Sentences with phrase «by plants»

It is naturally present in air and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis, a chemical reaction that turns sunlight into food.
The technology has been used by plant breeders since the 1980s.
But we probably shouldn't expect to combat global warming in the long term by planting trees in other latitudes.
Scientists explain that CO2 is absorbed by the plants in the summer and spring when they transform solar energy into food.
These oils are basically made by these plants as their natural antibiotics.
Dining is available indoors or in the little walled in courtyard surrounded by plants.
Figure 2: Data show that CO2 removed from the atmosphere by plant growth does not compensate for fossil fuel emissions.
Inspired by a plant in his office, a researcher created a mathematical model to explain why foliage holes could be a smart strategy.
In other words, a quarter of everything produced by all plants on land is eaten or otherwise consumed by us.
Who'd have thought superheroes could be powered by plants alone.
In this title, create your ideal farm by planting seeds and caring for animals.
It remains unclear how the power generated by the plant would be replaced and how the state will deal with the impact on taxes in the area.
But some of the energy on your plate could soon come from sunlight captured by plants millions of years ago, thanks to plans to make animal feed from fossil fuels.
Or was it photosynthesis by plants over geological time?
Remember when you were in kindergarten and your teacher gave you a biology lesson on plants by planting carrots to watch them grow?
The majority of biomass created by a plant is typically derived from the atmosphere.
I pray we would rest in this security, and unleash the power of the Gospel through inviting church plants and by planting new churches.
It was soon followed by the Plant Bath, which was built on the western side of town.
The amount of moisture required by the plant and the amount available both vary with wind speed.
When we release energy by burning coal, we release sunlight energy stored by the plants millions of years ago.
You start by planting as much corn as you can.
An analysis of the leaf wax provided a record of the water taken up by the plants when they lived.
It is thought to be affected by plant pigments that can change the color.
And, you'll see that our list of excellent iron sources is largely dominated by plant foods.
Your body absorbs the zinc contained in animal foods better than the zinc provided by plant foods.
The reason for such a low level of carbon dioxide is that CO2 is quickly taken up by plants through photosynthesis and converted into carbohydrates.
We also give back to the environment by planting a tree for every item we make and are passionate about supporting local industry by being ethically produced and 100 % Australian Made.
ALL of the food you've ever eaten originated with sunlight captured by plants just a few months or years before you ate it.
This is done by planting trees, creating wetlands, decreasing emissions at other locations or companies through efficiency measures, or investing in low / no - emission energy technology in developing countries.
This would be achieved by harvesting existing perennial plants at intervals of several years and replacing them with much more productive varieties developed by plant breeders.
I swear by this plant fertilizer in my containers to give them a little boost.
The class of compounds studied includes those used by some plant pathogens to coordinate their attacks.
A light sensor gathers information on the amount of light received by the plant.
Cats are often fascinated by plants in the home.
At the practical level this idea can best be achieved by planting some trees where WE live.
Use your bug net to catch the rare creatures attracted by your plants.
I swear by this plant fertilizer in my containers to give them a little boost.
The popular farm game is all about supplying the farm by planting field crops, planting fruit trees, keeping different farm animals and dealing with products.
The city's application estimated about 2.7 million gallons will be consumed daily by plant operations and evaporation.
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