Sentences with phrase «by real people who»

Here at Wise Agent, everything is done in - house by real people who really care.
It's the real deal; real experiences by real people who devote their lives to conservation and keeping our animals safe, happy and healthy.
The first tip is now obvious, but it's to defer to advice being given by real people who hire and recruit.
Not only do these matter to search engines, but they're also likely to get clicked by real people who actually need your help.
After all, these paintings were made by real people who eat, breathe, see, speak, hear, smell, shit, sleep and feel.
Although having messy, random also boughts might not hurt, they could, and I'm hoping they go away pretty quickly once I get some more sales by real people who actually enjoy my genre.
Though it is not that active as other general dating site like match, but I got contacted by real people who are in my age group.
There were literally tons of different reviews made by real people who found their soul mate.
The most successful dating site scams are worked by real people who use fake profiles and take their.
When we encourage people to buy local and regional real foods and grass based animal products raised by real people who receive just wages in exchange for their work and stewardship of the land, we are not only encouraging them to protect and contribute to their own health and the vibrant health of their children, we are encouraging them to protect and contribute to the health of our nation and the health of the entire world.
Having a look at bottle sterilizer reviews as well as bottle warmer reviews can give you an amazing inside look into what the product is actually like; by real people who have actually bought it and tried it.
The entire Time article contains a single quote by a real person who suggests an alternative viewpoint:

