Sentences with phrase «by thinking like»

Backing into a reasonable sales price by thinking like a buyer is the best way I've found to avoid bad investments and find crowdfunding deals with the potential to provide higher returns.
There is an authoritative book on this topic by Micah Zenko entitled Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy.
Screenshot of Quartz article, Master online dating by thinking like an.
Food and Drink - Winter 2009 -(Page 98) progressive gourmet Catering to Clients Progressive Gourmet CEO Chris Collias gains and maintains marketshare by thinking like an entrepreneur and developing tasty menu items.
When I read Romans 12:2 and so many other scriptures it challenges me to not conform to this world, but be transformed by thinking like and following God.
Think like a customer: Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group says, «You can never go far wrong by thinking like a new customer.»
founder of Virgin Group says, «You can never go far wrong by thinking like a new customer.»
Innovative leaders, like the late Steve Jobs, do that by thinking like web and product designers.

Not exact matches

Having been raised in an instant - reaction world (with Likes and other social media rewards), 40 percent surveyed by the center say they want daily interactions with their boss — and if they don't get it, they often think they've done something wrong.
A sports bra seems like a fine vehicle for carrying a few small items at the beginning of a run... but by the end, I can guarantee that all you will be thinking about are the items you chose to put there.
I'd like to think that's the direction things are heading, but I'm blown away by some of the statistics I'm seeing that might actually prove me wrong.
JM: I think it'll be an opportunity in the future for people who are more serious about finding someone, especially someone with specific attributes to use Hinge in a more targeted way, either by indicating that they like certain people, or just being able to filter better, like for sure I only want to match with Christian people.
You can increase your retention rate by thinking about your relationship with your subscribers just like you would think of any other relationship.
While he would have liked to have seen more investor - specific changes — «it's always nice to have more rather than less,» he says — he thinks it's unlikely we'll see any reductions in capital gain taxes or major increases in TFSA room until at least 2015, when the government says it can balance the budget by.
Some people swear by P / E and price - to - book; others, like Goldberg, think neither makes a lot of sense.
It looks at past articles you've liked or reacted to, as well as articles shared by your in - groups, and it specifically curates articles that it thinks you're going to like.
Ten years ago, we whenever would have thought we would be sitting where we're sitting today, in terms of the way technology and data has disrupted the industry, and things like: by next year 20 % of brands will abandon their digital apps.
Having the opportunity to work for companies like Deloitte, working at Pardot when we were acquired by Salesforce, and now launching my own startup with 75 employees and growing, I don't think I could have been this fortunate in any other country.
After presenting, a man distinguished from a sea of business attire by his T - shirt and jeans approached him and told him that he had been thinking of ways companies could be run like cities.
The shares have fallen by more than 50 % in the past two years, and assets like Nickelodeon and MTV are widely seen as being long in the tooth and not forward - thinking enough.
That is uncommon in corporate philanthropic history, as most magnates leave a legacy graced by their name in perpetuity, whether via foundations or schools — besides other Berkshire leaders like Munger and Pritzker, think of Carnegie, Ford, Kellogg or Rockefeller.
The company's ongoing «Model Citizen» campaign gives customers the chance to show their love for products like Disco Pants (think mirrored disco balls, as pants) or Cordarounds (horizontal corduroy) by submitting personal photos and videos.
Like many, he thought it would be showing more signs of strain by now.
Just like any filler word, «so» is used by speakers at points of uncertainty to stretch the time their brains have to think about the next point, response, or question.
Think about the subject line, think about how to formally acknowledge the person, break the copy into paragraphs, avoid shouting by using capitals, make sure that your email is clear especially with what steps need to be taken from here for the customer if they would like to proThink about the subject line, think about how to formally acknowledge the person, break the copy into paragraphs, avoid shouting by using capitals, make sure that your email is clear especially with what steps need to be taken from here for the customer if they would like to prothink about how to formally acknowledge the person, break the copy into paragraphs, avoid shouting by using capitals, make sure that your email is clear especially with what steps need to be taken from here for the customer if they would like to proceed.
In fact, it could be making you dumber by supplying answers and insights without requiring any actual thinking, so that your analytic powers begin to waste away like an unused muscle.
