Sentences with phrase «by tens of thousands of dollars»

Start climbing trim levels and adding options, and these prices can climb by tens of thousands of dollars.
The total sum, which exceeded all other lawmakers by tens of thousands of dollars, is broken down in depth within the documents and includes details not included in his public campaign filings.
Those in the highest - paid jobs, earning $ 200,000 plus, may see pensions reduced by tens of thousands of dollars.
By volunteering to pay tax on $ 5,000 in the year you received the stock, you reduced your overall tax liability by tens of thousands of dollars.
Although you would make a larger monthly payment, the loan comparison calculator can show you how it's possible to cut long term interest payments by tens of thousands of dollars.
Start climbing trim levels and adding options, and prices can climb by tens of thousands of dollars.
The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA) that passed in the U.S. House in 2009, which included many favors for the coal industry, was encouraged by tens of thousands of dollars in contributions to House members from Southern Co.'s political action committee.
For example, if you have no medical insurance, a single mid-level medical procedure could put you in debt by tens of thousands of dollars, and even force you into bankruptcy.
An entire generation of young workers trying to enter the workforce are being handicapped by tens of thousands of dollars of debt — and there aren't even the entry level type jobs to go into as there was with previous generations.
However, in exchange for small monthly savings, a homeowner will have to forgo the opportunity to purchase a single - family home, which typically appreciates in value by tens of thousands of dollars over the term of a mortgage.
Two slightly different houses on the same street can vary in sales price by tens of thousands of dollars yet where the Realtor is willing to accept say 2.5 % on $ 500,000 yesterday, there is no logical argument to be made for being worth 2.5 % on the $ 550,000 property across the street or 2.5 % on the $ 400,000 condo around the corner, tomorrow.
Indeed, placing the Murrays in such a plan, as suggested by ECMC, will cause their student loan debt to grow by tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the repayment plan.
The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA) that passed in the U.S. House in 2009, which included many favors for the coal industry, was encouraged by tens of thousands of dollars in contributions to House members from the political action committees of Duke and other utilities.
The stores inflate costs for consumers by tens of thousands of dollars with various vague fees.
Some of Midwest Tactical's best - selling models have climbed in value by tens of thousands of dollars since Goepfert and his wife Joy, 45, started the company.
«Over the course of a 25 - or 30 - year retirement, it reduces anticipated Social Security income by tens of thousands of dollars
But his frustrations over police impunity «all became overwhelming,» Wednesday, Williams said, after news this week that Daniel Pantaleo, the NYPD cop who put Eric Garner in what the medical examiner called a fatal chokehold in the summer of 2014, saw his pay rise by tens of thousands of dollars while on desk duty.
The Buffalo Urban League also sued Mychajliw last year after the Comptroller's Office conducted a review of Urban League and determined the county had been overbilled by tens of thousands of dollars.
Annual compensation for first - year postdocs can differ by tens of thousands of dollars, even when levels of talent, responsibility, and output are virtually the same.
A small district may still need the same number of teachers and facilities, even though its state aid falls by tens of thousands of dollars, based on lower enrollment spread across several grades.
This very well - equipped S63 Cabriolet prices out at just over $ 209,000, and with similar configurations — drivetrain and four - place seating — the closest competitor to the S63 Cabriolet is perhaps the Bentley Continental GT V8S Convertible, but the AMG undercuts the Continental by tens of thousands of dollars, if not six figures.
Dear Readers: Congress just killed the Social Security strategy known as «claim now, claim more later» that allowed married couples to boost their benefits by tens of thousands of dollars.
Whether your unexpected debt is relatively small or you're being overwhelmed by tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills, bankruptcy is a great option for erasing your debt.
Others are faced with «negative equity» meaning instead of getting out of school and starting at «zero», they owe far more than they are worth, sometimes by tens of thousands of dollars.
The embattled EPA chief used an obscure provision last month to increase the salaries of a pair of staffers by tens of thousands of dollars.
Jack's proven salary negotiation strategies have empowered a countless array of senior executives to boost their employment offer by tens of thousands of dollars.
It is enormously frustrating to drive cars that outpace the Sonata's price by tens of thousands of dollars, only to have a lumbar support that pokes you in a place that the carmaker decided the General Human needed it.
The county said he understated his personal debts by tens of thousands of dollars.
Of course, start climbing trim levels and adding options, and these prices can climb by tens of thousands of dollars.
Fannie Mae has come to recognize the problem people are facing when they'd like to buy a house but they're hemmed in by tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt.
The Erie County Board of Ethics has fined Legislator Ted Morton $ 500 for filing false information on his 2013 financial disclosure form and understating his personal debts by tens of thousands of dollars, but he does not want to pay up.
This question is more specific to the context of being young, fairly new to the workplace, and heavily in student loan debt (negative net worth, by tens of thousands of dollars).
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