Sentences with phrase «by relevance of»

Obviously it's not possible to know the original facts, but I'm troubled by the relevance of remorse.
Some readers of this blog have probably been struck by the relevance of the Ken Burns documentary, The Dust Bowl, to the art of Clyfford Still.
I was intrigued by the relevance of this book to my life as a blogger, given that the author is best known for creating the @dknyprgirl Twitter account at a time when few brands had any idea what they were doing on social media.
One sentence links God's provision of aim with Whitehead's reconception of God as the nontemporal concrescence of eternal objects: the creativity for the nascent occasion «is conditioned by the relevance of God's all - embracing conceptual valuations to the particular possibilities of transmission from the actual world» (PR 244G).

Not exact matches

By 2030, solar - plus - storage could threaten the economic relevance of their distribution grids by making less necessary the connection with the local electric utilitBy 2030, solar - plus - storage could threaten the economic relevance of their distribution grids by making less necessary the connection with the local electric utilitby making less necessary the connection with the local electric utility.
Relevance is important and so is overall reach, so one of the metrics I use as my yard stick for top digital marketing experts is Retweets, as measured by awesome influencer and content discovery tool BuzzSumo.
The CEO also predicted that by 2025, «More than half of the power units you see on the road will have some relevance of electrification» — if not fully electric some hybrid form of combustion and electric.
The microblogging website's new format will result in tweets being sorted by relevance instead of in reverse chronological order.
By making Alexa able to make calls on more devices than just the company's lineup of Echo - branded smart speakers or conventional smartphones, Amazon is hoping to spread Alexa to more users and gain relevance.
It doesn't matter if the APR is 11 % or 15 % because by paying off the entire balance, card companies will not charge interest and therefore nullifies the relevance of the APR..
In an effort to build its relevance to the world outside traditional «Davos man» — the slightly scornful phrase used by political scientist Samuel Huntington to describe attendees, this year's World Economic Forum meeting in Switzerland is pushing to be a little more touchy - feely, for want of a better word.
At Berkshire Hathaway's recent annual shareholders meeting, an investor asked Buffett about the relevance of two popular measures of stock market value: 1) market cap - to - GDP, which Buffett once heralded as «probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment» and 2) the cyclically - adjusted price - earnings ratio (CAPE), which was made famous by Nobel prize winner Robert Shiller and was seen as accurately predicting the dot - com bubble and the housing bubble.
For example, if ad relevance is below average, you may be able to improve the Quality Score by adding the keyword that has been targeted in the ad copy to the headline of the ad.
EXCITE will lower health care costs and increase patient benefits by improving the quality and relevance of these technologies, streamlining their health system adoption and expediting their market penetration.
Part of the change is shaped by Tacoma's growing population in the region, and a desire by Simon to maintain the mall's relevance, the documents submitted to the city say.
This narrative, in its most extreme version, says that cryptocurrencies today are like the internet in 1996: not just new technology but a radical new kind of technology, belittled or ignored by most, which has slowly and subtly grown in power and influence over the last several years, and is about to explode into worldwide relevance and importance with shocking speed and massive repercussions.
These are opportunities that generally involve technology, marketing and other initiatives that target younger guests, multicultural guests, more financially secure guests and that increase the visit frequency of current guests by increasing our relevance for more occasions.
Monitor the dialogue by conducting social monitoring research based on the key topics of contextual relevance 3.
In the October 2011 version of their paper entitled «Event Driven Trading and the «New News»», David Leinweber and Jacob Sisk examine the trading acumen of a model (set of filters) trained to exploit Thomson Reuters News Analytics metadata (sentiment tone, stock relevance and novelty as measured by link counts).
Balancing matching options, words versus phrases, and general versus niche keyword selections to accurately segment your audience enables you to improve quality scores (a measure of relevance as perceived by the search engines,) find less competitive «niche» keywords, and expand impression exposures within your budget parameters (e.g. synch to Google's recommended daily budget.)
Economic Planning: The Relevance of West European Experience for Canada, by L.A. Skeoch and David C. Smith.
You can not only sort all of the results by influence or relevance, but you can also add notes to a link prospect, or add them to your link building task list, where you can keep track of the progress.
Our report provides a summary of these conversations as companies outlined their processes of ensuring relevance and rigor of performance targets while guarding against excessive risk - taking by executives.
Also advising the startup is B2B marketing authority Ardath Albee, CEO of Marketing Interactions Inc., and author of Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results, and serial entrepreneur Venkat Janapareddy, whose recent venture Goziak was acquired by Monster.
Of particular relevance, under the current monetary regime it is not only possible for a large, general increase in the desire to save to be accompanied by rising interest rates, it is highly probable that when a large rise in interest rates happens it will be accompanied by a general desire to save more.
