Sentences with phrase «by tiny fractions»

Thus, large amounts of money are being spent to beat other market makers by tiny fractions of a second.
Unfortunately, going by the tiny fraction of fans that protested in the stadium on tuesday, it seems to me that those who buy tickets to go to watch are more interested in enjoying a recreational time, possibly taking the missus or the kids out and generally incorporating the matches into the fun and excitement of their lifestyle to be genuinely grieved by the team's shoddy performances.
The secrets gleaned from the universe's most mysterious giants are incongruously subtle when witnessed at Earth: Detectors budge by a tiny fraction of a proton's breadth, outputting a feeble, birdlike chirp.
The flow of energy in human societies is regulated by the tiny fraction of the energy that is used for the flow of information.
LIGO consists of two perpendicular arms, each 4 km long, which respond to this distortion, changing in length by a tiny fraction of the diameter of a proton.
Viewed from another star, our Earth's reflected light would be 10 billion times fainter than the Sun itself, with an orbit that separates the Earth from the Sun by a tiny fraction of an arcsecond.
Sadly, it got edged out by the tiniest fraction of a hair if only because it's a challenging watch and a tough swallow.
I know my little books aren't capable of that by themselves, but just contributing to that, even by a tiny fraction, would make me feel bad.
Sales are down, but only by a tiny fraction.
It also delays the sound by a tiny fraction in the «off» ear, among several other processing tricks, to fool your brain into thinking it's hearing sound from much more than two directions at once.