Not exact matches

«Expanding the focus of law enforcement beyond people who are real threats would make all Americans less safe by diverting resources, while millions of undocumented folks who don't pose a threat will live in fear of deportation.»
Updated on 04/10/2018 by Malarie Gokey: Added the Zinus Sonoma bed frame for people who like real wood and metal.
And this research insight appears to be bore out by the real - life experiences of young entrepreneur Thursday Bram, who recently pondered the question, «Are people misjudging you simply because you appear young?»
That meant that all the cold calls were written by real people, professional freelance writers who could do things like add a reference to the person's home town or hobbies and such.
Meanwhile, Nvidia's AI can generate photorealistic images of people who look like celebrities just by looking at pictures of real ones.
I enjoy working with people who are «real,» and teach and learn by sharing.
«The real opportunity for artificial intelligence,» he said, is detecting signs of disease sooner in the many people who «go from stage one to stage two to stage three cancer» before it's caught by a doctor.
Get a real impression of who they are as people by steering conversations toward unexpected topics.
«About 80 percent of those accounts are inactive or are dummy accounts created by various «follow agencies,» another 10 percent are real people who are part of a network of folks who follow others back and are paying for followers themselves... and the remaining 10 percent may, in fact, be real, sentient people who happen to like Newt Gingrich,» a source told Gawker.
«Real wealth is measured by the community of good people you surround yourself with, who can work together and win together for a lifetime.
A steadily increasing number of people will want to get in on the «new Bitcoin,» a bizarre paradox given that gold is as old as time, and will soon realize that gold possesses virtues Bitcoin does not, given that it is real, not digital and abstract; that owners can personally possess and store it in physical form; that it will survive any kind of electric grid or Internet disruption that might occur; that it can not ever be hacked; that it is the epitome of private, quiet wealth; that it is actually quite beautiful to behold; and that it was not and can not be made by man, only by God, who does not appear to have any interest in making any more of it.
I was once told by a veteran IFA that Monevator was great but I was wasting my time writing articles about growing your wealth, as the only people who had any real money were the de-accumulators in their 50s and 60s!
 Itâ $ ™ s even more disturbing when these are produced by people who reportedly are trained as economists.  They are doing a disservice to the public, to their small business members and to the economics profession by putting out material with such misinformation and gross manipulation of the real underlying facts.
I write songs by looking right at Jesus from my heart and actually singing to a real person who is listening and moving at the sound of my voice.
They are ones we should be aggressively pursuing with Christ in our hearts, so that the love and grace of Jesus being real and here on earth right now, can not be ignored by the people who may be on the fence with who Jesus is and IF he is, and especially not by the unbelievers who happen to walk through the doors.
Do you know the mathematical impossibility that even one of these could randomly come into existance?Let alone all of the building blocks required for just a single simple cell to come together to form any type of living thing?There sure should be some blobs of fossilized transitions if evolution could happen.You people are real smart why don't you quit bashing Christians and quit believing the garbage you have been fed, and look up the evidence put forth by the Creation Research people.They have in fact proven creation down to a cellular level.Unlike evolution scientists who have no answers, but cleverly devised fables.Evolution is not even a very good fairy tale.Even if I didn't believe in God, Evolution is such a fools explanation of the origin of man that it takes just that to even consider it true.I understand though that you athiests will believe anything that allows you to love your sin and hatred of the one true God.
There are many pied pipers out there, deceived by demons who have these assignments from Satan to lead as many people as possible away from the real truth laid out in the Bible.
jesus jokes mean most people aren't afraid of god and the people who want us to be afraid of god because HE»S NOT REAL and its funny to laugh at people who think he is real... religion was invented by men in power to control the masREAL and its funny to laugh at people who think he is real... religion was invented by men in power to control the masreal... religion was invented by men in power to control the masses.
It's not those who antagonize us, but the pariahs, the socially awkward — the people with boundary issues, the guy with the wildly inappropriate jokes, the girl who talks like she's paid by the word count — who pose the real challenge.
-- like the Republican evangelicals who all think their church is the most Christian, the most right, the only ones going to heaven yet ignore the real teachings of Jesus by judging others, ignoring charity and the needs of their community, not understanding when the Lord's Prayer begins with «Our» Father — the «Our» is not just white people.
Fine dave, would you feel better if I said «Fvck you and your lazy ass selfish friends who are too lazy to get off your ass and vote, too lazy to bother to understand how the system is stacked against change, too dumb to understand it when it's explained to you, and too self - centered to realize or care that real people are affected by these things.»
This is a decision made by real people with real names who have real personal and professional prices to pay for their convictions.
The Christian story and observance had to do with a real person, who had been personally known and was remembered by people still living when the story was being told and put on record.
Test: Where is even one single real person, who by the premise is living, who has had the kindness to retun to earth after death, and re-assure their loved ones, that they are OK.
The really bad thing about what they're doing is that it takes resources away from those who really need them, the real homeless people, and gives cash to a guy who is pulling down $ 60K annually by posing as homeless.
I suppose that most people who read or comment on this blog are believers in some sort of deity, although we probably all have been seriously let down by the deity we have been fed, hence the search for the real truth.
The real problem here is that Islam is controlled not by its moderates, but by its radicals — the radicals who appear in YouTube videos describing the «proper» way to beat your wife or who advocate the extinction of another race of people, or demand that non-Muslims convert or possibly face death.
For people who don't like music, or whose musical ability has never been stretched by real listening, this is not an ordeal.
These chains and locally owned stores, found all over the country, are usually run by people who think of their work as a real vocation.
And entirely fabricated by people who fear and oppose real science!
The aim was not to simply produce a beautiful exhibition and magazine feature but, by meeting some of the individuals beyond the headlines and newsreel footage, to connect hardened hearts in the with real people who are part of the crisis.
The result is that America is a nation deeply divided between people who are concerned about real - life issues — war and peace, social justice, the health and welfare of people — on one hand, and other people who are concerned, instead, about «values,» by which they mean adherence to ancient taboos, dependence on a magical God, enforcing acceptance of ancient creeds, requiring everyone to believe as they do, and finding safety in raw (though often hidden) social and economic power.
Get Real... Unfortunately, what you call FACTS tend to fly right by people who have «holes» in their heads.
So, from across the centuries, both Celsus and the Talmud confirms for us that Jesus was regarded by the Jews of his day as a real person who possessed supernatural powers.
BARBARIC??? Before we label «Barbaric» other countries system we should see how «Barbaric» is for the US, corporate and financial system NOT to give a damn about the real American working people who support [by being enslaved and blackmailed] the wealth of those who, instead, destroyed the economy and what was hardly achieved in 60 years!
The real danger comes from a much larger group of persons who believe that Notre Dame can strive for ever - higher standards of academic excellence — and use the same criteria of excellence by which the best secular universities in the land are judged to be excellent — without forfeiting the Catholic character of the University.
It is a real communication of who God is and an entry into a relationship of life, truth and love on the part of the created person, all of which is accomplished primarily by the act of God.
This oneness is still emphasisedwhen the Creed goes on to show how it is a real Person, a real Divine Person, who is begotten by the Person of the Father: «God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made.»
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