Sentences with phrase «by state authorities»

The difference is that the consequences for not raising scores are decided by state authorities and not by federal ones.
Except that they are not backed by any state authority but a network of its users and software.
The new fund will mean that the federal government will pay for up to 75 per cent of the cost of the cleanup, the remainder to be met by the state authorities.
Presumably it does: if the individual is not free to leave the officer's custody or refuse the examination, then their individual liberty is clearly suspended by a state authority.
Lastly, all of the highest reviewed online traffic schools are recognized by their state authorities, meaning that you will have no trouble removing points from your license and driving record.
Fiat also said on Tuesday that it is receiving a $ 4.56 - million grant in return for creating the 700 new jobs, which follows a tax break worth more than $ 11 million that the company has already been granted by state authorities in Michigan with regard to its investment in the Sterling Heights plant.
An audit released in October by the state Authorities Budget Office was critical of Syracuse for placing workers on the payroll of the Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) that were not actually doing work for the agency.
The report by the state Authorities Budget Office also says the city «appears to misuse various grant funds» to pay personnel costs for some employees of the urban renewal agency.
An investigative duty arose where detention arrangements were implemented by the State authorities with the result that detention took place beyond the reach of the courts, even if such detention was not secret or unacknowledged.
A memorial to the suffering of the White House Boys was dedicated in 2008 and it was closed by state authorities in 2011.
The need for a political religion was formulated by state authorities around 2010 — something that coincided with the election of Kirill, a Russian World enthusiast, to the Patriarchal See of Moscow.
In the South, as in New England, the Baptists were persecuted by the State authorities.
Yet we in the West should strive for humane borders in which travelers and immigrants of all backgrounds are treated with respect by state authorities, and valued as human beings with great potential, rather than dismissed as faceless hordes — or, in Hitchens's words, «countless persons from who - knows - where.»
Churches are vandalized by state authorities, religious leaders arrested.
Wisconsin Democrats have made a concerted effort to make what's referred to as a «John Doe investigation» — conducted at first in secret by state authorities — a campaign issue in the gubernatorial recall election, though the issue hasn't garnered much attention outside the state.
Espada, in a written statement, said Soundview's Medicaid records were «an open book» and were routinely reviewed by state authorities.
The BQX will be city - run mass transit, as opposed to the subways and buses run by the state authority.
Environmental groups are calling for an investigation of the board by the state Authorities Budget Office.
Nick Confessore reports that John Sampson, the State Senate leader, performed legal work for Edul Ahmad, a Queens real estate broker who was being investigated by state authorities on allegations of fraud and predatory lending, and was disciplined for acting as a notary for the broker after his notary license had expired, according to state documents.
For example, four separate proposed coal - fired power plants in Florida have either been rejected by state authorities or withdrawn, including a nearly 2,000 - megawatt coal plant near the Everglades and an additional unit at an existing plant outside Tampa — one of the U.S.'s few integrated gasification and combined cycle (IGCC) power plants, which use an advanced coal - burning technology with fewer emissions.
Sisulu eventually withdrew from the PAL site, continued its expansion to 5th grade, and has been reauthorized by the state authority.
With senior schooling HPE courses delivered by state authorities, senior students have the opportunity to prepare for their own career pathways in movement, sport science, health promotion and holistic careers by engaging with the skills and knowledge developed in the HPE learning area.
reflects on the complexities of contemporary surveillance, from technologies used by state authorities to everyday monitoring practices.
Each year the city's capital budget is about $ 5 billion, and additional billions are spent by state authorities and the Port Authority to renew the city's water, education and transportation infrastructure.
International Law: State Immunity Is there state immunity where a Canadian citizen is arrested, detained, tortured and killed by State authorities in Iran.
Absent a complete breakdown of the state apparatuses or an admission by the state authorities that they are unable to protect the claimant, a claimant must advance clear and convincing evidence of the state's inability to protect him or her.
Methods of doing so often build on foundational identity provided by state authorities, notably Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS).
Experts believe that this initiative by state authorities will ensure complete peace of mind for state employees and pensioners helping them focus more on developmental work, instead of financial worries.
When you fail the course, the decision to allow you to retake the course will be made by state authorities or the court.
A gun taken from his vehicle in the FBI parking lot was returned to Santiago by state authorities after he was hospitalized for a mental health evaluation.
But the report by the State Authorities Budget Office, a watchdog over public authorities and public benefit corporations created in 2009, found that the board of the Environmental Facilities Corporation did not exercise sufficient scrutiny of the loan.
«The issue of revenues from the pipeline will be decided by state authorities and it's way too early to engage in those discussions given that the lead agency process has just begun and the environmental review process hasn't even started,» Pilgrim Pipeline spokesman Paul Nathanson wrote.
However, once private lenders are backed by state authority — as is the case with New Jersey — borrowers face even harsher collection practices than they would with a private lender.
But Marlett says auto insurers are regulated by state authorities and it's rare for an insurer to go bankrupt, so consumers may not need to focus on company financials quite so much.
The environmental groups are calling for an investigation of the board, by the state Authorities Budget Office.
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