Sentences with phrase «by the decisions made»

Emerging evidence makes it clear that the installation of software to defeat emissions controls was not the result of some rogue operation — it was driven by decisions made by the company's top engineers and approved at the highest levels.
It's an extreme example that shows how quickly the health of an entire community can be affected by the decisions made about its environment.
To some extent, you can create your future rather than simply trying to predict it by the decisions you make.
You must have the mentality that each and every decision on technology, verbiage, imagery or sales is part of a highly complex puzzle, where the outcomes are heavily affected by the decisions you make on how you want your puzzle to fit together.
«I did my due diligence and stand by the decision I made,» he says.
Most tantalisingly of all, the author proposes an analogy between the way the soul / self is shaped by the decisions we make, and the way constraints in a system shape that system.
At bottom, changes in a school's concrete identity come by decisions it makes, deliberately or inadvertently, about three factors we noted in chapter 2 that distinguish schools from one another: Whether to construe what the Christian thing is all about in some one way, and if so, how; what sort of community a theological school ought to be; how best to go about understanding God.
We would need to place greater importance on our role as bringers of life or death in the human order by the decisions we make.
While our lives are heavily influenced by the decisions we make; they are not completely defined by them.
Indeed, the music one will hear at home is in a real way affected by the decisions made in the store.
I am the result of decisions made by me, and by decisions made by others that affect me, from the time I was born and even before.
Future success will be determined by the decisions made from here forward and the quality of the science, technology and business conversations that underpin them.
Following the rules of the game, Michael Oliver felt he made the right decision twice, to both award the penalty and a red card for excessive dissent while Juventus have a right to feel aggrieved, betrayed by a decision made in haste and without context.
The authors do not specify whether intended home births were determined by decisions made at the first prenatal visit or the onset of labor.
Rhodes Vivour, the judge, who read the judgement said all members of the PDP are bound by decisions made at the convention.
At the crux of the matter is the Conservative belief that poverty is something which is caused by decisions made by individuals rather than by government.
As is the case in many other countries, the education of Belgian Deaf people has been strongly influenced by the decisions made at the famous 1880 Milan Conference.
The complexity of game can be controlled by the decisions you make in your profile.
And that's yet another thing that's remarkable about Black Panther in not just its story but the way it's all framed by decisions made behind the camera.
Mike Bowden: I'm really interested in the way you tout the behaviour of NPC's and how their reactions are affected by decisions we make in - game.
Attempts by the newlyweds to start a family are unsuccessful — but then, one day, a rowboat washes ashore containing a baby, and Tom and Isabel's lives are changed forever by the decisions they make from that point.
He — or she — will look back on the 21st century shaped in so many ways by the decisions we make here and now.
After 1988, the brute reality of implementation sank Kenneth Baker's expansive curriculum aims, buried by decisions made by his (Conservative) successors, John McGregor, Ken Clarke and Gillian Shephard.
The grouping of students for instruction is influenced by decisions made at both the school and classroom levels, and decisions at both levels often require intervention by those assuming leadership roles.
Girod and Girod (2008) noted that the fictitious K - 12 students who composed the classroom environment within the simulation will never be harmed by decisions made by the teacher candidates, as they are part of a safe setting.
For Mick's story in particular, to understand what happens later, I felt it was important to see the initial anguish brought on by the decision made.
When Rain, Rose's beloved dog, goes missing, readers will be moved by the decisions she makes to find and care for her pet.
The final plot revelations can not help but direct the reader back to Old Filth points But you don't need to be familiar with both to be moved by Betty's life, by the decisions she makes, and the honorable way she conducts herself, even at the expense of her own happiness.
Three endings are gotten through a hidden Alignment stat influenced by decisions you make, whereas the fourth is simply Alignment - independent.
Your life is dictated by decisions you make.
Your life (and the lives of those around you), are dramatically affected by the decisions you make.
Players react to your choices, and the storyline is heavily driven by decisions you make, with a high risk / reward payoff.
It requires some soul searching, followed by decision making and detailed planning.
Late Friday, the LSUC sent this reponse to Legal Feeds regarding the decision: «The law society is disappointed by the decision made by the hearing panel, and will study it before commenting further.
With authoritative written opinions, however, judges have felt themselves bound by decisions made generations or even centuries ago.
In 2012 the Illinois legislature enacted HB 5877, the Judicial Privacy Act, to prevent the release of personal information related to judges and their immediate families, allowing «judicial officers... to administer justice fairly without fear of personal reprisal from individuals affected by the decisions they make in the course of carrying out their public function.»
English law and Scots law are based on acts passed by Parliament and by decisions made by courts which other courts must follow, which is called common law.
He can influence his Louisiana auto insurance quotes, however, by the decisions he makes.
It is driven by decisions made at the political level, encouraged by a «them and us» attitude in the tabloid media and by the environment in which people grow.
A parent of the child, the child or any other person whose interests are affected by a decision made by the Department of Health & Human Services in relation to a child care agreement can request a review of that decision.
The announcement of community closures in Western Australia has been a particularly pertinent example of uncertainty and distress caused by decision making without adequate engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
I don't know why I bother but the reason why MLS associations need to complete their due diligence (ie what way can we be attacked by any decision we make) was just posted online yet again for another time today.

Not exact matches

By focusing on outcomes for Canadians and making evidence - based decisions that are anchored in meaningful data and indicators, the Government is moving to a culture of measurement and impact, and is putting in place the tools to deliver on priorities, align resources to programs and activities that deliver real value for Canadians, and provide meaningful information to Canadians and Parliament.
By educating yourself on the general state of the economy, what decisions are being made at the national level, and how economic forecasts might affect your industry, you can put yourself a step ahead of others.
Activists argue consumers make the best decision by not using straws at all.
Set yourself up for success by making smart, healthy decisions early.
Especially if you work in a building where you can't open a window, the air around you could be a drag on productivity, decreasing your decision - making skills by 50 percent or more.
When an employee makes a great decision, say thanks by giving her the latitude to make more — and more important — decisions in the future.
A study by Forbes Insights and Turn revealed that more than 70 percent of marketing executives expect to rely more and more on data for decision - making within the next three years.
They accomplish that by encouraging new businesses to locate in their area, and to do that, they've gathered all the statistics and information you'll need to make a decision.
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