Sentences with phrase «by pointing you to»

In one of these instances he attempts to drive his point home by pointing to declining advertising revenue.
Ford's CEO explained the move by pointing to decreasing demand for small cars, which the Mexico plant would have built.
Amazon goes on to justify the hefty sum by pointing to Bezos» relatively low CEO salary of $ 81,840 and the fact that he's never received any stock - based compensation.
Leaving aside the counterargument that CEOs and managers aren't immune to either of those vices, a fan of Atlas's we're - all - in - this - together culture — and there are many in the Severn plant — might respond by pointing to the hard realities of the cardboard box business.
Some magazines try to sound humble by pointing to their humble beginnings, but there really is no other way to describe the birth of Canadian Business.
Mylan has defended its EpiPen pricing by pointing to patient assistance programs and coupons that reduce the device's cost.
The CEO talked about the Internet riches harnessing that technology could bring Tribune by pointing to the example of Buzzfeed, though that comparison misses many of the almost innumerable differences between a legacy newspaper company — even if one with the time and money to really «transform» itself — and a venture - juiced, digital - only, social news success, which is itself experiencing a bit of a stumble.
Match Group responded by pointing to the continued growth of Tinder.
Is the FOMC revisiting the bad old days of the 1970s, when it tried to explain away inflation that was too high by pointing to a seemingly endless stream of one - off factors?
Tesla responded to CNBC's request for comment by pointing to a company blog post, published Sunday, on safety at the Tesla factory.
In 1995, he created Point Communications, which in five months grew to a top 20 site on the Web by pointing to interesting sites that it deemed worth of its «Top Five Percent of the Web» awards.
To do this they engage in political lobbying, mainly by pointing to the social importance of encouraging new construction to provide for the economy's growing residential and commercial occupancy needs.
By pointing to the saving habits of our SMART savers and by recognizing that women and men think differently we are moving in the right direction.
That means you can't discredit the entire Russia investigation by pointing to the Page warrant.
What is even more puzzling is that while the President of the Treasury Board claims control over spending by pointing to the decline in the Estimates of $ 10.4 billion, or 4 per cent, the June 2011 Budget shows an increase of $ 9.7 billion, or 3.6 per cent, in expenses between 2010 - 11 and 2011 - 12.
But Democrats defended the Independent Treasury system by pointing to the safety of government finances achieved by virtue of their having been divorced from the banking system.
The tech giant is trying to profit from its battery replacement initiative by pointing to smallest flaws in the iPhone and making owners pay more than what a battery replacement would have cost.
While EPS decreases should give every investor some pause, the company explains itself by pointing to significant catastrophe losses (hurricanes etc).
But MacIntyre's observation also shows why, for non-emotivists, such surveys must always issue in a complete non sequitur: one does not abrogate the Ten Commandments by pointing to the number of murders in Detroit, or the divorce rate in Reno, or the decline in church attendance in Peoria.
The fact that the testimonies of those damaged by ex-gay teaching outnumber, seemingly 10 to 1, those changed by it point to this.
After I had pushed back some, in part by noting wm's love of some rock music, in part by pointing to the old Puritan case against Shakespearean drama, he replied:
It is self - serving to criticize someone's message by pointing to the salary he brings in.
You can not defend the actions of one group by pointing to the actions of another group.
You can't defend someone's actions by pointing to the actions of another person.
In Robert Bolt's play A Man for All Seasons, Thomas More, lord chancellor of England under Henry VIII, attempts to reassure his wife and daughter (who are rightly concerned for his safety) by pointing to himself with the words, «This is not the stuff of which martyrs are made.»
He backed up his points by pointing us to bible passages, which was comforting.
One can not answer the question of what constitutes the just society by pointing to socialism as such, while among capitalist societies there are varying approximations of justice.
She calms our insecurity by pointing to the human capacity to embrace the eternal.
The Aristotelian philosophers, unable to defeat him on scientific grounds, tried to discredit him by pointing to some words of the Bible that seemed to support the Aristotelian view.
Urban Eagles teaches them that God has a plan and a purpose for their lives by pointing them to Jeremiah 29:11: ««For I know the plans I have for you,» declares the Lord, «plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
In response to those who would discredit Christianity by pointing to the sins and failures of Christendom, we have pointed out that no people or nation has ever embodied Christianity in its fullness and purity.
II) to recognize the degree of validity inherent in the arguments which brought the original quest to an end by pointing to its impossibility and illegitimacy.
You can not justify major suffering by pointing to minor moral failings, which all of us have, especially when many with equal or greater failings suffer less.
This could be indicated by pointing to his enthusiasm for Hegel, but identification of reality with humanly experienced reality is much more widespread in the modern world than is Hegelianism.
Some justify turning a deaf ear to the Conciliar teaching of Gaudium et Spes by pointing to the word «pastoral» in its title, to its unusual aversion for definitive canons, and its apparent emphasis upon the sixties concept of «progress».
Many conservatives have objected to the Occupy Movement's focus on inequality by pointing to its refusal to offer an overarching analysis or slate of policies.
Unable to bear the weight of their shame, they divert attention away from themselves by pointing to another.
There is no better way of showing this distinction than by pointing to the devastating criticism of Israeli policy that is increasingly coming from within Israel itself.
Before answering by pointing to others — or to the workplace, the corporation, the school, the city, the class, the nation that needs to be challenged — we need to start with ourselves as we think about exposure and repentance.
When Wilbur wonders why Charlotte has done so much for him, spinning the webs whose messages garnered for him the reputation as a prize pig, Charlotte responds by pointing to the reciprocal benefits of their friendship.
Of course, one can extend the free - will defense to the subhuman realm, without positing any inherent power of self determination to its entities, by pointing to the irrefutable possibility that all evils in this realm are due to Satan and his cohorts.
Bolle concludes his article rather pessimistically by pointing to the inevitability of retaining the question mark in the title of his article with the suggestion that separation of Christian theology and History of Religions could be seen as strength rather than as weakness on the part of each discipline.
The role of the ontological argument in Hartshorne's philosophical theology should not be exaggerated by pointing to this argument as evidence of the anti-empirical character of Hartshorne's position, as a whole.
«26 For Barth, the meaning and basis of the Sabbath is thus also eschatological, for by pointing to the special history of the covenant and salvation, the Sabbath necessarily points to its ultimate consummation in history.27
I'd answer by pointing to Andrew Sullivan, who, like me, is somewhat torn between the Oakeshottian - Hobbesian view of the state and a view more like that of Ron Paul by way of Locke.
In a comment after the post, he tries to justify his position by pointing to Song of Songs, in which the suitor says of his beloved, «Her neck is like the tower of David, and her necklaces like a thousand bucklers,» and «a garden locked is my sister, my bride,» implying that the love poem is characterized by male authority and female submission.
It means God's power is synonymous with his love, for John tells us that God is love (1 Jn 4:8) while defining love by pointing us to the cross (I Jn 3:16, cf. Rom.5: 8).
I would agree, but I would supplement this narrative by pointing to the psychologizing of human identity and political struggle over the last century.
We are expected to prove God's existence by pointing to the natural world and inferring from it, without the possibility of error, the presence in the background of a supernatural Coefficient; or rather, Efficient.
For Niebuhr, this is the problem of the transformation of our ordinary human faiths, and he addresses it by pointing to the pattern of Jesus Christ in our history.
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