Sentences with phrase «by tyranny»

Our goal is not to be held in bondage by the tyranny of the moment.
As Bogle states, «The miracle of compounding returns is overwhelmed by the tyranny of compounding costs.»
Outraged by the tyranny of the king and the taxing of their nuts, these squirrels set forth to overthrow the king.
... We're definitely under more pressure and can feel the dragon waiting hungrily for results, micromanaging our projects and — indirectly — our lives, squeezing the breath out of their students by tyranny or coercion.
Robespierre did the same thing in the French Revolution with the result that France ended up not with freedom but terror, followed by the tyranny of Napoleon.
We are a republic where individual freedoms can not be trumped by the tyranny of the majority.
Christians must ask who is harmed besides children by the collapse of social institutions and by their tyranny.
That's rule by tyranny, and you might as well claim that the people living in North Korea have freedom as to say that God grants it.

Not exact matches

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder.
by We wholeheartedly endorse peaceful revolution, but unfortunately, history tells us that when tyrannies force the majority of the middle class into poverty in any country, violent revolution will result.
By cutting storage and distribution costs, the internet was overturning the tyranny of the shop shelf, which had limited consumers» choices.
They were also influenced by escaping from countries where the freedoms we enjoy today did not exist, and they were very careful to learn from the tyranny of the masses they had escaped from in creating a nation that would not end up the same way.
Even without sexual pressure, there's the tyranny of fashion and the fear of being judged on your appearance; by women as well as by men.
Thus, religion prevents the degradation of our values «by serving to elevate and ennoble the soul» while also resisting the soft tyranny of the «gentle central power.»
Indeed, the «battle» that resulted in the killing of hundreds of thousands of priests and nuns was not forgotten, except by Western apologists for Soviet tyranny.
It is a natural relationship for the United States» a country explicitly founded by those seeking freedom from tyranny and the protection of their inalienable rights.
If the situation described by the Guatemalan bishops (who indeed are not fully aware of all the evils rife in the country) is not a tyranny, then I say that St. Peter has spoken in vain and that the situation he describes does not exist anywhere.»
It is very much worth reading, however, as an account of one particularly curious aspect of a strange religious underworld created by Communist tyranny.
I see people mastered by habits — drink, drugs, temper, lust — in a tyranny they can not disobey.
So when I say I'm ready for a healthy dose of «works - based» salvation, this is what I mean: I'm ready to be liberated from the tyranny of my selfishness by caring for the «least of these».
For many people, any mention of social planning suggests dictatorship, and socialism becomes therefore almost by definition a recipe for tyranny.
The Fellowship of the Beatific Vision: Chaucer on Overcoming Tyranny and Becoming Ourselves by norm klassen wipf and stock, 234 pages, $ 24
The Declaration recognizes the importance of justice and does not rule out resistance to tyranny, even in the last resort by violence.
More was a man who stood by his principles in an issue unworthy of martyrdom, while Bonhoeffer stood to the death for a purpose worthy of giving one's life — to rid a country of tyranny.
Fearing «the tyranny of the majority» as much as they feared any tyranny, the framers recognized the need to check the democratic principle by the republican principle of representative government.
The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives loose to his worst passions; and, thus nursed, educated and daily exercised in tyranny, can not but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities.3
By way of sharpest contrast, the Board encountered a «haughty» and uncooperative manner in some bishops, leading them to the conclusion that «the exercise of authority without accountability is not servant - leadership; it is tyranny
-- who give heed to the meaning of the great racist persecutions and who try to understand this meaning, they will see Israel as drawn along the road to Calvary, by reason of that very vocation which I have indicated, and because the slave merchants will not pardon Israel for the demands it and its Christ have implanted in the heart of the world's temporal life, demands that will ever cry «no» to the tyranny of force.
Evangelical fitness maven Stormie Omartian led the way (even while plugging her own diet and exercise plan) by addressing, in 1984 and again in 1993, the tyranny of contemporary body standards and noting that most dieters carry on a self - defeating battle with food and exercise that is «a prelude to the most intense feelings of failure.»
A good example is Habakkuk's presentation of a dialogue between the prophet and God — the prophet's first complaint is against the sins of Judean society and God explains that he will be using the evils of the invading Chaldeans to punish Judea; the prophet responds by complaining about the evils of the Chaldeans which God then assures will not go unpunished — that they tyranny itself will lead to it's own punishments and that the punishment for Judea's sins is itself redemptive and God assures that he will be able to provide salvation.
