Sentences with phrase «by the missionary benedictines»

I grew up in South Africa, surrounded by missionaries.
He's a clever writer who was raised by missionary parents.
There is an old saying among countries visited by missionaries: «When the white man arrived, he had the Bible and we had the land; now, we have the Bible and he has the land.»
No, you are not directly responsible for the Spanish Inquisition, the thousands (or millions) of women killed during the various witch hunts, the millions killed by missionaries, the millions killed by Hitler, the suffocation of science, the persecution of free thinkers..., but you did sign on with the same group that IS responsible for all of that.
It is also strange that he quotes the letter to his curate, Bloxam, in 1841 on the conversion of England by missionaries going barefoot and being pelted and trampled on, and does not make the connection with Blessed Dominic Barberi.
Not a single person cared for by the Missionaries speaks on camera.
As I grew, and learned more about christian history, the crusades, the inquisitions, the forced religion by missionaries and governments etc..
Even though Africa has trained enough people to the same academic levels as in Canada, USA and Australia it can not democratize or develop unless it first cures the residual effects of the partial westernization, cognitive dissonance, and governance - deficiency syndrome created by missionary Christianity.
When Gandhi was questioned by the missionary E. Stanley Jones why he rejected becoming a follower of Christ he stated, «Oh, I don't reject Christ.
In fact, the use of such images by the missionaries to get across the Christian message obviously reinforced some of the Pulayas» pre-existing notions of God.
In fact, the new Christian vocabulary introduced by the missionaries was somewhat alien to them.41 While teaching the Pulaya candidates of Mepra, Koshi Koshi found many responses from the candidates did «not fully correspond» to Anglican Christian instruction.
With these observations about the religion of the Pulayas let us move on to look at the communication of the Gospel by the missionaries.
However, it is possible to obtain some idea of the process from the nature of the Christian instruction impaired by the missionaries, the people involved, and the way in which Pulayas responded to particular aspects of Christian teaching.
It must be noted that these were not communities of Persian Christians but of Indians by blood and ancestry brought to Christian faith by the missionary activities of Indian Christians as well of Persian missionaries.
The other is that along with the passage of history the good deeds done by missionaries could not be forgotten and will be appreciated by the people who benefited.
In examining missionary archives I am struck constantly by the missionaries» painstaking attention to detail.
How many orphanages, wells, hospitals, schools, shelters, water purifiers, warm blankets, clothes for the needy, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, rehab programs, homes, charitable organizations, etc were built and / or started by missionaries or religious organizations?
As a young convert, Oesterreicher was animated by a missionary zeal to convert Jews.
Great satisfaction has been found by missionary leaders in the national Christian churches in the orient.
Those who belonged to Staffner's second and third categories wished to separate Jesus from the Western cultural dress and thought forms in which he was presented by missionaries.
Monica Besra, a mother of five, tells TIME that on September 5, 1998 — a year to the day after Theresa died — she was writhing in pain from an abdominal tumor at a home, run by the Missionaries of Charity.
I will remind you they did not decide to put a cover over their nakedness until they were told about God by some missionary.
... The failure to indigenize has been largely due to the fact that the new churches have been organized by the missionaries who most often transplanted their own denominational structures, resulting in the new church's full dependency on the missionaries - almost in everything.
The traditional system of control over the dalits was threatened by the missionaries» antislavery campaign
In almost all cases reported by the missionaries, it is evident that the Pulayas sought their help in dealing with conflicts.
These oppressed also saw the doors opening for them as a way out of the misery with the success of the anti-slave campaign championed by the missionaries.
It is evident from the sources provided by the missionaries that unprecedented changes were taking place in Pulaya attitudes and behaviour as a result of their emancipation.
Extensive interviews with Pulayas were published by the missionaries.21 At this stage of the campaign the CMS missionaries developed not only a sense of sympathy for the Pulaya community, but also a degree of emotional commitment to do something concrete about the Pulayas» social condition.
In fact anti-slavery and evangelistic campaigns were (at least initially) considered by the missionaries as separate issues.
Threats of murder and physical violence leading to near deaths of some Pulayas were also reported by the missionaries.
In his article on «Bhakti Marga,» in Hastings» Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics he mentions that «in the year AD 639 the famous Indian king Siladitya of Kanauj, a patron of the Bhagavatas, received a party of Syrian Christians, headed by the missionary Alopen, at his court.»
Copyright @ 1972 by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle in the State of New York.
A corollary, promoted by some anthropologists, says that the pristine cultures of such remote people groups should remain undisturbed by modernity — and especially by missionaries, who are seen as meddling cultural imperialists.
It was recognised that in the fields of Biblical and theological studies, there had been new insights and developments that needed to be taken seriously by the missionary movement.
The terminology of «daughter» or «younger» churches had begun to emerge out of this colonial period to describe churches planted by missionaries.
What of a sex slave who has been reached by missionaries before she was kidnapped but hasn't studied any theology aside from being introduced to Christ, and loves Christ already?
This moral disengagement, broken only by the missionaries — mostly of low - church varieties and not intent upon political change — lasted until after World War II, when the decolonization movement emerged as that war's perhaps most important consequence, though it had not been foreseen and had still less been an aim in the developed countries.
Most of it was by missionaries inspired by the awakenings in Christianity.
All efforts to win back from the Muslims, either by crusades or by missionary efforts, have been unsuccessful.
At the age of 19, having been challenged by a missionary, Robert Moffat, he resolved to become a medical missionary in China.
As one of three brothers raised in Mexico by missionary parents, Phil Calhoun has a deep understanding of Hispanic culture.
For example, East Africa was evangelised, it is true, first by missionaries, but it was the East African Revival that set the pattern for holiness, for a vigour of lifestyle in relationship with Christ that so impressed an 18 year old teaching at Kiburu Secondary school.
The Yang Tao had its name changed to «Chinese gooseberry» after being introduced to New Zealand by missionaries in the early 1900s.
Do you live and die by the missionary position?
Schuyler, Nebraska About Blog St. Benedict Center is a non-profit, ecumenical retreat and conference center, founded by the Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory.
You are tired, but not from Exploring sin, sacrifices and atonement, common themes used by missionaries.
European missionaries to southern Africa during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries played a strangely ambiguous role in the history and affairs of the Exploring sin, sacrifices and atonement, common themes used by missionaries.
This image of the Virgin Mary dates from the early 16th century and believed to have been brought to San Juan de los Lagos by missionaries from Michoacn.
Taking its title from a hymn written by missionary Margaret Drummond (played in the film by Pauline Collins: Shirley Valentine), Paradise Road is the product of Beresford's interviews with surviving members of a Sumatran prison camp that was so remote, it took a full two weeks after VJ day for Allied forces to officially liberate them.
They employ skills they have learned from their Ojibwa elders, and are also helped by a Missionary, American tourists, and an Irish policeman.
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