Sentences with phrase «by tubal ligation»

The most popular method of birth control in the United States is the Pill, followed by tubal ligation (permanent sterilization, or getting your tubes tied) and condoms.

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By requiring Catholic organizations (such as schools and hospitals) to cover contraception and sterilization does not force anyone to to get contraceptives or to be sterilized, it just means if the employees of these organizations have insurance coverage of contraceptives IF they CHOOSE to use contraceptives or an operation such as a vasectomy or tubal ligation for sterilization.
Vasectomies and tubal ligation aren't «by design» either and are contra - reproduction.
I got a tubal ligation after the fourth and it was by cauterizing which you didn't mention.
If you're considering a tubal ligation, be aware that some insurers, including Medicaid and other federal programs, require you to sign a consent form at least 30 days beforehand if your procedure is to be covered by insurance.
Tubal ligation becomes an option for all women Get this: Until 1969, a woman couldnt elect to have her tubes tied unless she fit a formula — her age multiplied by the number of children shed delivered had to equal 120 or more.
Female sterilization (or tubal ligation) means blocking or cutting the fallopian tubes, which prevents an egg from traveling to the uterus and being fertilized by sperm.
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