Sentences with phrase «by practicing it»

By practicing this awareness, you will build your sense of self and that will naturally bolster your mood.
By practicing the previous Steel Club exercise, you have developed...
If you already have rope climbing in your arsenal, you can always increase your speed and efficiency by practicing them, these single movement can cost you the race!
Finally, we end class learning how to soothe baby by practicing infant / toddler massage to promote sleep and aide in relaxation.
Hence, if you are victim of this stress too then it is time to strap up and feel better again by practicing some yoga for stress management.
By practicing a movement with power, athletes can train their brain to execute the movement without any increase in strength.
By practicing steadiness in the midst of the opposing energies of Warrior I, you can reap the deeper benefits of the pose: developing the confidence and courage to face challenging situations in your life.
Cardiovascular Improvements: By practicing yoga, you can lower your resting heart rate, decrease blood pressure and oxygenate your body.
Once you are back on the ground it is important to release your lower back and neck by practicing Childs Pose and Rabbits Pose once more.
We've got four tiny tweaks you can use to boost your overall health and happiness by practicing a little self - love.
If you do that by practicing Supta Baddha Konasana, I guarantee that, when you reengage with your active agenda, you will be more efficient, and happier, too.
Personal Trainer Tips: If the exercise is tough, you can begin by practicing on the floor or a bench because they are more stable.
Make It Better: Start by practicing hip extensions on the floor (get on your hands and knees and raise one leg up behind you) to build up glute strength.
After completion of any class, you will still be governed by the practicing board that licensed you, and we recommend that you check with your local and state agencies to determine the legal parameters for phone consultations.
By practicing yoga, you'll feel better, act better, and eat better.
Start by practicing good digestive habits (discussed in the Spring 2002 issue) and enhance your digestion with raw apple cider vinegar.
While it's good to schedule some time for yoga when you're feeling stressed, you can stay ahead of your stress level by practicing regularly even when you're feeling fine.
Avoid the stress of wondering if you have fueled appropriately, or if what you have eaten or plan to eat and drink will settle well, by practicing on short training rides.
By practicing these remedies, you can experience authentic comfort and joy this holiday season and make strides in improving your:
You will both stretch your limits (pun intended) and reach your goals sooner and easier by practicing partner asanas.
By practicing carb cycling, you can replenish glycogen stores and create an insulin spike post workout.
Her competitive spirit rarely says no to sand volleyball, but gets chilled out by practicing yoga.
The best way of doing this is by practicing stress management techniques.
One of things I always do when I have over indulged is practice YOGA to DETOX I find it to be naturally detoxifying and by practicing deep yogic breathing it can assist your organs in the detoxification process.
Get ready for this sequence to Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose) by practicing for an hour or more to warm your muscles.
Instead of lingering in the past or fearing the end, by practicing gratitude we learn to acknowledge the beauty in life and the gift in each and every given moment by simply practicing awareness.
I hope that by practicing these poses you have gained insight about sequencing as well as the asanas themselves.
They talked about how to thrive, both physically and mentally, by practicing mindfulness paired with expression of definitive character strengths.
By practicing yoga, we are helping our bodies achieve normal levels of cortisol, which allows us to use inflammation when we need it, rather than living in a constant state of elevated stress and inflammation levels.
[This translates to: «One who is regulated in habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.»]
By practicing the preceding poses in the Primary Series, the hips will gradually become more flexible allowing you to attempt the full pose.
She creates a supportive, nurturing space that encourages students to safely overcome their fears and limitations by practicing mindfulness.
By practicing a single pose each day, you will develop the discipline to hit your mat on a regular basis.
By practicing the breathing technique in the context of vinyāsa and āsanas, the development of a strong, healthy breathing system improves overall wellbeing and supports increased vitality and mental clarity.
You can only learn to say «No» by practicing!
More and more noticeables are heading the paleo way and have chosen to stay healthy and fit by practicing the principles of the paleo lifestyle.
Through working with a health coach who helped me implement the changes I needed for good, and by practicing yoga, I finally restored my body to full health.
Move the energy, warm the body, and open the hips and hamstrings safely by practicing sun salutations, complete standing sequence, and the final 3 seated postures.
If you have trouble balancing in Vrksasana, try lowering your center of gravity by practicing the pose with your standing - leg knee slightly bent and the arms in a lower position.
Taking 5 minutes a day to focus on mental health by practicing alternate nostril breathing, sitting in silence, doing some quiet restorative yoga poses or practicing a short meditation (try Gratitude Meditation) can help to establish a connection with our mental state and spiritual health as we release our hold on old stresses and prepare to move from one busy season to the next.
Soothe and relieve sciatic nerve pain without medication by practicing these 8 simple yoga poses tailored to sciatica relief.
By practicing specific yoga poses, we place certain amounts of therapeutic stress (called the «Goldilocks Position») on our connective tissues, gently creating tiny piezoelectric currents that in turn stimulate optimal cellular responses.
Learn more about the ways to protect yourself and your family from the sun's damaging rays by practicing proper suncare.
By practicing and progressing with this movement you will see an increase in pressing and grip strength as well as overall awareness and coordination.
Now you can improve your flexibility by practicing yoga wherever you are with this all - in - one yoga program brought to you by Deepak Chopra and model - turned - yoga - master Tara Stiles.
You can start to achieve that balance in its purest form by practicing Sama Vritti (equal breathing).
She maintains an active lifestyle by practicing yoga, pilates, cycling, hiking and traveling.
You will have to go lighter than if you were able to brace yourself from a lunge position or on an implement, but by practicing and progressing with this movement you will see incredible strength and stabilization gains.
Think of the various emotional archetypes that we can invoke and embody by practicing many forms and movements.
I prepared in the months leading up to the birth By practicing prenatal yoga as much as possible and staying active by taking walks everyday.
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