Sentences with phrase «by repetition doing»

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At the risk of repetition (a risk from which, according to some regular readers, I do not often shirk) in the case of China and the United States, I would summarize very broadly by making two points.
By the repetition, or causal objectification, of an earlier occasion in a later one, let me hasten to add, Whitehead did not mean, as so many of his interpreters have erroneously taken him to mean, merely that some eternal object ingressed in the earlier occasion is also ingressed in the later occasion.
Do you mean by a «law» something like Boyle's Law that always happens, or Galileo's laws of falling bodies, or other laws that are based on repetition?
For the Western world, the main alternative to the pattern of repetition of the foundation - story in the individual life story developed in the Hebrew and Christian vision of sequential, successive time, a time of historical struggle and openness, a time which did not wash out the unique, unrepeatable event, but dignified it by giving it its own place in the unrolling process.
I've always found it odd that some repeat the Disciples» Prayer at all, given that Jesus prefaced it by saying, «When you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition» (Matt 6:7).
The criterion of repetition of common characteristics does not imply that subjectivity should be objectified, but together with the claim that conscious occasions are spacy it implies that individual conscious occasions must be objectified so they can be prehended by successor occasions.
But if this novelty did not make us think, then hope, like faith, would be a cry, a flash without a sequel; there would be no eschatology, no doctrine of last things, if the novelty of the new were not made explicit by an indefinite repetition of signs, were not verified in the «seriousness» of an interpretation which incessantly separates hope from utopia.
Thus I conclude, at the risk of repetition, these last remarks by saying that what I now find I want most to do is to clarify a little, if I can, the notion of dependence as we employ it in these contexts.
You might «bracket» the metaphysical question by saying we just do have continuities in which there are repeated characteristics — repetitions of characters over what he calls routes of events.
Under the impact of this modification of the «Berlin» model, theological schooling tends to undergo a movement from pure academic research to applied academic research (both done at the hands of academic theologians) to popularization of the applied research (by theological school teachers) to repetitions of the popularizations by practitioners (the students).
Rather than explaining the repetitions in the Genesis flood story by reference to literary art, as Wenham and followers do, he compares the P and J versions.
As worlds of gods and men are, for the Buddhist, consciousness, ruled by everlasting necessity, so also are the worlds of ideas and of verities: for these, too, there is one, and only one necessary form of knowledge and expression, and the thinker does not make this form but he adopts what is ready to hand... and thus those endless repetitions accumulate which Buddha's disciples were never tired of listening to anew, and always honouring afresh as the necessary garb of holy thought.18
Dr Vollaard added: «For the first time, we have evidence to suggest an indicator of fitness levels is improved more by doing fewer repetitions of high - intensity exercise.
More recently, Wendy Wood of the University of Southern California and her colleagues have shown how almost half of the behaviours we adopt in any given situation are habitual — an automated action learned by repetition until we do it without thinking.
When you first do the workout, you will do 25 repetitions for all the main movements by doing 5 sets of 5 reps.. If you want to repeat the same workout, do 6 sets of 4 reps.. For the next workout session, do 8 sets of 3 reps (heavy triples).
Note that allowing «what is» is not something you do once and then you're done; allowing what is is a skill developed by repetition.
You might do this by increasing the angle of the movement, concentrating on the eccentric range of the motion instead of the concentric, adjusting the weight, altering your repetitions or sets or mixing up the tempo of the movement.
Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs both in animals and humans alike when two stimuli are repeatedly paired (such as the bell ringing and the feeding, or a particular behavior and the electric shock), so that the response originally elicited by the second stimulus (the secretion of saliva that originally occurs in the presence of food or the unpleasant sensation that follows an electric shock) is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone (meaning that after a number of repetitions, the sound of the bell is enough to make the dog salivate like it does in the presence of food and the engagement in unwanted behavior is enough to make you feel the same discomfort an electric shock would cause).
The concept behind this routine is to reach muscle failure by the 12th rep, take a few breaths and continue doing squats till you reach 20 reps.. This means you'll need to load the correct weight that allows you to perform about 12 repetitions till failure.
By logical extension, if you did workout 7, you'd now be able to do 7 RM (repetitions maximum) with 110 pounds!
