Sentences with phrase «by skepticalscience»

Using it here impugns a good honest product by skepticalscience.
Many more of Monckton's claims — including others about snow cover and sea - ice — are being diligently examined against the peer - reviewed science — yet again — by SkepticalScience, which has begun a series looking at his debating points in detail.

Not exact matches

This is re-post at SkepticalScience of 17 Nov re-post of an EcoWatch article by Michael Mann, Super Typhoon Haiyan: Realities of a Warmed World and Need for Immediate Climate Action.
Posts at RealClimate (here) and at SkepticalScience (here) looked on the paper as the second coming of... errr... Hansen's GISTEMP maybe, saying Cowtan and Way (2013) proved the UKMO HADCRUT4 data underreports by half the warming of global surface temperatures since 1997.
«SkepticalScience seems to becoming the ringleader for conspiratorial activities by the green climate bloggers.
Anyone who argues by referring to the laughable skepticalscience [sic] has no argument.
Since you seem to like guessing, I'll take a guess that a description of you: You are probably one of those gullible young dudes who accept the nonsense sprouted by the likes of John Cook (SkepticalScience) and his disciples.
For example, Dr. Paul Opler (the first invertebrate specialist for the Endangered Species Act) was included in an email discussing how to deal with «Steele», sent by Slandering Sou and Miesler to Cook at SkepticalScience, Climate Progress, and Dr. Singer (who hoist Sou by her own petard).
I attempted to create a simple model for calculation purposes on the skepticalscience site and even with overly conservative numbers (that favored AGW) i couldn't account for the 0.73 C increase in temperatures over the 36 year period by the reduction in OLR even using the authors» modeled results (which was between 1 - 2K reduction in OLR Brightness Temperature).
Guest Post by Bob Tisdale In Dana Nuccitelli's recent post at SkepticalScience Matt Ridley wants to gamble the Earth's future because he won't learn from the past, he has finally admitted something we've been discussing for more than 6 years.
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