Sentences with phrase «by radioactive decay»

Natural circulation in the reactor alone is enough to remove all the heat generated by the radioactive decay of the elements in the reactor fuel.
In 1967, researchers thought they had the perfect solution to the problem: a mechanical heart fueled by radioactive decay.
It is a naturally occurring isotope produced by the radioactive decay of thorium in sediments.
For one thing, most cave paintings lack organic residues that can be dated by the radioactive decay of carbon isotopes.
This isotope forms by the radioactive decay of potassium 40, which is sequestered in the rocks deep in Titan's core.
The first rover to be powered by the radioactive decay of plutonium rather than sunlight, Curiosity will be able to work around - the - clock and through the Martian winter.
An ocean beneath the surface can survive for billions of years because of heat produced by radioactive decay in Pluto's rocky interior, he said, adding that the slow refreezing of an ocean can also explain the network of fractures seen on Pluto's surface.
This nuclear generator releases 100 watts of power by means of the heat generated by the radioactive decay of plutonium.
Tellingly, there was no sign of iron, an element that forms by radioactive decay only many days after a supernova.
Go for a morning jog over hilly terrain and the very landscape is likely to be the result of tectonic plate movements, powered deep under our feet in great part by radioactive decays like that of the humble americium writ large.
The laboratory techniques for dating almost anything by radioactive decay, whether a hominid fossil or a coral horn, are very similar.
Created in tremendous numbers right after the Big Bang, and constantly churned out in stars and other places by radioactive decay and other reactions, trillions of these ghostly particles sail right through stars and planets, including our own.
Dating by radioactive decay (over a long enough period of time, uranium decays into lead) requires the presence of radioactive elements in the sample.
«The South African extremophile bacteria are powered by the radioactive decay of unstable atoms in the rocks.
Since 129 - Xenon is produced by radioactive decay of 129 - Iodine, these xenon isotopes put a time stamp on the formation age of the ancient parcel of mantle to within the first 100 million years of Earth's history.
Beneath the Earth's crust lies the mantle which is heated by the radioactive decay of heavy elements.
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