Sentences with phrase «by tidal forces of»

A striking image presented here 3 June at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society shows a globular cluster known as Palomar 5 being torn asunder by tidal forces of our home galaxy.
When it's closer, the shape is distorted by the tidal forces of Saturn.
The Moon is no exception; we can learn about the interior of our natural satellite from its deformation caused by the tidal force of Earth.

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By absorbing the force of strong winds and tides, wetlands protect terrestrial areas adjoining them from storms, floods, and tidal damage.
Enceladus, we now know, is a moon being flexed and pulled by the gravitational tidal forces of Saturn.
The Galactic Cushion The Hubble Space Telescope recently beamed back pictures of 29 dwarf galaxies in the Perseus Cluster that, by all appearances, should have been torn to shreds by the gravitational tidal forces of their giant neighbors.
To begin with, they orbited close to the plane of the ecliptic in the same direction as the planets, but their orbits were deformed by the galaxy's tidal force and by interactions with nearby stars, gradually becoming more inclined and forming a more or less spherical reservoir,» Morais said.
Precise measurements of the lunar gravity and rotation enable us to know how our natural satellite is deformed by tidal forces.
During the last several years, the degree of the lunar deformation caused by the tidal forces has been determined by several orbiters, for example, Kaguya from Japan, Chang «e-1 from China, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) from the USA.
This spot is believed to be the nucleus of the former spiral galaxy, which was ejected from the system during the collision and is now being shredded by tidal forces to produce the visible stellar stream.
Heat from the friction of rocks caused by tidal forces could be the «engine» for the hydrothermal activity on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
These special classes of galaxy, so named for their extremely diffuse appearance, apparently produced far fewer stars than other galaxies or else were stripped of them long ago by galactic tidal forces.
But now, the model says, Mars's moon Phobos is on a gravity - driven, 70 - million - year course back towards the planet, a path that will cause it to be ripped apart by tidal forces and spun out into a new set of rings.
Some stars in the spheroid are the remains of galactic cannibalism, having come from dwarf galaxies that fell into the spiral galaxy, were ripped apart by powerful tidal forces, and were incorporated into the larger galaxy's structure.
Searching the far side Because the moon's rotation has been affected by tidal forces between Earth and the moon, only one side of the moon is visible from Earth.
The group, led by physics professor emeritus Saul Rappaport, determined that in order for the planet to maintain its extremely tight orbit around its star, it would have to be incredibly dense, made almost entirely of iron — otherwise, the immense tidal forces from the nearby star would rip the planet to pieces.
On Titan, the largest features may be made by changes in the thickness of its ice shell due to tidal forces from Saturn.
Ross began working with a team that included his adviser, Raymond Najjar, professor of oceanography, Penn State, to pinpoint the precise effects of sea - level rise by subtracting other forces that affect changes to the tidal range.
At the center of our galaxy, in the immediate vicinity of its supermassive black hole, is a region wracked by powerful tidal forces and bathed in intense ultraviolet light and X-ray radiation.
While Saturn is mostly a gigantic shroud of liquid hydrogen and liquid helium, it contains a rocky core — about 18 times the size of Earth, which responds to tidal forces from all of Saturn's major moons by bulging.
That low - density gas would cause enough drag for the Earth to drift inwards, even as tidal forces caused by the Earth's gravity force the nearest side of the sun to bulge outwards.
The lines are the first stages of structural failure caused by tidal forces between the moon and its parent planet.
A new study by Kaloyan Penev et al suggests that Q varies a lot depending on the tidal «forcing period» (that is, the period at which a planet would appear to orbit, if viewed when rotating with the spinning star, with an extra factor of a half since there are two tides per orbital cycle).
The researchers believe that tidal forces created by the gravitational pull of the giant planet may have interrupted the magnetic field of the star.
Development of the new technique to detect planet warped by tidal forces from their local star was detailed in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
The warmth generated by these tidal forces is probably what allows the moon to sustain water in a liquid state — lots of it.
The vast network of crisscrossing cracks that are seen on the surface of Europa are caused by the intense tidal forces of the massive, nearby Jupiter and the orbital resonances with the other nearby moons of the Jovian system, similar to the way that the gravity of the Earth's Moon causes tides on the oceans of our home planet.
However, in rare instances, two of these objects orbit each other so closely ---- orbiting every few minutes ---- so that the helium from the lighter of the two gets pulled off by tidal forces and accumulates on the more massive white dwarf.
The outskirts of our Galaxy contain various stellar streams that are believed to be the remnants of dwarf galaxies that were torn to shreds by the strong tidal force of the Milky Way.»
This hot slush is created by tidal forces from the mammoth gravity of Jupiter, which slowly knead the moon as it moves in its orbit, generating enormous amounts of heat as rock crystals rub against each other.
In addition, tidal forces affecting the Oort Cloud come from the differential gravitational forces exerted by stars in the Milky Way's galactic disk and by the galactic core on the Sun and comets as a result of their relative location in the Solar System, which have been modelled with numerical simulations (Duncan et al, 1987).
It is apparently in process of being disrupted by tidal gravitational forces of its big massive neighbor in this encounter.
Saxena and his colleagues wanted to look at another potential form of heating, caused by tidal forces.
If the Pluto - Charon system formed via an impact, then a combination of heat from the impact and heat from the tidal forces induced by Charon could be enough to sustain an ocean.
Its highly elliptical orbit is fairly stable, as S2 would have to come 70 times closer to the hole (16 light - minutes) to be at risk of being destroyed by tidal forces from the hole's gravity.
The Sagittarius Dwarf is believed to already have orbited the Milky Way about 10 times in the last billion years or so, and it still appears to have coherence as an elongated ellipse despite being torn apart by enormous tidal forces as a result of the interaction.
Rather than going the Roland Emmerich «big tableaux of destruction» route, Pompeii reduces the disaster to a series of steeplechase set pieces, fiery debris raining into the 3 - D foreground as the characters scamper over bodies and ruins or try to outrun a ship that's been forced inland by a tidal wave.
It's like being picked up and swept away by a silent force, a tidal wave perhaps, and you feel your eyeballs squeeze against their sockets and your brain press against the back of your skull.
Geopolitical links are balanced with familial ones by way of snippets of Skype conversations between the artist and her mother across the Atlantic, establishing tidal forces as both a divider and a connector.
For example, one series of experiments found that QBO is likely forced by seasonally - aliased monthly tidal cycles.
So what if all of the recognized periodic oscillations that comprise a whole laundry list of acronyms supposed to be primary, but unpredictable internal forcings of the natural variability, were but the secondary result of the interactions of the sun with the rest of the solar system, topped off with a local tidal focus created by the moon?
Global models of the tide height and depth - averaged tidal currents are based on the well - understood physics of gravitational forcing by the Moon and the Sun, and the equations of motion for the ocean.
And, the atmosphere also is affected by these tidal forces which could explain part of what happens with the trade winds.
They do not calculate body - wide tidal forces in their paper, but look at perturbations induced by gravitational forces directly on the inelastic material of the sun «locally focussed tidal effects» if you will.
If you work it out (by all means, check my math), that means the tidal force from the Moon acting at the surface of the Earth's oceans is more than 1000 times greater than the tidal force from Jupiter acting at the surface of the Sun.
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [Graphs updated to include error bars] Inspired by the paper by the charmingly - named Maya Tolstoy discussed here on WUWT, I decided to see if tidal forces affect the timing of earthquakes and volcanoes.
However it doesn't just stay in one place, but moves rapidly in a figure of 8 pattern under the influence of a rudder and the tether and lift forces created by the tidal flow.
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