Sentences with phrase «by tongue movements»

Both the peristaltic action of the tongue and the pressure differential created by tongue movements quickly push / pull the milk to its ultimate destination.

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The handicapped people would operate the shoeboxes by voice, by tongue or chin movements, or by blinking their eyelids.
• Fact # 2: One of the more controversial discussions in their movement is the desire by some (particularly the reformists) to downplay what others consider a central Pentecostal distinctive — that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit manifests itself with the «initial physical evidence» of speaking in tongues.
The Pentecostal idea of a «second blessing,» marked by speaking in tongues, has now returned to influence American churches of every stripe in the form of the charismatic movement.
The Azusa Street Revival, led by William Seymour from 1906 to 1915, propelled this movement and included speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy.
One strong possibility is that the baby's tongue movement is restricted by a tether of tissue called a frenum (FREE - num) or frenulum (FREN - yew - lum) which binds it too tightly to the base of his mouth.
The tongue - tied baby will quickly develop strong habits of oromuscular movement, all influenced by his inability to move his tongue correctly.
The bottle teat is soft, flexible and is designed specifically to allow baby to feed exactly as they would from the breast, the natural wave movement of their tongue is supported by the teats clever design.
Ultrasound studies have shown that the tongue movements used by tongue - tied babies are qualitatively different from those used by by babies who are not tongue - tied.
Also known by its technical name, ankyloglossia, this condition occurs when the frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the underside of your tongue to the floor of your mouth) is too tight or too short which in turn restricts the movement of the tongue.
Until, that is, the researchers blocked the babies» tongue movements by having them suck on a teething device.
Oller reported in 2010 that he had developed a customized algorithm to distinguish autistic toddlers from healthy children with a remarkable 86 percent accuracy, in part, by isolating syllables and analyzing them for acoustic features, such as jaw and tongue movement.
In contrast, under the same chilly conditions, the tongue movements of ectotherms, which rely fully on a muscle - based system, slowed by 42 percent.
By decoding patterns in the part of the brain that orchestrates the movement of the lips, tongue, jaw and larynx, the mechanical mind reader — a speech prosthetic — will give these people a voice through a computer - driven speech synthesizer.
There are researchers who create robots that move like snakes; some study human movements and functions by making a humanoid robot, and from there they train the robot to play table ice - hockey, dance, and even juggle; some work together to design an electronic wheel chair that can be controlled by the tongue; some are interested in creating a database of human facial expression that can be used in creating animation and facial pattern recognition research.
They would fill the mouth with sea water and then, using coordinated movements of the throat and tongue, squeeze the water out through the tooth combs, leaving only the food particles to be collected by the tongue.
Excessive thirst, shadow chasing, head shaking, inappropriate urination or defecation, abnormal tongue or swallowing movements, and scooting (dragging the anal area against the ground) are just a few of the many behaviors that may be caused by a medical problem.
Forti's engagement with movement and language includes her News Animations which are improvisations in movement and spoken word, as well as her books including Handbook in Motion (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Press, 1974) and Oh, Tongue, published and edited by Fred Dewey (Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 2003).
Different sounds of speech are made by precisely positioning the lips, tongue, soft palate (the «roof» of the mouth), teeth and cheeks by rapid movements of small muscles.
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