Sentences with phrase «by runoff water»

According to Dohm, this is a likely indication that the elements were leached out of the soil by runoff water and concentrated in sediment on the muddy floor of a standing ocean.

Not exact matches

The Complete Fly Fisherman is best savored in small bites, especially on early spring days when wind and winter runoff conspire to keep you off the water — where by all rights you should be — and in the library.
Somewhere, perhaps at a truck stop along Interstate 80, just south of a fruit stand on the Yolo Causeway or maybe in the middle of a field watered by runoff from the Delta, sits a line.
At 4 p.m., Sen. Tony Avella and residents call on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to be transparent and take responsibility for the flooding caused by water runoff from the leaking Whitestone bridge, Whitestone Expressway and Fifth Avenue, Queens.
Picente has asked the Oneida County Board of Legislators to commit $ 500,000 to address the public works projects within the municipalities that were severely impacted by the storm water runoff or flooding from their waterways or bodies of water.
Three main water quality issues were cited by Mr. Cuomo during his 20 - minute speech: an underground plume left by Northrup Grumman in Nassau county that measures one - by - three miles wide, runoff from mulching facilities on Long Island (of which there are 65) and saltwater intrusion.
It's the next phase in the $ 87 million consent decree, a water and sewer separation project that is mandated by the state and federal governments to prevent future sewage runoff into Lake Ontario.
In addition, by paving over previously open space — or farming previously reserved lands — communities in these watersheds contribute to record high waters through increased runoff.
That's why it's important to prevent contaminants from getting into the source water in the first place, for instance by installing wood chip bioreactors on farms to reduce nitrates in runoff water, says Michelle Soupir, a water quality engineer at Iowa State University in Ames.
While government agencies try to craft and implement development and zoning standards to help reduce storm water runoff problems caused by commercial and industrial entities, there is still much that individuals can do to reduce their impact as well.
-- John Eckerle, Jupiter, FL Motor oil leaked from individual vehicles — or outright dumped by homeowners and commercial garages — constitutes a significant chunk of storm water runoff, the fallen precipitation that runs off of roads and parking lots and inevitably finds its way into local water bodies.
The location is on track toward a target to reduce storm water runoff by 75 percent in summer and 40 percent in winter, he added.
However, the researchers did find a threefold higher risk of exposure for otters living near the mouths of rivers and streams, suggesting that storm - water runoff from fields and lawns frequented by cats could be a source of oocysts.
The long - term drinking - water issues for cities in the area could be alleviated by a proposal for a regional drinking water reservoir that captures storm runoff currently lost, Jurado said.
Researchers found that farmed oysters could remove significant amounts of nitrogen in the waters of the Chesapeake delivered there by agricultural and municipal runoff.
In California 42 percent of the water comes from the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins, which are fed by runoff from the Sierra Nevada and other mountain ranges.
A new study led by researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science reveals that land use in the watersheds from which this «dissolved organic matter» originates has important implications for Bay water quality, with the organic carbon in runoff from urbanized or heavily farmed landscapes more likely to persist as it is carried downstream, thus contributing energy to fuel low - oxygen «dead zones» in coastal waters.
Over two years of field experiments in the south west the team demonstrated that the hybrid, named Festulolium, reduced water runoff from agricultural grassland by up to 51 per cent compared to a leading UK nationally - recommended perennial ryegrass cultivar and by 43 per cent compared to meadow fescue.
The city has committed $ 1.5 billion to erecting green infrastructure — green roofs, street and sidewalk plantings, porous pavements, cisterns, rain barrels — that will control and absorb storm water and prevent polluted runoff from flowing into waterways by capturing it and filtering it naturally through the soil.
In recent years, some growers already have dramatically reduced the amount of water and synthetic fertilizer they use by practicing precision farming techniques, such as drip irrigation, which reduces the overall amount of water used and therefore nitrate runoff.
Causeways and other roads that bisect wetlands alter natural habitats by providing avenues by which invasive plants species can colonize wetlands and nesting areas, altering natural hydrology of wetland systems, altering storm water runoff and drainage, providing avenues for road salts and pollutants and the direct loss of habitat due to land - clearing and paving.
Pollution of the ocean by runoff from the land and the fouling of the air with carbon dioxide (which is warming the ocean and acidifying it) are accelerating and expanding the threats to the world's coastal waters.
Urbanization increases surface runoff, by creating more impervious surfaces such as pavement and buildings do not allow percolation of the water down through the soil to the aquifer.
The study, called «Modeling the effects of adopting agroforestry on basin scale surface runoff and sediment yield in the Philippines,» uses a computer - based Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate the effects of different land uses on watershed hydrology and the ecosystem services provided by the Gabayan watershed.
That makes sense, since the university's new research focus for Biosphere 2 is water: not just rain but runoff, absorption by soil, use by plants, and evaporation.