This is being driven by the need to engage at an individual level, create more content relevance, and leverage a new world of crowd - sourcing Internet communities, omnipresent connectivity, and pervasive mobile device ownership.»
Reverse mentoring connects older leaders with younger teachers, opening a path for enhancing the elder's practical relevance while the young draw from the wisdom and integrity of those who have been sustained by principle relevance for many years.
I wonder just how empty your life is that you need to cling to a make believe religion made up by a small group of people 2000 years ago that has no relevance in todays world.
The GOD, POLITICS AND THE JEWISH TRADITION SEMINAR is two - week program for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in the relevance of Judaism's political and theological dimensions to public life, led by Leora Batnitzky (Princeton University) and David Novak (University of Toronto).
For example, complex numbers were invented and the theory of them deeply investigated by the early nineteenth century, a mathematical development that seemed to have no relevance to physical reality.
First, in accordance with the principle of intensive relevance propounded by Whitehead (PR 148/224), the bulk of antecedent elements may be tacitly dismissed from consideration because they are irrelevant from the perspective of the event to be explained.
But new truths, if designed solely by reference to their immediate relevance, have all the limitations that result from inexperience, expedience, and the absence of thoughtful criticism.
The economic and political issues raised by the Latin Americans have relevance everywhere, but in much of the world they are closely intertwined with cultural matters.
Now the relevance of Jesus to the issue of human rights, often missed as Christian religion, is touched upon by Durant quite interestingly:
10 By valuing comprehensively is meant that religious valuation is boundary - spanning; it has a domain of relevance that includes no less than the entire life of the one who holds it.11 By intensive valuation is meant that religious valuation «must rank among the last that the valuer would be disposed to sacrifice.
Apart from the obvious fact that if Jesus had experienced the troubles of old age the Incarnation might have seemed of little relevance to those who are cut off in youth by violent death in battle or otherwise, old age, although a far more general condition in our time than ever before, is still not a part of the universal lot of man.
However, in today's world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.
V) to get the actual work under way by laying hold of the central problem in terms of which the detailed research upon individual problems will gain its relevance.
Over and above the «special relevance» which selected eternal objects may have in relation to particular, finite actual entities, it is necessary that there be a kind of «relevance in general,» a real togetherness of all eternal objects amongst themselves, effected by an eternal, infinite actuality: «Transcendent decision includes God's decision.
The point of the foregoing is that the distinction which is made by Mascall between the historic and the systematic dependence of natural theology on revelation has an even smaller relevance than he seems to suppose.
Let us now introduce another argument to show the relevance of God to the universe by using the evolutionary category of birth.
Nevertheless, process theology can never adopt this praxis model for theology without qualification.35 Political theologians are right to warn Christians against the temptation to be drawn into abstract thought for its own sake in a world characterized by starvation and oppression, and thought that lacks relevance to the salvation of the whole world is a luxury the world can not afford.
White - head has shown us the powerful effects over two millenia of Plato's doctrine of the soul, especially as it was combined with Biblical ideas.36 The relevance of his thought, judged by immediate consequences, was all too limited.
A strongly emerging feature of the new evangelisation that has been consistently emphasised by Popes John Paul and Benedict has been the evangelising of culture through the patrimony of the Church, the talents of artists and the efforts of believers to show the relevance of the Gospel to the world at large.
At the beginning of these comments we raised a question about the relevance of Paul's admonitions to people who are being seriously threatened and hurt by the vicissitudes of life.
It is a move toward formulating a theology informed by the theology of nature but expressing itself in central categories of traditional theology and displaying its relevance to the whole range of Christian issues.
It should then be recognized that as an apologetic device its sphere of relevance is limited to those whose vision has been consciously or unconsciously already modified by Christian faith.
Nevertheless, in order to understand the genuine sources from which theology legitimizes its irreplaceable intuition, and in order to preserve the revelation - theological relevance of process - theological theory, we may contrast the main position of process theology by identifying the counter question: Can there be found any genuine place for a revealed theology within Whitehead's work so that theology does not have to be subordinated to general metaphysics but, rather, finds its connection to metaphysics in mutual influence?
Thanks to Sarah Hubbell for pointing out the fact that of the 200 Top Church Blogs listed on Kent Shaffer's Church Relevance site, only six are authored by women (41 include women contributors).
In one popular study of the problem of God today, John A. T. Robinson questions the relevance of a theism that would think of God as a heavenly, completely perfect person who resides above the world and mankind.4 The same issue is raised by Harvey Cox, who writes: The willingness of the classical philosophers to allow the God of the Bible to be blurred into Plato's Idea of the Good or Aristotle's Prime Mover was fatal.
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