Sentences with phrase «by teachers unions»

But the measure remains opposed by the teachers union, who see it as a way of creating a back - door voucher program and not funding public schooling at appropriate levels.
Ironically, this policy supported by teachers unions ends up benefiting charter schools.
But within a few years, the law came under bitter attack by teacher unions, local school officials, and small advocacy groups.
Historically, school board elections have been low - budget and low - turnout affairs often dominated by teacher unions.
That move was criticized by the teachers unions, which does not take children out of the public schools, and holds their events after school hours and on weekends.
It's ironic that this movement is led by teachers unions, which have been bullying independent - minded teachers for decades.
The source of this claim is a series of recent consultant reports commissioned by teacher unions, school board associations, legislative bodies, and others, often for use in school finance cases.
While most states remain committed to the standards, opposition has been voiced both by conservative groups who fear expanded federal control and by teachers unions worried about the consequences for teacher evaluation.
The recipients, big and small, help to build a broad, diverse coalition that can be called upon by a teacher union when help is needed.
That prompted a lawsuit by the teachers union, which argued the city had agreed to keep that information private.
When public school teachers recently gathered in large groups at events sponsored by their teacher unions, legislators started to take notice.
While the standards remain in place in most states, they are opposed by conservative groups that fear expanded federal control and by teachers unions wary of their use in teacher evaluations.
He said it's notable that value - added measures and test scores have been accepted in some form by the teachers union.
A recent online survey by teachers union members showed that teachers feel unprepared for the Common Core transition.
Teacher quality is one of the biggest issues being discussed now by teachers unions, politicians, and teachers themselves.
The march attracted only about 3,000 participants, but their message reflected the standard opposition by teachers unions and their allies to efforts at reforming our public schools.
For real gains to be made, charter schools need the advantages in flexibility and competition they have over traditional district schools — advantages opposed by teachers unions.
In most cases, wealthy outside donors are supporting reform - minded school board candidates who are competing with candidates backed by teacher unions, said Sarah Reckhow, MSU assistant professor of political science and lead author on the study.
AQE, which is partly funded by the teachers union, is angry with the governor over what they say is his failure to follow a decade - old court order saying that billions more dollars need to be spent on schools to guarantee school children their constitutional right to a «sound, basic» education.
Garcetti, who is endorsed by the teachers union in LA, initially seemed to oppose the parent trigger movement (read about it here), but he eventually expressed unequivocal support for the option (read the story here).
Baraka was supported by teachers unions in the race, while his opponent, Shavar Jeffries, was backed by charter school supporters.
Demographic quotas for charters in the name of equity are the latest policy cudgel of choice pushed by teachers union bosses in states all over the country.
Although Zimmer has resisted attempts to fire Deasy and has voted for the vast majority of his proposals, he also has supported attempts by the teachers union to modify or soften them.
Stanford University's Terry M. Moe sits down with EdNext editor Marty West to discuss how political debates over education reform have unfolded around the world, with a focus on the role played by teachers unions.
An article by Mike Antonucci that appears in the Fall 2010 issue of Ed Next looks at campaign spending by teachers unions nationwide.
Pilot schools aren't generally the model favored by the teachers union, notes LAUSD's Rachel Bonkovsky, who is helping to oversee implementation of the various autonomy models.
Anti-Catholic remark by teachers union leader reported in the Family Research Council's newsletter, Washington Watch, January 1992.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo sank to the lowest approval ratings of his career Wednesday, following weeks of attacks by teachers unions against his proposals to reform education.
The rally comes as a study released by the teacher union affiliated Alliance for Quality Education finds that under Governor Cuomo, funding inequality between rich and poor schools has grown wider.
The rally, organized by teachers unions and their allies, and attended by numerous Democratic state lawmakers, also featured the preacher who began Moral Mondays in his home state of North Carolina, Reverend William Barber.
The results reflect concerns raised by teacher unions about the move to linear assessment, with the Association of Teachers and Lecturers telling Schools Week it «remained worried» that «many students» were disadvantaged by the change.
Government has also been criticized in recent times by teacher unions for not payment of other mandatory allowances such as transfer grants.
He appeared ready to end the legislative session early after securing a number of education reforms that were fought tooth - and - nail by teachers unions (and opposed by de Blasio).
New York's controversial receivership law that allows for the takeover of failing public schools withstood a court challenge by the teachers union, with a state Supreme Court judge this week rejecting a number of arguments aimed at deeming the statute unconstitutional.
The study, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, provides some of the strongest evidence to date of the validity of «value - added» analysis, whose accuracy has been hotly contested by teachers unions and some education experts who question the use of test scores to evaluate teachers.
The Academic Growth over Time became a lightning rod of criticism by the teachers union and some academics.
Nolan is chair of the Education committee, and is being pressured by the teacher unions, and local school boards.
According to him, there is a subsisting injunction secured by the teachers union from the Industrial Arbitration Court asking government not to go ahead with the exercise.
This seems like a conspiracy by teachers Unions to have more free days.
King tries to raise standards in NY and is met with resistance by a teachers union solely interested in preserving is power base at the expense of students who are told by their lobby that we should define success at lower thresholds so we'd can feel good rather than compete in a global economy paying us by.
As Zack Fink noted on State of Politics yesterday, the governor got out - worked this budget season by the teachers unions — a longtime political ally of the Assembly Democrats — which had a dramatic impact on public opinion.
Billy Easton, with Alliance for Quality Education, a pro school funding organization partly financed by the teachers unions.
That's why Andrew Cuomo is opposed to allowing the Regents (owned by the Assembly, which is owned by the teachers union) to have the sole say as to who gets a charter school.
Kim says he was not swayed by the teachers unions, who oppose the education tax credit.
After Cuomo outlined his education proposals in his State of the State address last month, much of the reaction has been provided by the teachers unions and from the United Federation of Teachers in particular, whose president, Michael Mulgrew, has been perhaps Cuomo's lead agitator over the last month.
In return for the lengthy extension, Flanagan asked the mayor to support tax credits for private and parochial schools, which are opposed by teacher unions loyal to de Blasio.
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