Sentences with phrase «by powerful contractions»

Exhales are generated by powerful contractions of the lower belly (between the pubis and navel), which push air out of the lungs.

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I suggested that the very excess of external compression to which we are subjected by the relative contraction of our planet may one day cause us to breach that mysterious wall of growing repulsion which, more often than not, sets the human molecules in opposition to one another, and enter the powerful, still unknown field of our basic affinities.
Cramps are caused by strong contractions of the uterus and magnesium helps to relax the powerful uterine muscles.
Inflammation of the colon reduces the amount of water and electrolytes absorbed and changes colonic motility by suppressing the normal colonic contractions that mix and knead and by stimulating giant migrating contractions (ie, more powerful contractions that rapidly propel intestinal contents).
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