Sentences with phrase «by rainwater runoff»

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The clinching evidence for this was that cracks in Lajia created by the quake were filled with flood - related sediment, not the fine silt sediment deposited by annual rainwater runoff at the same site each year, showing that the flood sediment got there first, and so must have arrived within a year of the quake.
Researchers found that toxic concentrations of zinc and copper in water runoff could be reduced by 10 percent to 20 percent by 2035 if all cities in the studied watersheds implemented a law similar to the Los Angeles City law that requires new and redevelopment to infiltrate rainwater from a 3 / 4 - inch storm.
Cultivating With Cardboard Next, following the contour of the land, the group dug out a pair of swales, or channels, and piled up the topsoil to create a raised bed surrounded by what looked like a small moat that would help capture rainwater runoff.
But Homestead Economics has a neat video of their rainwater garden system, which collects stormwater runoff from a long dirt driveway, diverts it to carefully designed grow beds surrounded by a berm, and then collects any excess water in a retention pond for future irrigation.
Like providing appropriate housing for indigenous people living on the city centre fringe, providing sustainable infrastructure support for the burgeoning urban sprawl, reinvigorating discussion on urban renewal by population density consolidation, managing the extensive stormwater runoff that pollutes the beaches and waterways, while wasting precious rainwater.
Chapter volunteers achieve this by promoting sustainable landscaping techniques that capture rainwater and remove pollutants from runoff.
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