmist.»
But the behavior of these reservoirs is not solely determined by physical laws of the water cycle, but also by demands and what these reservoirs are being used for,» says Caltech graduate student Armeen Taeb, lead author of a paper about the model that will be published online on November 22 in the journal Water Resources Research.
This is such a problem, he says, because of two basic assumptions: physicalism, «the claim that the world is fundamentally a physical world governed by physical law,» and mental realism, «the view that mentality is a real feature of our world,» which «requires that mentality have genuine causal powers, powers to affect other events and processes of this world, whether these are mental or physical» (SM xv).
The universe is not a dark, inert set of atoms governed by physical laws that are mere projections of human effort but show that science itself indicates that the universe, indeed all things, are governed by a Unity - Law of Control and Direction, an intrinsic relationality, that God is «the sunshine of the soul» and His Son, Jesus, is our Saviour and Redeemer.
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