Sentences with phrase «by subjective views»

(These assists are judged not for the last touch but by the subjective view of the club statistician for a crucial part played in the goal).

Not exact matches

The record produced by blockchain systems creates an environment of total transparency for both content creators and media consumers, and it also ensures that all views, comments and ratings reflect the real interactions the content has experienced, leaving no room for subjective, inflated ratings or deleted bad reviews.
Such a view would not be quite so absurd as might at first appear: the divine temporal evaluations would seem to be no more arbitrary than those of the constitution of the primordial nature in Whitehead's view; and the divine subjective aim toward the maximum of value intensity, together with the property of everlastingness and the Categoreal Obligations (constituted by the primordial nature) of Subjective Unity and Subjective Harmony, would seem sufficient to insure the mutual coherence of the growing series of divine temporal evsubjective aim toward the maximum of value intensity, together with the property of everlastingness and the Categoreal Obligations (constituted by the primordial nature) of Subjective Unity and Subjective Harmony, would seem sufficient to insure the mutual coherence of the growing series of divine temporal evSubjective Unity and Subjective Harmony, would seem sufficient to insure the mutual coherence of the growing series of divine temporal evSubjective Harmony, would seem sufficient to insure the mutual coherence of the growing series of divine temporal evaluations.
But the prehensions of each phase must be different from those of the other phases by virtue of different subjective forms, just as on Whitehead's view the prehensions of each occasion differ from those of each other by virtue of the same reason.
In Whitehead's view, the initial or ideal aim given by God includes alternatives; 43 these are «graded» according to their relevance; 44 the creature can modify his initial subjective aim, i.e. the ideal aim given by God.45 Thus, a creature could use his freedom in order to actualize the ideal aim given him, or he could modify this aim to such an extent as to choose the worst alternative open to him, or his actualization could fall anywhere in between.
He begins by presenting a novel, brief history of arguments in analytic philosophy between moral realism (the view that moral properties are objectively real) and moral expressivism (the view that moral judgments are subjective expressions).
By using genocide as as example of objective morality and not viewing god as immoral when he orders genocide in the Bible you only proving that morality is subjective.
After a sketch of the standoff between views of theology as something «objective» and views of it as something «subjective,» Wood concurs with Farley's reasons for rejecting the picture of theology as universally valid «objective» truths and factual knowledge.2 He also rejects another type of «objective» view of theology, represented by Hough and Cobb, which defines theology by reference to the purposes of professional church leadership (93).
It should not be surprising then that Whitehead thought of God as a single actual entity immune to the possibility of loss.59 At least William Christian sees this as the proper Whiteheadian view.60 Nevertheless, Christian's position is challenged by Ivor Leclerc, who argues, in agreement with Hartshorne, that Christian's conclusion is incompatible with the categoreal scheme elaborated in chapter two of Process and Reality.61 Here, according to Leclerc, Whitehead «makes clear» that the category of «subjective perishing» is «necessarily applicable to every actual entity whatever, including God.»
The author believes that Whitehead's thought provides us with an unusual opportunity to examine our religious beliefs by giving us a new view of reality, and concludes that Whitehead offers not only productive insights into the understanding of the nature of God and man, but also strong arguments for both objective and subjective immortality.
Conservatives cherry - pick those passages that support their conservative view of God based on their conservative ego, and vice versa, where liberals are concerned... and there is NO way to ascertain which is true, except on a wholly subjective, personal level, thus it will never be proven objectively, since Spirit, by it's very nature, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the flesh and whatever seems to be happening on this earth, because Spirit is completely opposite, and therefore invisible to the naked human eye, being of the mind only, and therefore unprovable.
The view that God has a subjective aspect is supported by the religious traditions of the West and brings the principle of novelty and order into closer proximity to the main streams of Western religious experience.
Thus, granted the existence of God, I myself hold that the person is created by God, and I would suggest that this view is what is required by a Whiteheadian theory if we are to take seriously the view that God creates the subjective aim of any actual occasion.
On Whitehead's view a concrescing occasion begins with definite novel forms provided by God and eventually selects one of them as its subjective aim.
Furthermore, by itself, the phenomenological view leads to a subjective hyper - individualism that weakens Rogers» approach to therapy; Rogers declares:
Instead we can take another approach as described by Mary Midgley: «There are two points of view — inside and outside, subjective and objective, the patient's point of view on his toothache and that of the dentist who studies it» (OW 508).
There are exactly parallel views of scientific models that have been held by many contemporary philosophers of science, namely, that models are purely subjective, psychological, and adopted by individuals for private heuristic purposes.
The resulting list reflects the combined expertise of a community that is dedicated to the dining experience, versus the collective view of the average diner, or the subjective rating by a restaurant critic.
You have to have the rules, the sports don't work without them, but they're subjective by nature and you're always going to find people who view them differently.
It never ceases to amaze me how the media and some of our own fans end up with a completely subjective and negative view of a good performance put in by our Arsenal players.