A good starting point is to do 2 exercises of 3 sets of 6 - 10 repetitions of bodyweight exercises for each muscle group but remember you must increase the exercise overload by moving on to more demanding versions of the same exercise once the ones you are doing become to easy.
Only by lifting big and doing a lot of repetitions you can build the much wanted muscle mass.
Add more reps — there is evidence that by extending the number of repetitions you do when weight lifting, this positively impacts increasing testosterone.
there is evidence that by extending the number of repetitions you do when weight lifting, this positively impacts increasing testosterone.
So, when you can do 3 sets of 10 repetitions of an exercise, bump the weight up by 5 pounds the next time you hit the gym.
As with pull ups one way to do this is to include static holds on each repetition by holding the top, middle and bottom positions for 5 seconds.
This can be done by setting a predetermined goal of a certain number of repetitions or alternatively you can forget about counting reps and just do the exercise for a certain amount if time.
Once you have cracked the previous stage it is just a case of making progress slowly by extending you legs further and further over a period of time until you can finally do a complete repetition with your legs straight.
To make an exercise, including push ups, more difficult and more effective you can simply increase the number of repetitions that you do, you can do more sets of more reps, take shorter (or no) breaks, use more weight by adding weight to your back or a weighted vest, or you can increase range of motion with your push up bars — while taking pressure off your wrists.
Many people think that by doing extra repetitions they'll develop muscles at a faster rate.
Once you can easily do 10 repetitions it's time to increase the difficulty by lowering the angle so your more horizontal.
You can achieve this by doing weight training exercises with a weight that is close to your repetition maximum.»
The plyometric training volume is calculated in total repetitions, so all repetitions you do in a set multiplied by the number of sets.
(Katy Perry worked her way up to these repetitions, you may have to start by doing less repetitions)
The high repetition way of training the stomach is in part explained by the fact that most abs exercises rely on your bodyweight to provide the resistance and with abs isolation exercises you are either sitting or lying down when you do them.
I also took advantage of starting light by doing more repetitions to practice the exercise form.
Then, I did another warm - up set with 185 pounds for 8 reps.. For my first real set, I used 185 for 8 reps followed by 4 forced negative repetitions.
Leaving aside the last paragraph about the difficulty of performing higher repetitions in a set of Front Squats and working around that dilemma by doing more sets of lesser repetitions, there is no magical formula or special consideration about the number of sets to choose for a Front Squat as to any other exercise.
In these series of exercises, we'll be taking advantage of that fact by performing them on the floor first for 1 - 2 repetitions, then resting a minute, then doing as many repetitions as possible on the parallettes.
If your goal is to develop muscular endurance and overall fitness rather than muscle and strength I am sure you know by now that this can only be done with high repetition exercises.
By raising you up off the floor a few inches, they allow you to do a variety of bodyweight exercises for more repetitions than you could do directly on the floor.
This is also influenced by their sport, endurance athletes are able to do more repetitions at a given percentage than strength and power athletes at the same percentage.
To find the number of repetitions you should perform in each set, do as many sit - ups as you can in two minutes and divide this number by three.
In a nutshell, the total repetitions (repetitions multiplied by the number of sets) are connected to the training intensity, or better the higher the training intensity, the less total repetitions you are able to do.
Since it is difficult to maintain proper Power Clean technique for more than 3 repetitions, you need to break these repetitions down into Cluster Sets, which means you could do 2 repetitions followed by 20 seconds rest, followed by 2 repetitions followed by 20 seconds rest, followed by 2 repetitions.
The way to get past some of the low level teams is by simply doing better in that particular category, but this will require a great deal of repetition — something that you will have to get used to if you want to play Autosport.
The film keeps its biography moving and even as Ziegfeld's life is marked by repetition, the sharp, well - paced production doesn't make the vicarious experience burdensome.
Playing a community - college biology professor, David Duchovny does most of the reiterating, and he seems appropriately bored by the repetition.
Whilst there are a lot to go through, by the time you are done unlocking them you will see that there is a lot of repetition in the ways that each will perform, and they are basically just great looking skins that are all doing the same thing.
Ongoing repetition of misinformation and half - truths by adult - focused special - interest groups does not alter the facts — great public schools change lives.
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