Sentences with phrase «by thinking differently»

The course isn't just for recent grads or job searchers, but anyone who wants to upgrade their career significantly by thinking differently about relationships, branding, and personal power.
By thinking differently about the use of our CRM systems, we can utilize existing technology to leverage and grow our relationships.
Second level thinking Marks refers to deep thought as second level thinking — a means to achieve superior insight by thinking differently.
Barry H. Sacks, a San Francisco tax attorney and Stephen R. Sacks, a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Connecticut (and the brother of Barry Sacks) made this discovery by thinking differently about financing retirement.
We can generate ideas by thinking differently.
We can generate ideas by thinking differently.
Today's educators have become adept at creating incredible spaces and resources on very limited budgets by thinking differently.
We call this «thinking strong,» as you will improve your mental, emotional and physical strength merely by thinking differently.
By thinking differently about waste when looking at products, packaging design, range and forecasting, consumer goods manufacturers and retailers have -LSB-...]
New York City saved $ 6.5 billion by thinking differently about water — and might avoid the drought problems faced by California, as a result
In 2008, we anticipated the financial crisis by thinking differently and that got a lot of attention, and I was faced with the choice of letting it be misunderstood or put them out.

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Successful people challenge themselves by trying new things, exposing themselves to different cultures and ideas, and surrounding themselves with people who think differently.
«That was the huge «aha» change moment where we thought, «We can actually affect our destiny here by doing things slightly differently
Take the fear of failure off the table by thinking of failure differently.
Look at STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)-- if we focused on finding early indicators of high performers in our education system, then treated them differently as they progressed through school as potential Canadian innovators, by the time they got to Grade 12 and were thinking about university, they would be wildly ahead of the innovation curve.»
What is it that you want your audience to think / feel / do differently by the end?
«The reality is,» he says, «millionaires think differently from the middle class about money, and there's much to be gained by being in their presence.»
Voogd explains how he learned the value of thinking differently by selling shoes on eBay at 15, while Gene says entrepreneurs shouldn't listen to non-entrepreneurs when it comes to starting their own business.
By pointing to the saving habits of our SMART savers and by recognizing that women and men think differently we are moving in the right directioBy pointing to the saving habits of our SMART savers and by recognizing that women and men think differently we are moving in the right directioby recognizing that women and men think differently we are moving in the right direction.
We help our customers transform their businesses by thinking about content differently.
SisterChromatid - your missing my point I am not trying to trample anyone else s free speech, I just personally think it could have been said differently, what they said makes them appear like the self righteous ones and that helps no one, as someone who is spiritual and gay I have been judged by both Christians and atheists alike, one says I am going to hell the other says I'm a nutjob, when does it stop?
Reform is the term used by those that often feel that they should not change because they are perfect but the guy down the street that thinks or believes differently should.
Another adopted child felt treated differently by her teacher; the teacher made comments like: «You think because you've gone through one experience in your life [the adoption], you've paid all your dues.»
Rabbi Neuberger asserted that «it's really important that one accepts that... new scientific research has taught us... that the human embryo is not as unique as we thought before... We do have to think differently about the «unique quality of human embryos» in the way that Peter Saunders is saying... The miracle of creation... may have to be explained somewhat differently... Our human brains are given to us by God... to better the life of other human beings... and if this technology can do it..., and I don't believe that anybody is going to research beyond fourteen days, then so be it, lets do it.»
We all know we have tribal tendencies — we attend conferences to hear speakers we agree with, we read books by the same speakers and we mix less and less with people who think differently.
In this guest post by Mike Donahoe, he defines some key terms and invites us to start thinking differently about some of the words we use.
Maybe we think differently on this issue, but I can see by the fruit in your life that you are someone who walks closely with Jesus.
By now, those of you who have known me for many years may have noticed that I think a bit differently than I used to.
Because they feel that their children are going to be influenced by it and start to think differently than they want them to.
I think you and I share a lot of beliefs, opinions and attitudes, so rather than trying to explain my self in further detail, why don't you start by explaining what you see differently, and we can take it from there?
Will it help me face my fear of mortality by promising an afterlife of eternal bliss for me and torture for everyone who thinks differently than me?
Seems like a fair conclusion, but keep in mind that most of your examples are just excuses used by the Iranians to punish people who think differently than they do.
Even if we begin by thinking something else, this «thinking Kant and Hegel better» pertains, in one way or the other, to this «thinking differently from Kant or Hegel,» «something other than Kant or Hegel.»
More sophisticated approaches to contextual - relational ethics and an ethics of response / responsibility, differently expressed by such thinkers as H. Richard Niebuhr and Paul Lehmann, had a major impact on ethical thought in the «60s.
I think it is cool to still be a «Christian», of course (well, only certain types)-- hell, I don't identify as an Atheist — it is an epiphenom for me (see this post) and I too am viewed differently by many — see my picture I drew here.
This I can not square away — however, I look at the gay issue much differently than most — I think it's much to complicated and we are jumping the gun by saying we just accept gay marriage — or it's an evil sin — what about the science that says testosterone starts forming around the babies brain when they are only 8 weeks into the womb?
My life has been changed by the friends that I have that think differently then me.
It is a sentiment often expressed on this blog and in real life by believers when they talk about those who think differently going to hell or being doomed by their god.
I am suggesting that we must think differently about what the saving love of God means if it is to speak to our time, addressing the question of the possible end of existence raised by, ecological deterioration and nuclear escalation and that we do this by thinking in different images.
Whether we like it or not, we are separated from our fellow - Christians of the sixteenth century and earlier by virtue of a world view which causes us to think quite differently about some aspects of life on this planet.
If, however, you like inspiring and thought - provoking stories which challenge you to live and think differently about following Jesus, Stories that Feed your Soul by Tony Campolo is a great book.
Jorge Amselle of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a Washington think tank headed by Linda Chavez, the former director of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, says, «You don't cure the problem of people treating each other differently because of race by having government treat people differently because of race.
I find it very odd that some people seem to think it has a very mild flavour, which is why I suspect it might be a flavour experienced differently by different people (we all have different sensitivities with flavours — some are extra sensitive to bitter tastes for instance).
7 Ways to Think Differently Every time I pick up one of Looby's books, I'm intrigued by the title but a little dubious about whether the book itself is going to apply to me.
We all do the best we can and by making a conscious decision to being vegan for a month you have shown that you are already thinking differently about your choices.
I come here in large part to broaden my perspective by reading things from people who think differently than I do.
OX is becoming close second peace of S ** t, he was the 12th man for Liverpool when we played them, i lay most of the blame for our pore performance to him and at the end of the season if Liverpool are ahead of us by just one or two points then i will think differently
You may think differently but I am full with beer - battered cod fillet followed by affogato, and sipping generously on my Laphroaig.
I think the real faultline is between, on the one hand, those who believe that mothers should stay at home and fathers should work — a view passionately held by many men and women — and, on the other hand, those who believe that parents who want to do things differently should have the choice to do so.
By studying the characteristics of what contributes to health and well being in family systems, you may find yourself thinking differently about your own family experience.
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