Sentences with phrase «by preadolescents»

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If adolescent hormones are the mechanism through which start times affect academic performance, preadolescent elementary students should not be affected by early start times.
But do our quasi-mad preadolescents belong on an island — think Lord of the Flies — or in a big family, where even raging hormones can be mitigated by elders and self - esteem bolstered by little ones?
Unnervingly large photographs of toddlers by Bettina von Zwehl and mysterious images of scuffling preadolescents by Anna Gaskell tear at the tenuous hold we have on both the physical and psychic self.
The aims of this study were to examine how the quantity (i.e., the amount of shared activities) and quality (i.e., perceived quality of the father - child relationship) of father involvement are differently related to internalizing and externalizing behavior problems among preadolescents at risk of maltreatment and test if these associations are moderated by father type and child maltreatment.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Strong African American Families (SAAF) to (a) be delivered with high levels of program adherence and (b) deter preadolescent youth's risk behavior vulnerability by enhancing intervention - targeted youth and family protective processes.
The model with bidirectional paths had a good fit to the data, but the most parsimonious model was an «effects» model showing that preadolescents with more depressive symptoms had less positive peer - relevant cognition at later assessments, and that those with more positive peer - relevant cognition were more liked by their peers over time.
In line with earlier studies [9, 26, 43], we found FR - EXT to be a risk factor for externalizing behaviors in preadolescents, as evidenced by significant bivariate correlations between FR - EXT and all seven dependent measures of externalizing behaviors.
In general, preadolescents who perceived a lack of parental emotional warmth, and high levels of parental rejection and overprotection were described as being more inattentive, aggressive, and delinquent by both parents and teachers.
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