But, one fundamental obstacle that will prevent this from coming to fruition is the subjective view of the electoral process / positions by the youths as a right which must be given, even in the face of obvious inabilities, and gross absence of planned programs and pragmatic strategies to making a positive impact by the power - seeking youths.
That is, knowledge about the more than two - millennia - old Eastern tradition of investigating the mind from the inside, from an interior, subjective point of view, and the much more recent insights provided by empirical Western ways to probe the brain and its behavior using a third - person, reductionist framework.
Davis is being honored for her work on «Acoustical Performance of a Completely Renovated Recital Hall From Subjective and Objective Points - Of - View», and Huey is being honored for her work on «Comparison of Interior Noise Levels Produced by Rain Impinging on Several Commercial Roof Constructions».
This is a completely subjective view, and it's prone to being easily swayed by your thoughts.
At any rate, movie viewing is completely subjective — as evidenced by my loathing of the Harry Potter franchise despite its record breaking box office.
The real trick of the film, though, is the way Legrand subtly shifts perspective from this outsider point - of - view of Antoine to a more subjective one, first by focusing attention on Julien's interactions with his father, then by letting us see him through Miriam's un-blinkered eyes.
More likely - in fact certainly - employees will be asked to prove their worth by answering subjective questions, or more correctly forming an opinion about a subjective question, which by definition does not have a correct answer, only a well thought out opinion or point - of - view.
Opinionated Essay: Some Useful Tips for You Opinionated essay is a kind of essay, which presupposes the presenting subjective point of view of the writer to the subject under consideration, which is supported by the reasons, examples, and evidence.
Opinionated essay is a kind of essay, which presupposes the presenting subjective point of view of the writer to the subject under consideration, which is supported by the reasons, examples, and evidence.
Puff Pieces refers to the exaggerated surfaces of these works, but also to the singular and subjective act of expression unchecked by opposing points of view»
In my own work, I'm interested in how landscape is a cultural construction informed by our own subjective view of the world.
Currently on view at American Contemporary, New York is «The Cardboard Lover,» a group exhibition that explores how cultural objects reflect the subjective experiences and objective styles produced by the late capitalist organization of labor.
The View From Here at Tiwani Contemporary, presents works by Kganye and six other artists from Africa and the diaspora, who challenge and explore the status of the photograph's potential for subjective, fictional and poetic musings.
The artist, who is also represented by galleries in Chicago, Miami, London and Milan, has a solo exhibition «Sanford Biggers: Subjective Cosmology» on view at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit through Jan. 1, 2017.
American Pop art tended to be emblematic, anonymous, and aggressive; English Pop, more subjective and referential, expressed a somewhat romantic view of Pop culture fostered perhaps by England's relative distance from it.
1991 - 90 Weitersehen, Museum Haus Esters and Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany (exh cat) British Art Now: A Subjective View, (organized by the British Council)(exh cat)(toured to Setegaya Museum, Tokyo, Fukuoka Art Museum, Nagoya City Museum, Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Hyogo Prefectural Museum, Hiroshima City Museum, Japan)
Participants will exchange their subjective views on art by quoting concrete artifacts that can be placed in the Past, the Present or the Future.
«subjective 1 based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions: his views are highly subjective there is always the danger of making a subjective judgment.
Abella J.: «The majority is of the view that the appeal should be dismissed substantially for the reasons of Willcock J.A. Justices Moldaver and Karakatsanis would allow the appeal substantially for the reasons of Tysoe J.A.» The B.C.C.A. (by majority) ordered a new trial; clarification of subjective v. objective conduct.
Justice Abella: «The majority is of the view that the appeal should be dismissed...» The B.C.C.A. (by majority) ordered a new trial; clarification of subjective v. objective conduct.
As the decision states, ``... the Federal Court appears to have been distracted by Allergan's subjective view of the importance of certain terms that had to be negotiated out, rather than keeping to an objective assessment of the matter from the standpoint of a reasonable businessperson.»
The judgment about who can volunteer to be a charity trustee could be made based on the subjective views and opinions of whoever is running the Charity Commission — which might be unduly influenced by media or political pressure as opposed to an objective consideration of the facts and legal due process.
[T] he Governor in Council's discretionary decision was based on the widest considerations of policy and public interest assessed on the basis of polycentric, subjective or indistinct criteria and shaped by its view of economics, cultural considerations, environmental considerations, and the broader public interest (at para 154).
The basics of positive psychology are examined first, such as positive emotions, emotional intelligence, happiness, subjective well - being, flow, optimism, resilience, self - determination theory, meaning, mindsets, and strengths, followed by less common (and in my view equally important) topics, for example national and global well - being, the positive body, positive change, time perspectives, and a review of positive psychology applications in professional contexts, such as education, coaching, and psychotherapy.
Unfortunately, book learning leading to uni-dimensional subjective theories of how competitve business ventures «must» operate in future uncharted territory, when imposed almost via fiat by czarist government civil service folks lacking hands - on experience in relevant disciplines, creates a situation whereby personal political views are juxtaposed against reality.
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