Sentences with phrase «by the body as»

But for us humans, who are bodies quite as much as minds and spirits, such growth must be by those bodies as well as by activity of a mental or spiritual kind.
An article published in the «Ceylon Medical Journal» in 2006 stated that medium - chain fatty acids, such as those found in coconuts, are used directly by the body as fuel, not broken down and absorbed like other saturated fats.
I thought that plant - based sources are amino - acid deficient and therefore must be eaten at the same time as it's complementary amino - acid protein source, and without this conscious planning, the incomplete protein food would simply be processed and utilized by our body as carbohydrate.
I think the key is 1) eating whole unprocessed natural foods and minimize added sugar not in its natural state to 6 teaspoons a day or less (ie: sugar removed from fruit and concentrated is still handled by your body as sugar).
The capsaicin in chiles is perceived by the body as a poison that must be removed, so the result of eating hot stuff is gustatory rhinitis (runny nose) and gustatory perspiration (sweating).
Synthetic vitamins and supplements contain chemical ingredients that are not absorbed by the body as well as natural herbs, vitamins, and peptides.
Unfortunately, cholesterol is found at the scene of the crime «clogging» the arteries, when it was actually used by our bodies as a defense mechanism against damage.
The Western New York Children's Psychiatric Center received a 99.9 percent rating by the Joint Commision on Accredited Health Care Organizations in 2012 and was recognized by that body as being among the top ten percent of accredited hospitals in the nation.
Since MCTs aren't stored by the body as fat tissue, as soon as you eat them, they are being used as an energy source.
Plant sources are not absorbed by the body as well as animal and fish sources, so unless you're vegan, your best bet is omega - 3s from fish and grass - fed dairy and meats.
«Topical products aren't absorbed as well by your body as they are by your face,» says Dr. Germain.
These two compounds were used by your body as energy sources for basic life functions such as breathing, heart pumping, as well as dreaming.
In addition, they can be absorbed by the body as seeds, unlike flaxseeds.
The mice consumed ground cinnamon, which was processed by their bodies as sodium benzoate, which is used to treat brain damage.
Coconut oil is rich in medium - chain fatty acids, which are easy for your body to digest and not readily stored by the body as fat.
The reason I believe this to be the most likely result is that a few days of fasting is not long enough to be perceived by the body as dangerous.
A xenoestrogens will be recognized by the body as an estrogen, and it will attach to the same receptors as estrogen, like a key fitting one type of lock.
Can you believe that, and for all this time people have been swallowing bags of rice cakes not knowing they are recognized by the body as worse than table sugar.
Homemade, traditional meat stock is full of fats, amino acids, minerals, and nutrients that are used by the body as building blocks to heal cells, tissues, and organs.
What this means is that they are accepted by the body as natural, unlike synthetic hormones which can be rejected when the body perceives them to be foreign substances or toxins.
This means that gluten is perceived by the body as an invader and the gluten antibodies attack the gluten itself trying to destroy it.
But scientists debate whether these added nutrients are absorbed and used as efficiently by the body as nutrients that are naturally present in foods.
And since alcohol is viewed by the body as a toxin (which it is), it receives caloric precedence and priority in the bloodstream.
This, in turn, releases ketones as a byproduct which can also be used by the body as an energy source or fuel.
So, if there happened to be any times of the day when it would be ideal for protein to be digested and absorbed by your body as quickly as possible, whey protein powder would be the best possible choice.
Get the same biologically active form of vitamin D produced by the body as a result of sun exposure.
On the other hand, bioidentical hormones, because they are molecularly identical to body produced hormones, are accepted by the body as if they were its own.
Bio identical hormones, when taken in by the body are recognized as natural, and utilized by the body as if they were the body's own.
What's more, MCTs are not typically stored by the body as fat like longer chain fats are.
During digestion, carbohydrates break down into glucose or sugar which then get used by the body as energy.
Many people believe that free radicals, the sometimes - toxic molecules produced by our bodies as we process oxygen, are the culprit behind aging.
Insulin is a hormone created by the pancreas, which must be present in order for glucose to get into our cells (used by the body as food).
Sugar alcohols have a «sweet» taste but are processed by the body as alcohol.
They claim food enters our mouth, moves down our esophagus into our stomachs, and is utilized by our body as «energy».
I understand that excess Protein will be utilised by the body as glycogen however I was wondering what addition amount that would equate to and would my additional amount be more torriable when compared to a non endurance athlete as any additional Protein I consume is post exercise and assumed it would be utilised by the body straight away.
Plant sources are not as easily absorbed by our body as they are from animal sources, since our body has to work at converting the carotenoids into retinol.
Omega 3 can be easily absorbed by the body as compared to other supplements.
Processed and genetically modified foods are seen by the body as toxicants.
Carbs and sugars, even «good» sugar from whole fruit, are stored by the body as fat.
I thought that plant - based sources are amino - acid deficient and therefore must be eaten at the same time as it's complementary amino - acid protein source, and without this conscious planning, the incomplete protein food would simply be processed and utilized by our body as carbohydrate.
Fruits and vegetables are not good sources, because the zinc in plant proteins is not as available for use by the body as the zinc from animal proteins.
This sounds very complicated to me, but it looks to me like there is a possibility that two incomplete proteins from different food sources (which in amino acid counts and percentage may in theory add up to complete proteins) may not actually be broken down the same way by the body as an actual complete protein, or even the same time and therefore may have very different effect on cancer.
The body has natural mechanisms to protect itself from harm, and since excess alcohol intake is perceived by the body as harmful, it tries to flush out the substance by increasing blood circulation, urination and sweating.
The amounts are so small as to be insignificant and easily detoxified by the body as shown below.
The reason is that fructose is treated by the body as a poison.
Medium - chain triglycerides have been described as fats that are rapidly absorbed and oxidized.87 - 89 The fact that they can be used by the body as efficiently as glucose87 makes them a great alternative fuel source.
The polyunsaturates contain essential fatty acids, nutrients used by the body as raw materials to produce a huge array of subsidiary fatty substances that perform countless basic functions.
Unfortunately for us vegetarians, nonheme iron is not absorbed as readily by the body as heme iron is.
Sugar feeds disease and bloats the belly because excess sugar gets stored by the body as fat, typically around the stomach area.
If you're eating a strict vegan diet the recommendation is to bump up to 0.9 g per kg body weight since some plant - based proteins aren't used by the body as efficiently as animal - based proteins are.
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