Because of the absence of small - scale streams in the Martian valley networks, it is thought that the valleys were carved primarily by ground water flow rather than by runoff of rain.
Humans alter that hydrological cycle through water use demand - irrigation being a large use - and cause changes in water supply by affecting evaporation and runoff.
The team also compared the ice loss up until the mid-1980s to that observed by satellites over roughly the last decade and found that today the rate of ice loss is twice the 20th century average, mostly because of increased water runoff from the ice sheet's surface.
In this study, the team first set up and validated CLM4 in terms of runoff generation at the global scale; then, they calibrated the parameters associated with the irrigation module that features dynamic groundwater pumping in CLM4 at the global scale against water use data compiled by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) from census information.
To certain degree this is supported by the preservation of forests in their role as runoff regulators and water reservoirs.
For example, the Bioenergy Technologies Office has helped a company develop a process for making commercial airliner biofuel (now being tested by Boeing), and it sponsored research by public university scientists investigating how a bioenergy crop can help prevent water contamination from fertilizer runoff.
Researchers found that toxic concentrations of zinc and copper in water runoff could be reduced by 10 percent to 20 percent by 2035 if all cities in the studied watersheds implemented a law similar to the Los Angeles City law that requires new and redevelopment to infiltrate rainwater from a 3 / 4 - inch storm.
River waters worldwide are impacted by disease - causing agents including bacteria, protists, flatworms, viruses, and harmful algae that derive from domestic sewage and farm runoff, and / or are emergent due to nutrient pollution and climate change.
Although the Clean Water Act strictly regulated point - source pollution, mandating sewage treatment standards, it did not similarly restrict more diffuse sources, such as nutrients delivered by agricultural and suburban runoff.
Across the state of California, over 300 systems carry water that has been contaminated by agricultural runoff or naturally occurring pollutants like arsenic and uranium.
The region faces issues of water pollution caused by runoff from chicken, hog, and cattle operations.
They could no longer grow food for their children because nutrients in the soil were depleted; they had no access to firewood, which was their main source of energy; livestock suffered because there was no vegetation to graze on; and streams were drying up or were polluted by soil runoff, resulting in a lack of drinking water.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), «When pet waste is improperly disposed of, it can be picked up by storm - water runoff and washed into storm drains or nearby water bodies --[it] carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can threaten the health of humans and wildlife.»
Which leads me to another question — the melting glacial / Greenland / Antarctic ice water is depleted in CO2 (check out the bubbles in your ice cubes)-- how much additional CO2 is being sequestered by this runoff into the oceans, and what happens to CO2 increase when we run out of glaciers?
By facilitating the real - time, synoptic monitoring of tDOM and freshwater runoff in surface polar waters, this novel approach will help understand the manifestations of climate change in this remote region.
Runoff from steep ice - cliffs, or through subglacial flow driven by water percolating through pores or fractures, will convert a high fraction of melting into ablation.
Coral communities are also impacted by water turbidity, resulting from fertilizer runoff, and by overfishing.
People in Tilwari are fortunate to have access to a relatively clean source of water because of a fresh spring that's fed directly by runoff from the peaks of the Himalayas, but until a gravity - fed pumping system was installed recently, the water was exposed to whatever contaminants might be in the air and open for animals to share the same drinking source as people.
Our land's highest, best use is probably a mixture of solar farms in the driest and poorest areas which concentrate water by runoff onto neighboring land used either to return to nature and grow grass (with cows optional) to sequester carbon by building soil and / or be periodically harvested to provide feed for cellulosic ethanol.
This is part way into a question I asked at RC... QUESTION: Do these experiments take into account any heat added to the water by underwater volcanic activity or fumeroles or even fresh water runoff from rain?
Dr. Geh Min, former president of Singapore Nature Society, highlighted the unique role of tropical mangrove ecosystems in providing wildlife habitat, curbing coastal erosion caused by intense wave actions or surface runoff, acting as a natural purifier of water, while serving as sitea for human recreation.
Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) can be a great solution to reduce local impacts of runoff, and both the Cape Fear Chapter and the nearby University of North Carolina Wilmington Surfrider Club have successfully applied their OFG programs to address the water quality problems caused by stormwater runoff.
While the shallow, near shore waters of this lake have been impacted by runoff, the offshore waters have been clearer in the last 97 years, due to the effects of warming and thermal stratification on nutrient (phosphorus) regeneration.
Grid estimation of runoff data: report of the WCP - Water Project B. 3: development of grid - related estimates of hydrological variables by Lars Gottschalk and Irina Krasovskaia.
Large deployment of BECCS could also exacerbate this threat by further degrading water quality by salinization, and from fertilizer and pesticide runoff associated with production of bioenergy feedstocks.
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