Sentences with phrase «by the mosquito grow»

The larvae introduced by the mosquito grow for 1 to 2 weeks under the skin at the site of the mosquito bite.
After infection, the third - stage larval heartworms (L3) deposited by the mosquito grow for a week or two and molt to the fourth larval stage (L4) under the skin at the site of the mosquito bite.

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Already the country falls prey to new threats — when I was last there a plague of mosquitoes was spreading dengue fever, relatively new to the country but estimated by the World Health Organization to he the great emergent disease of this century as growing warmth and moisture expand the range of Aedes egyptii, the mosquito in question.
Heartworm is usually brought on by mosquito bites and the larvae travels through a dog's blood until it reaches the heart or lungs where it starts to grow and can reach 12 inches in length.
Heartworm is carried by larvae - infected mosquitoes, that then transmit it to your pet through their bite, directly into your dog's bloodstream and to its heart where the worms will hatch and begin to grow.
The virus grows in the skin of rabbits and is transmitted by blood - sucking insects (often the mosquito).
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