Sentences with phrase «by their reckoning animals»

Sure they may feel bad but by their reckoning animals don't have consciousness, emotions, intelligence or souls.

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Then again, the ability of pigeons and other animals to find their homes even when transported far away has been «explained» by dead reckoning (remembering the outward journey), vision (landmarks, star maps, polarised light), smell or magnetism.
Albert Einstein said problems can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them, yet the contemporary cult of cognition, in which the rational mind is tipped as a kind of Swiss army knife, has fostered a belief that we — beings distinguished from animals by our ability to reason — should be able to reckon our way out of mental distress.
Marked by Foer's profound moral ferocity and unvarying generosity, as well as the vibrant style and creativity that made his previous books, Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, widely loved, Eating Animals is a celebration and a reckoning, a story about the stories we've told - and the stories we now need to tell.
«In fact,» reckons CertaPet, «very little training is required at all, provided that the animal in question is reasonably well behaved by normal standards.»
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