Sentences with phrase «by quantum mechanics»

At that point, the ordinarily chaotic motion of the electrons gives way to a more orderly collective behavior governed by quantum mechanics.
Above all, it would probably help us build a quantum theory of gravity, the one force that hasn't really been explained by quantum mechanics.
In their view, we do not see quantum effects in the every day world because the act of observation changes everything, fixing the many possibilities allowed by quantum mechanics as one.
Indeed, they found solutions that were faster than what the physicists had assumed was a speed limit set by quantum mechanics itself.
It is easy to observe that H only emits very specific energies of light which are «easily» predicted by the quantum mechanics of the orbiting electrons and the allowed transitions between energy levels of those orbits.
Empty space, as described by quantum mechanics, is in fact not empty but full of potential particles and fields.
A humanmade object that moves in ways that can be described only by quantum mechanics might lead to tests of our notion of reality.
I read an interesting article today written by a quantum mechanic claiming that the new direction in such scientific studies is that we can't be sure there is an objective reality but can only hope so, because what we perceive as reality is shaped by the observer.
These considerations show that the presumption of order stemming from faith in a Creator God is not impaired by quantum mechanics.
A Whiteheadian position seems to be required by quantum mechanics.
The group calculated that an electron could «tunnel» through the barrier imposed by the odorant, an effect made possible by quantum mechanics, they wrote in a preprint accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.
In 2011, D - Wave published evidence that its qubits were indeed tunnelling, but to count as a quantum computer, capable of realising the theoretical speed gains that come with it, the qubits must also be entangled — linked by quantum mechanics, no matter how far apart they are in space.
Perfect liquids, Wang explains, have the lowest viscosity - to - density ratio allowed by quantum mechanics, which means they essentially flow without friction.
Because field patterns exhibit characteristics of both propagating waves and localized particles, field pattern theory may answer some of the questions posed by quantum mechanics, in which objects can be treated as both particles and waves.
Andrew Cleland at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his team cooled a tiny metal paddle until it reached its quantum mechanical «ground state» — the lowest - energy state permitted by quantum mechanics.
It has not escaped the attention of modern philosophers that the Epicurean unpredictable swerve is a bit like the uncertainty in particle motions introduced by quantum mechanics.
Nearby, São Paolo's Galeria Raquel Arnaud showed work by Carlos Zilio, influenced by quantum mechanics and metaphysical diagrams.
The famous article by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen in 1930 triggered this debate, since it demonstrated, for the first time, non-local correlations between two systems which have interacted in the past, as predicted by quantum mechanics.
Researchers who want to predict the behavior of systems governed by quantum mechanics — an electron in an atom, say, or a photon of light traveling through space — typically turn to the Schrödinger equation.
Breakthroughs in microfabrication, electromagnetic optics, as well as in high - speed computers that can adjust for aberrations and analyze images, have so improved accuracy that STEM imaging is now approaching the fundamental limits of vision set by quantum mechanics.
In such cases, the distance between the negative and positive muons is treated as a classical variable and the remaining degrees of freedom are described by quantum mechanics.
Special and general relativity, among the grandest theories of our time (rivaled only by quantum mechanics and Darwinian evolution), took years to gain wide acceptance and never received a Nobel Prize.
Of all the puzzling physical effects predicted and explained by quantum mechanics, one of the most counterintuitive is that fluctuations in a vacuum can exert forces on objects — almost as if those objects are getting something from nothing.
The resonator behaved exactly as predicted by quantum mechanics.
The new discovery hinges on a quantum interface within atomic - scale defects in silicon carbide that generates the fragile property of entanglement, one of the strangest phenomena predicted by quantum mechanics.
For the traditional «Copenhagen» interpretation, Weinberg notes, that collapse just expresses a «mysterious division between the microscopic world governed by quantum mechanics and a macroscopic world of apparatus and observers that obeys classical physics.»
And a section called «The world is described by quantum mechanics» is followed by a section called «The world really, honestly, truly is described by quantum mechanics.»
Strictly speaking, the term particle is a misnomer because the dynamics of particle physics are governed by quantum mechanics.
At that scale, computing would be governed by quantum mechanics, an intimidating yet tantalizing prospect.
IT»S one of the weirdest things predicted by quantum mechanics: a solid that flows, ghostlike, through itself.
«I think it's fair to say this [loophole] is the final frontier, logically speaking, that stands between this enormously impressive accumulated experimental evidence and the interpretation of that evidence saying the world is governed by quantum mechanics,» Kaiser says.
Qubits are difficult to manipulate, since any disturbance causes them to fall out of their quantum state or «decohere,» and their behavior can no longer be explained by quantum mechanics.
The way real atoms link up to form molecules is governed by quantum mechanics, which dictates how an atom's outermost electrons arrange themselves.
Surprisingly, people playing an online game came up with better strategies for moving the atom than a computer algorithm alone — even finding solutions that were faster than what the physicists had assumed was a speed limit set by quantum mechanics itself.
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