Sentences with phrase «by the coal industry»

It's the attorney, not the climate scientists, that's funded by the coal industry.
The source you quoted is very probably sponsored by the coal industry.
I was fortunate enough to find out that these greenhouse skeptics were getting paid sort of under the table by the coal industry.
The proposed restrictions were hailed by environmentalists but criticized by the coal industry as leading to higher electricity prices.
It is entirely possible that thousands - even tens of thousands - of workers are indirectly supported entirely by the coal industry.
Yet our country has continually improved public health and environmental protections without the economic disasters hyped by the coal industry.
The film, funded by the coal industry, promises a new age of agricultural abundance will result from the doubling of the atmosphere's concentration of carbon dioxide.
It so happens I found out there was this very obscure hearing happening in the State of Minnesota [regarding] utility rates, and lo and behold, I find out that some of these same scientists that I read saying climate change wasn't happening were being flown in by the coal industry to testify at this utility commission hearing.
The dying town of Bakerton, Pennsylvania, was fueled by the coal industry for generations, but now its only hope is...
A search of the New York Times archives just pulled up this excellent op - ed piece from 2006 showing that «clean coal» is a misnomer created by the coal industry to greenwash the massive harm inflicted on human beings and the environment by the coal.
The recently - leaked draft of a report branded by the International Energy Agency and written by its Coal Industry Advisory Board cited Reliance's coal - fired Sasan project as a poster child for coal - fired generation.
Keep Fighting: The Last Mountain (A Film Review) The Last Mountain, a scathing documentary about mountaintop removal mining, details the many injustices bestowed by the coal industry upon the very people it claims to support.
The Last Mountain, a scathing documentary about mountaintop removal mining, details the many injustices bestowed by the coal industry upon the very people it claims to support.
The film lays out in disturbing detail the damage caused by the coal industry to Appalachia over the past decades: a million acres of forest destroyed, 2,000 miles of streams buried and 300 million gallons of toxic sludge spilled.
Surrounded by coal industry workers, donned in khaki pants and polo shirts, President Trump signed an executive order in March pulling the plug on his predecessor's plan to close hundreds of coal - fired power plants to reduce carbon emissions.
Genuine opposition to nuclear power, as opposed to astroturfing by the coal industry, best explains the current situation.
With financial backing from the Appalachian Regional Commission, Southern Research formed The Prosperity Fund in 2017 to accelerate small business growth and job creation in four Alabama counties hurt by the coal industry's downward spiral.
A coup [le of specific questions I have realte to the timing relative to the election and the contemporaneous PR push by the coal industry.
This politically inconvenient truth has long been trumpeted by the coal industry.
I don't even know what you call the latest marketing ploy by the coal industry lobby group the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE).
The mention of «clean coal» technology repeats rhetoric introduced by the coal industry to describe a host of technologies.
But nearly one - and - a-half billion dollars in political contributions by the coal industry over the last decade have purchased a lot of clout.
According to the 2017 National Solar Jobs Census, compiled and published by The Solar Foundation, one in 50 jobs in the U.S. were in the solar energy sector, nearly triple the amount available in 2010 and double the amount of jobs provided by the coal industry at the time.
However, this «once - in - a-decade opportunity» has been captured by the coal industry Greenpeace claims and could result in «extremely lax» emission limits.
The People's Communique comes in contrast to the communique produced by a coal industry conference supported by the Polish government and attended by Christiana Figueres, the UN's highest ranking official on climate change.
Greens leader Senator Bob Brown's assertion that the floods in Queensland were caused in part by the coal industry is a classic case in point.
The plan may be particularly impactful for Goldman Prize winners like Maria Gunnoe (2009) and Kimberly Wasserman (2013), whose communities» health and well - being have been negatively affected by the coal industry.
Synapse's work related to coal power also includes evaluating coal plant emissions, markets for domestic coal, subsidies received by the coal industry, and the lifecycle costs and impacts of coal power compared to other energy sources.
The Obama administration on Thursday offered nearly $ 66 million to boost communities battered by the coal industry's downturn and a string of recent mining bankruptcies.
This dwarfed the public support for research and demonstration projects for low emissions coal technologies being conducted by the CSIRO and other research bodies (and matched by the coal industry).
For myself (as an example) I decided that the best I could do, under the circumstances, is to continue to try to dispel the myths about wind power and contrast it to the proven harm done by the coal industry.
The origins of truth spinning by the coal industry dates back to the birth of public relations in the first part of the twentieth century.
In and around Cottbus, an industrial town about 20 miles (32 kilometers) from Atterwasch, thousands of people are employed by the coal industry.
However, experts in industry and environmental groups say that won't be enough, and the situation can provide insight into challenges faced by the coal industry in Ohio and other Midwest states.
CCS has been championed by the coal industry as a get - out - of - jail - free card, meaning that we can keep burning coal and battle climate change.
Accounting for all the delay, Holmstead's interference has blocked serious reductions in power plant mercury pollution for eight years, assuming no further delays by the coal industry.
The $ 35 million «clean coal» campaign, spearheaded by a coal industry front group called American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (formerly known as Americans for BalancedEnergy Choices), is nothing less than a nationwide effort to paint coal white.
People attending the Democratic National Convention in Denver this week are the target of a $ 2 million advertising and PR blitz by a coal industry - funded front group called the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) whose goal is to sell the idea that coal is somehow clean.
Nnimmo Bassey, Director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation «We can not forget Africa's colonial history and it is totally inexcusable for us to ignore a neocolonial system powered by the coal industry.
Gillard has been bloodied by an ongoing revolt led by the coal industry, and faces an uphill battle to win re-election in 2013.
But I found the headline really confusing: I took it to mean «Attorney * Is * Hounding Climate Scientists Covertly Funded By Coal Industry» (sure, why shouldn't he?)
Using the so - called «clean - coal», a term created by the coal industry's PR firms, will still leave us with the dirtiest energy source in the nation.
The World Coal Association welcomes the publication of the report «An International Commitment to CCS: Policies and Incentives to Enable a Low - Carbon Energy Future» by the Coal Industry Advisory...
She seems to have no concern for anything (such as the future of the planet with climate change damage or the huge environmental and health problems caused by the coal industry) other than getting her way;
Ross Gelbspan, as a self - described reporter who was angered by the discovery of skeptic climate scientists being «paid sort of under the table by the coal industry» to spread «false information,» has had entire second career promoting the idea that we could be making better headway in stopping man - caused global warming it it weren't for the industry funded coordinated misinformation campaign.
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