Sentences with phrase «by unhygienic»

17 Up to a quarter of all women giving birth in European and American hospitals in the 17th through 19th centuries died of puerperal fever, an infection spread by unhygienic nurses and doctors.

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You don't want to spoil your vacations and happy holidays by being unhygienic while using public washrooms.
In unhygienic conditions a child is protected by breastfeeding, whereas a feeding bottle must be prepared with special care.
The damsels have incredibly keen senses of smell and frequently sniff soap whenever unhygienic dorm dwellers walk by.
However, by doing this, we need to realize that we contribute to the propagation of these breeders, continually giving them license to pump out litter after litter of unhealthy and / or unhygienic puppies or kittens.
In some cases, meat by - products are unhealthy and unhygienic because they come from expired and dead meat.
Puppies bred in such facilities are more likely to have health related issues and genetic problems due to the inappropriate breeding habits inculcated by such breeders and the unhygienic environment of such facilities.
Not to be unhygienic or anything, but how satisfying not to buy the hype foisted upon us by the corporations that make the things with which we clean ourselves.
Elderly travelers are frequently more susceptible to illnesses, which can be caused by adverse weather conditions, and unhygienic food, water or living conditions.
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