A political victory achieved by such odious tactics is at best an unstable tyranny spawned by an unscrupulous and unprincipled minority.
The two camps diverge by maintaining differing intellectual conceptions of the tyranny against which they are fighting.
Plato's account of the slavish / tyrannical soul - type cultivated in the population by a tyrant would suggest that a darker vision of human failure than Hobbes» nightmare is possible: perpetual tyranny, with only dynasty changes possible for a population utterly debased in soul.
A great book to read is «Liberty and Tyranny» and «Ameritopia» by Mark Levin as it gives concise reasons for where we are and where we come from.
The ruling class of natural scientists, like so many tyrannies in the course of history, regarded a refusal to publish the laws by which it ruled as an indispensable instrument of its own tyranny (italics mine).
The ability of a relatively few already powerful people or organizations to exert still further pervasive influence introduces the possibility of tyranny and misuse of power in some respects even more devastating than that accomplished by physical compulsion.
To the families of Steven Sotloff and James Foley: We will remember the bravery of your sons, who exposed the savagery of tyranny and gave the people a platform for their voices to be heard and their suffering to be seen by the American people.
In his 1940 essay, «Why the Christian Church is not Pacifist,» Reinhold Niebuhr wrote: «Nothing is more futile and pathetic than the effort of some [Christians] who find it necessary to become involved in the relativities of politics, in resistance to tyranny or in social conflict, to justify themselves by seeking to prove that Christ was also involved in these relativities, that he used whips to drive the money - changers out of the Temple...»
The End of History in the strong or revolutionary sense was discredited by the Marxist tyrannies that turned people into history fodder and nothing more.
We can attempt to articulate this tacit understanding by suggesting that both camps are working with the inchoate idea that tyranny is present when a law or a governmental policy or a social practice in some way harms human beings by adversely affecting the developing course of their life.
Please do not forget that the reason that Christianity is the majority religion in the United States is because it was founded by Christians fleeing the tyranny and persecution of the Church.
If Aristotle insisted not only on the objectivity of truth but on the ability of the intellect of man to apprehend it, the French philosophe Jacques Rousseau denied this objectivity by ushering in what Cardinal Ratzinger called the «tyranny of relativism,» which gives the rationalization of homosexuality so much of its philosophical underpinning by arguing that natural law is merely a human construct and, as such, susceptible of subjective definition.
The exceptional situation of tyranny calling for an assassination attempt is not dealt with in a theoretical way by Bonhoeffer.
We have a special sympathy for poor women who are evilly and roughly treated by their husbands, because of the roughness and cruelty of the tyranny and captivity which is their lot.
By republican structure, of course, I mean the separation of powers and the elaborate checks and balances that the founders of our country wrote into the Constitution as the main bulwarks against dictatorship and tyranny, which they greatly feared.
The presence in our body politic of such a party is the only means by which democracy can be saved from its present moral chaos, from the tyranny of entrenched interests, from the insolence of a predatory officeholding party system, and from the peril of a fascist dictatorship of big business, on the one hand, or of a communist dictatorship of the proletariat, on the other [December 31, 1932].
Yet when the mind is not confused by utopian illusions it is not difficult to recognize genuine achievements of justice and to feel under obligation to defend them against the threats of tyranny and the negation of justice.
If faith mattered to the republican party or the democratic party (both owned by the same banking interests) they wouldn't support world government tyranny, war, and dirty FED money backed by nothing.
By doing so, Britain avoided the fate of the Roman Republic — becoming a domestic tyranny and losing its democracy, as would have been required if it had continued to try to dominate much of the world by forcBy doing so, Britain avoided the fate of the Roman Republic — becoming a domestic tyranny and losing its democracy, as would have been required if it had continued to try to dominate much of the world by forcby force.
Anyway, the middle east was completely overrun by the Romans and the evil philosophizing Greeks and the Jewish people were super oppressed and confused and were looking desperately for the Messiah to set them free from this tyranny and wondering what God was up to.
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