Not exact matches

Harping on people all day long about the behavior you want to see has a tiny fraction of the impact you achieve by demonstrating that behavior yourself.
Harping on people all day long about the behavior you want to see has only a tiny fraction of the impact that you achieve by believing so deeply in the behavior that you demonstrate it yourself.
As far as excess reserves are concerned, B&K argued back in 2016 (when the IOER was a mere 0.25 %), «the only potential loans that would have been affected by the Fed's payment of interest are those with risk - adjusted short - term returns between precisely zero and one - quarter percent — surely a tiny fraction of the total.»
In fact, this pair represents only a tiny fraction of the digital ecosystem that has built up around the exploiting of information Facebook users share online, as described in detail by Austria's Cracked Labs Institute for Critical Digital Culture, in a June 2017 study.
When you invest in an index fund, it's like putting money into every single company tracked by that index, for just a tiny fraction of the cost.
By this more common definition, only a tiny fraction of Roof's baby boomers qualify as seekers.
The problem is that we define our life by those difficulties, which quantitatively speaking, often make up a tiny fraction of our lives.
It represents just a tiny fraction of WCB's 56 million issued shares but small share trades are increasingly important to this deal because 45 per cent of the stock is locked up by Bega, Murray Goulburn and strategic holder Lion.
Treasury, which lifted profits from sales to Asia by 48 per cent to $ 117 million in the first half of 2017 - 18 driven by its Penfolds and Wolf Blass brands, is in the early stages of trying to elevate the status of its Californian brands in the China market, but sales are only a tiny fraction of those generated by the powerful Australian brands.
Nevertheless, the process can be used to map text alterations in a tiny fraction of the time that the same process would take by hand.
Retired pensioners who bought their homes for a tiny fraction of what they cost now, will be forced to sell up, only to be replaced by exactly the bankers and oligarchs the policy is supposed to attack.
The study asserted that because of the number of complex provisions in the law — such as the requirement that medication must be self - administered by a mentally competent patient — it will actually affect only a tiny fraction of seriously ill patients.
According to previous studies, that amount — between 44 million and 146 million metric tons of CO2 — offsets a tiny fraction of the estimated 35.3 billion metric tons of CO2 generated by the burning of fossil fuels and other industrial activity in 2013.
These ripples were thought to be caused by gravitational waves, ripples in the very fabric of space - time, created a tiny fraction of a second after the big bang.
Chang says it would cost about $ 20 million, a tiny fraction of the $ 2 billion radio astronomers want for the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) of radio telescopes, which aims to trace large - scale structure by locating individual galaxies.
Yet it somehow devours only a tiny fraction of its available food supply — a smorgasbord of gas and dust cast off by nearby stars, notes radio astronomer Heino Falcke of Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
Buoyed by the success of Sunraycer, Brooks began to wonder in early 1988 if there wasn't some way to convince GM to apply a tiny fraction of its vast resources toward a far more ambitious project than anything AeroVironment had ever tackled: a production electric car.
Rather, the work of folding is done by much smaller water molecules, which surround proteins and push and pull at them to make them fold a certain way in fractions of a second, like scores of tiny origami artists folding a giant sheet of paper at blazingly fast speeds.
During its transit, the planet crosses 55 Cancri and blocks a tiny fraction of the starlight, dimming the star by 1 / 2000th (or 0.05 %) for almost two hours.
The government's review of the UK energy supply published today (26 / July) highlights the dreadful performance of wind power, with over 1830 turbines with combined capacity of 2GW reducing fuel consumption in (and emissions from) UK power stations by tiny and irrelevant fraction of one per cent.
Webster's method avoids these paradoxes with a mathematical formula that involves multiplying the fractions by a tiny bit more than 435 and rounding to the nearest whole number.
The tiny fraction of it that is absorbed by photosynthetic plants maintains all living matter
A major challenge in tapping such electrical potential is that the voltage created is tiny — a fraction of that generated by a standard AA battery.
A major challenge in tapping this electrical potential is that the voltage created is tiny — a fraction of that generated by an AA battery.
Vital marine ecosystems are threatened by ocean warming and acidification, yet get a tiny fraction of climate finance, E3G research shows
First, we noticed that a tiny fraction of 0.025 % of all SNPs (229/907, 551 SNPs) were not correctly identified by any of the four technologies suggesting that those SNPs may not be correctly identified on the arrays.
this outfit was heavily inspired by a certain see by chloe line... except it's like a teeny tiny fraction of the price.
Nationwide, school administrators identify only a tiny fraction of their teachers as ineffective, despite major evaluation - reform efforts by state and federal governments.
This new assessment, undertaken by the government's spending watchdog, notes that although # 70 million was spent last year trying to support existing teachers, interventions had been on a «relatively small scale», and just a tiny fraction of the money — # 91,000 — was earmarked to solve workload issues.
Across the country, the number of charter schools that are diverse by design has been steadily rising in recent years, in cities including New York, Denver, and Washington D.C. Scholars at the Century Foundation in Washington D.C., a nonpartisan research organization, estimate that about two dozen such charters have opened in recent years although they still comprise only a tiny fraction of charter schools.
Rossi has broad grass roots support, including modest donations by labor and union groups who have contributed a few thousand to her efforts, a tiny fraction of what charters have contributed to Hoover - Smoot.
Sure, you can dislike the interruption in instruction (although the time taken up by state standardized tests is a tiny fraction of time taken up by local tests).
The tiny fraction lost in headroom will bother only the tallest occupants and it's more than balanced by a substantial improvement in both legroom and ease of ingress.
This is just a tiny fraction of the numerous elements I have witnessed that aren't necessarily seen by the public on the show floor.
These so - called «incentivized reviews» make up only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of reviews on Amazon, and when done carefully, they can be helpful to customers by providing a foundation of reviews for new or less well - known products.
Although stocks that start with the letter U comprise only a tiny fraction of the world's equity markets, by a strange twist of fate they primarily include energy, materials (gold, copper, zinc, etc.) and financials.
A plain and simple rule like that will block the efforts of lobbyists, lawyers and contribution - hungry legislators to keep the ultrarich paying rates well below those incurred by people with income just a tiny fraction of ours.
The superb Abnormal Returns has a post «Investing by the seat of their pants,» which, among other things, discusses William Bernstein's conjecture that «only a tiny fraction, 1 in 1000, investors have the skills to become truly competent investors.»
Through the second quarter of 2017, a tiny fraction (0.7 %) of all loans were purchased by private securitization companies.8 Prior to 2007, private securitization companies held $ 1.6 trillion in subprime and Alt - A (near prime) mortgages.
I point out that the same drugs and expertise in veterinary medicine cost a tiny fraction by comparison, though it's still a problem if people truly don't have the money.
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