Sentences with phrase «by reading aloud»

In an effort to spend more time with her, while also getting some essential reading done, I read my REALTOR ® Magazine aloud to her and review contracts by reading them aloud — very enthusiastically, of course!
Hopefully, you will celebrate by reading aloud to a loved one today.
There are many cognitive development skills that are enhanced by reading aloud to your child.
The best way to identify your mistake is to have your resume reviewed by someone else or by reading aloud.
• Provide support in imparting lessons to students by reading aloud and providing support with independent reading.
The Inpatient focuses on immersion, using FPP view and letting us choose dialogue options by reading aloud one of a few available on the screen.
The goal is to provide soothing company to dogs, cats, and critters as they await adoption by reading aloud outside of their kennels.
is an innovative literacy program that gives children in grades K - 6 an opportunity to improve their reading skills while inspiring them to become life - long readers by reading aloud to specially trained therapy dogs.
As a parent, Kelly delighted in sharing her love of the magical world of books by reading aloud to her two boys.
Encourage class participation and develop students» active listening skills by reading aloud text excerpts.
And that they're — what the studies showed is what you really need to do is find ways to get the kids to read more challenging texts at their grade level, which means at first — and the teachers today helped explain this so, so much better than I could — that the teachers start by reading it aloud, having the kids follow along.
In other words, children weren't simply practicing reading by reading aloud.
Some chapters I assign as homework, and some we share by reading aloud.
That student starts the activity by reading aloud his or her question.
You can share your love of reading and set a great example for students by reading aloud the five books that are nominated for the 2009 Principalâ $ ™ s Read Aloud Award.
I start my classes every day by reading aloud from a great book.
They might do this by reading them aloud with a partner (the partner can be the interviewer and the student can pose as the famous leader).
Begin the lesson by reading aloud a chapter a day from Sarah, Plain and Tall.
One of the ways teachers can encourage students to read for pleasure is by reading aloud to them, but it is a practice more associated with primary rather than secondary school settings.
Challenge your child by reading aloud books or stories from the newspaper — electronic or print — that she can not read on her own and by introducing her to new ideas and topics.
Surprised By Reading Aloud: Confessions of a Math Teacher Time pressures and accountability have caused educators to look seriously at the way they use class time.
The next time she introduced the activity to a group of students, she started by reading aloud a couple of her former students» stories.
Draw them into the time period by reading aloud one of the books you have selected.
You can share your love of reading and set a great example for students by reading aloud the five books that are nominated for the 2009 Principal's Read Aloud Award.
A Favorite Poem Students explore a variety of poems, find one poem they feel a particular connection to, and share that poem by reading it aloud to their classmates.
Teachers communicate their interest in a book's content by reading aloud in an enthusiastic voice that conveys excitement about reading and a fascination with the topic.
Assistant U.S. Attorney David Zhou began his closing argument Tuesday by reading aloud a few emails in which Percoco, 48, and his former friend, lobbyist Todd Howe, used the word in their communications.
By reading aloud to a child, you show them what reading is like.
I can't think of a better way that to start a meal with those that I love by reading aloud our Thanksgiving praise.

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He also had a stuttering problem until his 20s, and overcame it by reading poetry aloud in front of a mirror, to smooth out cadence and forcing himself to participate in as many public speaking events as possible.
She sat at her desk — I can still see her — holding the open book and reading aloud to us, chapter by chapter.
But the honest - to - God truth of it is, I can't stop this ringing with my own truth, the playbook that I tritely live by, and I don't say it aloud to Dianah, her little brother, Noah, her mother — because maybe they can read it in my eyes:
When Rebekah Gonzalez was elementary - school - age, her mother, Toni, read aloud Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes.
From warblers to owls, 15 poems of birds designed to be read aloud by 2.
The letters of Paul — which were the first NT writings — would generally «make the rounds» among these groups of believers, being read aloud to the group by whoever's home they were in (the genesis of «home churches»).
(Accompanying the book is a CD that features Mumia reading some of the essays aloud, along with comments by Cornel West, Martin Sheen, the late Allen Ginsberg, Sister Helen Prejean, Howard Zinn, and others.)
In order to best experience this «Star Wars» in its original, Shakespeare - penned form, I have decided to forgo seeing any of the cinematic adaptions until I read the play aloud, as intended by its author.
You were famous at Cambridge for distributing «lashings,» that is, for assigning papers to be read aloud in seminar and praised or criticized by you.
Doty and other epistolary theorists agree that the letters were written by an author who was conscious of his responsibility as an apostle in the congregation and thus fully intended such letters to be read aloud to the gathered community.
He read aloud a telegram of condolences sent by Pope Francis, who called the attacks a «cruel terrorist act» and a «grave offence to God.»
««Mormonism is still imagined by its adherents as a religion founded by whites, for whites, rooted in a millenarian vision of an America destined to fulfill a white God's plan for earth,»» she reads aloud.
Two weeks ago, I reported on a poll by Scholastic demonstrating the importance of parents reading aloud to their children well past the age that children can read on their own.
It was read aloud in its entirety and passed by both houses of congress on June 7, 1797.
The nativity story was read aloud by my friend with carols sung at the appropriate places, and all went like clockwork until it came time for the arrival of the angels of the heavenly host as represented by the children of the congregation, who were robed in white and scattered throughout the pews with their parents.
He was so blown away by the experience, he sent the restaurant a note, which Silverman read aloud.
In Atlanta, meanwhile, a letter containing Seaver's parting words to his old teammates was read aloud on the bus after the game by Manager Joe Torre.
Winter World by Bernd Heinrich - I seem to pick this one up and read it again each year stopping often to read aloud a tidbit to the kids.
Children who play imaginary games or listen to lots of fairy tales, stories read aloud from books, or tales spun by those around them tend to have noticeably better vocabularies.
Read - Aloud Titles Babies learn to understand language by listening to the voices around them.
With light and heat coming only from candles, oil lamps, lanterns, and fireplaces, 19th - century families gathered around the fire and played music, games, or listened quietly as someone read aloud by candlelight.
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