Sentences with phrase «by redemptive»

The sin of Adam, which necessitated the redemption, is not a historical situation from which man can be delivered only by a redemptive action, but it is «man's mythical projection of his own guilt» (PR, II, 193).
By his redemptive action God has brought a new people into being, the atonement is for all:
Christian theology should hold the doctrine of the new life created by the redemptive love of God as the center of its interpretation of Christian experience.
For Bonhoeffer, the perfection of being is achieved through the transformation of human life by the redemptive activity of the transcendent God, who identified himself with human beings in order to effect wholeness.
I now longer go to church, but I am consumed by redemptive radical scandalous imagination of Jesus.

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All of us who blog sometimes use our platform to vent, but it's nice when we can balance it out by offering something redemptive.
It is in this context, a context decisively shaped by God's redemptive purposes in Christ, that we can join with St. Francis of Assisi in hymns of familial and filial piety toward nature.
To that end, God disclosed Himself and His loving intention by a sequence of revelatory and redemptive acts that involved the uttering of verbal messages and the producing of written records (Hebrews 1:1).
Many of his novels are profoundly Catholic without being pious, cloying, or sentimental — literary gems shaped by a Catholic sacramental imagination that is both unyielding and redemptive.
In a sort of «trusting despair,» fiducial desperatio, the sinner afflicted by grace discerns in his afflictions the saving hand of God, whose redemptive love secures itself from abuse by hiding under its apparent opposite.
God wants humanity to understand that nothing and nobody is beyond the scope of His redemptive purposes, and so by sending Jesus as the fulfillment of the most violent of religious texts, God not only revealed Himself by way of a stark contrast to that violence, but also showed how to reinterpret and understand those violent events in light of the self - sacrificial God dying on the cross for the sins of the whole world.
It's the hardest thing to do... but is done by letting the truth of scripture lead you (redemptive revelation)... as I said.
Show us, Lord, how to contemplate the Sphinx: without being beguiled into error; how to grasp the mystery hidden here on earth in the womb of death, not by refinements of human learning but in the simple concrete act of your redemptive immersion in matter.
In fact, Powell suggests, most contemporary thinkers have dethroned Luther's distinction between the Deus absconditus and the Deus revelatus (God hidden and revealed) by stressing how God's redemptive acts in history reveal nothing new about God's intra-divine life, but act to confirm what is eternally true.
It is precisely because an epiphany of Antichrist abolishes the transcendent source of evil and nothingness by embodying a primordial chaos in the actuality of history that it is a redemptive epiphany, an epiphany unveiling the full reality of alienation and repression, thereby preparing the way for their ultimate reversal.
You can not prove the redemptive efficacy of the cross by invoking the resurrection.
(b) These abilities are guided by interests in God's peculiar ways of being present, interests in them for their own sake rather than for their moral, therapeutic, or redemptive consequences.
In his service as missionary and later as director of the World Council's Theological Education Fund, he had encountered and dissented from the notion that redemptive Christian norms and ideas transform culture by being imported into or imposed on it.
She discusses Lawrence's belief that there is the intrinsically redemptive power of sexual love when it springs from tenderness, and is sustained by the true union of hearts and minds.31 Miss Krook says the church denies what Lawrence is contending for.
Some will undoubtedly argue that organ donation by euthanasia will give one's suffering and death redemptive value.
My own picture is of God's redemptive love eventually reconciling all beings to the divine, which is suggested by Paul's vision of the time when God will «be all in all» (1 Cor.
If the young Blake delighted in greeting Satan as a redemptive figure, and an older Blake was overwhelmed and almost crushed by a realization of the deeper consequences of the divine identity of Satan, the regenerate Blake was finally able to name Satan as Jesus, thereby unveiling the redemptive goal of the fallen world of experience.
He says that any event can become a special act of God «insofar as it is received by someone as a symbol of God's creative and redemptive action.
Upon careful analysis, at least ten such points become apparent: (1) Blake alone among Christian artists has created a whole mythology; (2) he was the first to discover the final loss of paradise, the first to acknowledge that innocence has been wholly swallowed up by experience; (3) no other Christian artist or seer has so fully directed his vision to history and experience; (4) to this day his is the only Christian vision that has openly or consistently accepted a totally fallen time and space as the paradoxical presence of eternity; (5) he stands alone among Christian artists in identifying the actual passion of sex as the most immediate epiphany of either a demonic or a redemptive «Energy,» just as he is the only Christian visionary who has envisioned the universal role of the female as both a redemptive and a destructive power; (6) his is the only Christian vision of the total kenotic movement of God or the Godhead; (7) he was the first Christian «atheist,» the first to unveil God as Satan; (8) he is the most Christocentric of Christian seers and artists; (9) only Blake has created a Christian vision of the full identity of Jesus with the individual human being (the «minute particular»); and (10) as the sole creator of a post-biblical Christian apocalypse, he has given Christendom its only vision of a total cosmic reversal of history.
