Sentences with phrase «by sacred values»

And these xenophobic ethno - nationalist groups, they're getting a lot of young people motivated by sacred values and group fusion.
This adherence to symbolism implies that symbolism in language is valid only when it is borne by the sacred values of the elements themselves.

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For while the sacred may be seen as that which gives meaning and value to the profane sphere, at the same time it may by its separateness and elevation tend to empty the profane sphere of significance and worth.
Much ecotheology, process theology and creation spirituality go even further by arguing against the traditional split between inert, value - free nature and a transcendent God, and by arguing that God acts in and through the processes of nature, which are reconceived as sacred or spiritual.
Values must be defended by appealing to other more fundamental values and beliefs that are also yours (perhaps you will refer to the Bible or the Qur «an or some other sacred text) which are not going to be accepted by those who have basic disagreements with your point of view in the first Values must be defended by appealing to other more fundamental values and beliefs that are also yours (perhaps you will refer to the Bible or the Qur «an or some other sacred text) which are not going to be accepted by those who have basic disagreements with your point of view in the first values and beliefs that are also yours (perhaps you will refer to the Bible or the Qur «an or some other sacred text) which are not going to be accepted by those who have basic disagreements with your point of view in the first place.
Yet even today, when the Faith of Christ is decayed among the nations, and when Christianity seems to belie the promises of Christ, and to be passing into the dead world of human religions, one more among many, even today, whatever individual values we hold sacred, whatever sanctity we claim for the personality of man, whatever freedoms, above the rut of biological materialism, we try to salvage from the ruins of a culture, all these are the droplets which remain within that chalice of the Christian Faith dashed down by the nation.
Takana, a rabbinic forum established in 2003 to clamp down on s - exual misconduct by Orthodox educators, went public February 15 with allegations that Mordechai «Moti» Elon had taken advantage of his influence over male students and performed «acts at odds with sacred and moral values
He knows that the more sacred established values are, the more attention he attracts by unashamedly violating them, whether it concerns the normalisation of misogyny, xenophobia or incitement to violence.
Islamic State (also known as ISIS) soldiers and Kurds who have fiercely battled them sacrifice themselves for sacred, nonnegotiable values, says a team led by anthropologist Scott Atran of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
The Neurs especially valued the livers of animals, considered so sacred «that it may not be touched by human hands... It is eaten both raw and cooked.»
This temple is featured by the unique shape of temple building with towering tiers style decorated with Balinese ornaments with high artistic values that gives the sacred for its temple.
What has never been sufficiently taken into account by «serious» criticism is the character of these works as monumental and ironic put - ons, blagues, a favorite form of destructive wit of the period, inflated to gigantic dimensions — pictorial versions of those endemic pranks which threatened to destroy all serious values, to profane and vulgarize the most sacred verities of the times.
And no other firm is as dedicated to the values espoused by Johnnie Cochran: it is the sacred duty of lawyers to restore a voice to the disenfranchised and ensure justice for all Americans suffering as a result of the wrongdoings of government entities, corporations, or individuals.
This is truth, this is the reality of CAIR, who stands before the court and demands that we «by our own hands» provide them with all the protections and liberties afforded an organization or individual who wishes to be a part of a democratic country yet have utterly no intention of abiding, now or at any time in the future, by the dictates of a lawful, democratic society which values and holds sacred, human rights, freedom, rule of law, women's rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and many other freedoms.
A basic difficulty arises from the fact that, under some laws, Aboriginals have to prove the religious significance of sites and their importance; partly this is difficult owing to different approaches by different Aboriginal groups to sacred sites and to the fact that knowledge of the sites is restricted to a few gender - specific individuals and partly it conflicts with some Aboriginal values and customs, including the importance given to secrecy.
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