You'd think that investors would be among the most cold - blooded and rational consumers of information — after all, fortunes depend on them making bias - free judgments about what they hear on earnings calls — but according to this new research, they are actually highly swayed by one tiny shift in language, just like everyone.
The translation for this term — usually uttered by someone with a larger salary than you — goes something like: «I'm acknowledging what you just said, but I think that it's basically crap.
Listen up, lest you end up like Lisn: You might think you know what your users want, and you might even get the design right by building something beautiful.
By the end of September, we had about 12 to 15 cars on the ground and 400 members — enough that I could finally see if my business model was working like I thought it would.
Companies like Microsoft and KPMG have caught on to this need and responded by giving employees exposure to peers in different divisions, to provide fresh ideas and new ways of thinking.
When your thinking is clouded by doubt, when you're second - guessing yourself, and when quitting looks like the best choice, look to these quotes to encourage you and point you towards your next steps.
Again, with research suggesting that e-commerce will be bigger on mobile and tablet devices by 2015 than PC's, is it a forward - thinking investment you'd like to make?
Think of your marketing like a case being presented by a prosecutor to a jury.
«Some people have got attention by going out and saying there'll be millions of [VR unit sales] and we're like, wow, I don't think so,» Newell said.
By thinking the impossible and breaking it down into doable portions, you get to what would seem like an impossible dream.
Like all cognitive functions, creative thinking is significantly impaired by sleep deprivation.
Walk into a store — old - school hip - hop playing softly, like Muzak for millennials — and you'll find customers leafing through Oak Street, the company's in - house magazine (a recent issue features an editorial by Ethan Song that quotes Steve Jobs's thoughts on the intersection of technology and the liberal arts).
«My concerns are that these platforms were built from the ground up by white men and tested on their families and people in their orbit who looked like them, and they never thought about how their platforms could do harm,» Sarkeesian said.
For example you could say, «Our competitor with similar metrics recently got financed at a $ 20 million pre-money valuation, here is why I think we're better...» Setting terms to the investor by saying something like, «I won't take less than this valuation» is the surest way to turn off a potential investor.
Tarr and other students like Emma Gonzalez (the senior with the shaved head) and David Hogg (targeted by conspiracy theorists because his father once worked for the FBI) have, virtually on their own, turned what could have become another impotent «thoughts and prayers» response to a massacre into a national movement to transform the nation's gun laws.
By using her speech to shift attention to a competitor, Adele attempted to show how the process had humbled her — by forcing her to consider why she shouldn't have won, and to think about the impact those like Beyonce have had on others (instead of trying to magnify her own impactBy using her speech to shift attention to a competitor, Adele attempted to show how the process had humbled her — by forcing her to consider why she shouldn't have won, and to think about the impact those like Beyonce have had on others (instead of trying to magnify her own impactby forcing her to consider why she shouldn't have won, and to think about the impact those like Beyonce have had on others (instead of trying to magnify her own impact).
HR has had to prove its worth to the C - suite, by demonstrating its ability to think like innovators, solve complex problems, and at the same time, retain keen focus on people and what they require.
Now that Puerto Rico's Governor Ricardo Rosselló has introduced a fiscal proposal that will cope with the island's debt and balance the budget, and our decisions are being disciplined by a federal fiscal control board, we need to start thinking about what it will take to create a sustainable economy where more companies like Señor Paleta can grow.
Only 30 % of Americans think that what is good for business is good for society generally, and 65 % of Americans think that most of the world's biggest businesses have taken unethical actions like dodging taxes; that view is widely shared by people in the survey, which was conducted in September.
The GGSC suggests a practice adopted from Buddhist meditation and now backed up by science: «treating thoughts, whether negative or positive, more like smells, sights, tastes and sounds: things that arrive in your awareness, rather than things that constitute the essence of who you are.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about what something would be like with cheese in it.
The idea is to avoid thinking by analogy — let's make this car look like that car, just sort of different or better — and instead deal with problems by stripping them down to the core and working your way up.
By Musk's description, the new offering sounded a bit like a potential competitor to Spotify: «I think it's very hard to find good playlists and good matching algorithms,» Musk said.
But it does seem like one more interesting attempt by the folks in Cupertino to get someone to «Think Different.»
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