In this experience I find my habits of thought and even my personal crises challenged and confronted by a whole new order which we have called God's redemptive story.
It is not that God changed; rather, those rituals were used by God in that time period to point to his ultimate redemptive plan — Jesus — and now that Jesus he has come, we don't need those rituals to point to him — we have him.
I see the Old Testament in its totality laying a permanent foundation for faith by its disclosure of God's moral character, sovereign rule, redemptive purpose, and covenant faithfulness and by its exhibiting of the positive dispositions of faith, praise, and obedience contrasted with the negative dispositions of mistrust and rebellion.
A good example is Habakkuk's presentation of a dialogue between the prophet and God — the prophet's first complaint is against the sins of Judean society and God explains that he will be using the evils of the invading Chaldeans to punish Judea; the prophet responds by complaining about the evils of the Chaldeans which God then assures will not go unpunished — that they tyranny itself will lead to it's own punishments and that the punishment for Judea's sins is itself redemptive and God assures that he will be able to provide salvation.
The Christians are pagans who strive to follow the redemptive law of love revealed to them by God.
While claiming that the whole of creation has as its very structure the Sabbath principle, Barth qualifies this statement by suggesting that creation (through its culmination in the Sabbath rest) paints also to redemptive history (to covenant) and to the final consummation of the same.
The Marxist - Leninist vision of the future — what Czech novelist Milan Kundera described as «organized forgetting» — is now supplanted by a leader who knows that remembering is redemptive, that human dignity is finally an expression of the inexpressible mystery.
The fulfilment of our various vocations of loving, and the integration of our desires and needs, is found by recognising that in all our relationships we share directly and intimately in some aspect of the Lord's own universal mission of creative and redemptive love.
``... redemptive skepticism is a religious commitment to avoid being swept up by bad ideas, especially ones that wear a godly guise and demand absolute, unquestioning allegiance.»
This response is indeed already the work of grace, but this is the grace achieved and communicated to the Church by the Lord's redemptive work.
I point to his use of the word «come» with the sense of «willfully take action» by placing our faith and trust in the redemptive work of Christ.
Pre-millennialism holds that the Second Coming of Christ will be followed by Christ's thousand - year reign on earth before the fulfillment of God's redemptive purpose in the new heaven and new earth.
Persons who are grasped by the power of such visions, who are inspired by a «sublime madness in the soul» (Reinhold Niebuhr), are the probable agents of redemptive social change, even though they know in their critical moments that no future achievement is likely to embody the full measure of their treasured ideal.
More problematically, the assumption of human nature by God in Christ seems, for her, to be straightforwardly redemptive for everyone who shares that nature.
It is by participating in Christ's redemptive mission to the world that the church find its unity in Christ.
In response to the call of Christ, the Corinth Methodist Church seeks to be a redemptive fellowship serving God and community effectively by: (a) enabling each person to achieve God's will through individual fulfillment; (b) providing religious training for all; (c) ministering to the community through service and witness.
Others were impatient because they believed themselves allied with redemptive powers and possibilities whose adequacy was threatened by this identification of hope with so scandalous a historical particularity.
Referring to the criticism made by Peter Beyerhaus and some others that in the World Council's emphasis on social and political justice there is present a social utopianism which denies the fact of sin and affirms a self - redemptive humanism, Thomas admitted that the danger is always present, but pointed out the opposite danger of not admitting the fact of divine grace and the power of righteousness it releases for a daring faith in the realms of social and political action.
In a discussion of Judas, Augustine once argued that Judas was chosen by God so that he might precipitate the redemptive death of Christ.
Webb deals with the troubling passages concerning slaves, women, and homosexuals by applying what he calls a redemptive movement hermeneutic to distinguish between cultural and trans - cultural components within Scripture.
All of my other children had a beautiful and redemptive birth story: by contrast, Maggie's birth had been one of the most traumatic days of my life and I felt that it was my fault.
Divine judgment, historical judgment, consistent, on the one hand, in its punitive quality with the concept of God - as - Creator - Judge but, on the other hand, transcended in the main by the concept of God - as - Redeemer into judgment not merely punitive but ultimately itself redemptive in character and purpose.
If sacrifice of Jesus Christ once - for - all on Calvary for the sins of the whole world is a dominant motif of Holy Communion, do we really proclaim the Lord's death by word and action in ways which communicate this redemptive event to all who see and hear?
But the American version of modernity is uniquely defined by two special errors: the illusion that modern freedom and Christian witness are reconciled in America and the belief that America's wars are redemptive, replacing the truly redemptive sacrifice of Christ with the blood sacrifices of soldiers who kill and die from one American generation to the next.
Fishon... I think you misunderstand my position... my original point was that non-violence as taught by Jesus and practiced by those we call martyrs, Christian or otherwise is the calling and duty for those who want to break the myth of redemptive violence... or in other words, «might always makes right».
By «mythological» I refer to the suprahistorical elements in the story which came into being within the Christian community as the only possible way to express this transcendent and redemptive meaning of the event.
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