Sentences with phrase «by virtue of owning»

«By virtue of owning its own content distribution network and already having servers in ISP data...
In this manner, by virtue of its own power, it puts them into immediate relation to one another it is the in - itself of difference or the «differently different» — in other words, difference in the second degree, the self - different which relates different to different by itself.»
However, those of us concerned to find such relationships between distinct fields should heed the cautious word of Cambridge physicist Sir Brian Pippard when he says that each field thrives by virtue of its own methods and not by aping those of others: «The fabric of knowledge has not been woven as a seamless robe but pieced together like a patchwork quilt, and we are still in the position of being able to appreciate the design in individual pieces much more clearly than the way they are put together» (Pippard, 95 - 96).
By virtue of his own research Sullivan arrived at the same fundamental vision about the nature of reality that Whitehead professed and molded it quite independently into a viable personality theory, suitable for use in psychotherapy.
Second, the interpreter, by virtue of its own harmonizing essential intentional interests, values interpreting the thing in a selective respect.
The entities themselves are involved in their own design (see pp. 41 - 44) by virtue of their own degree of freedom to choose.
As such He knows what choices we will make by virtue of our own free will.
For this important exercise we are linking arms with our colleagues in practice who have inspired the vision of rigorous clinical experiences for all educator candidates by virtue of their own courageous experience.
Each artwork functions by virtue of its own qualities, but at the same time, can suggest some art historical developments.
That leaves the Google Home Mini as an excellent, worthwhile device that will do little to move the needle by virtue of its own Dot - like merits.
By virtue of his own personal experience, Andrew is well equipped to help young persons to successfully navigate the many challenges of participating in extra-curricular activities in our increasingly competitive communities.

Not exact matches

I recently read an opinion piece by Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini in which he extolls the virtues of greeting the sun just as it's rising each morning: «Every day I get up at 5:30 for my own yoga and meditation practice because I know I'm going to head into a chaotic world where I will be challenged.»
It is also fair to point out that this move continues a three - or four - year long period in which the biggest public cloud providers got bigger by virtue of massive spending on their own data center infrastructure and smaller players scrambled to stay relevant.
Each of Hopper, Barberry and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to High River (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the «Act») the Shares which High River directly beneficially owns.
Each of Icahn Offshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Enterprises Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to Icahn Master (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Act) the Shares which Icahn Master directly beneficially owns.
Each of Icahn Onshore, Icahn Capital, IPH, Icahn Enterprises Holdings, Icahn Enterprises GP, Beckton and Mr. Icahn, by virtue of their relationships to Icahn Partners (as disclosed in Item 2), may be deemed to indirectly beneficially own (as that term is defined in Rule 13d - 3 under the Act) the Shares which Icahn Partners directly beneficially owns.
Every thing we own in actuality owns us, by virtue of its demands on our time and affections, and that includes investments.
Until, of course, you remember the culture - induced myopia I described yesterday: Myerson still has the Ballmer-esque presumption that Microsoft controlled its own destiny and could have leveraged its assets (like Office) to win the smartphone market, ignoring that by virtue of being late Windows Phone was a product competing against ecosystems, which meant no consumer demand, which meant no developers, topped off by the arrogance to dictate to OEMs and carriers what they could and could not do to the phone, destroying any chance at leveraging distribution to get critical mass...
In July 2017, the court denied the motion to dismiss, finding that Elliott, «by virtue solely of its own conduct,... has easily satisfied the transacting business prong of the Maryland long arm statute.»
(the way someone thinks about the world) Do you no view people of the world with Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause?
If i was Hawkins, i would be a bit more toughtful, and look deep into his own huiman condition and accept he «s a living miracle granted by virtue of God, or, in scientific terms, Anti Matter, so, as to try and figure out why is he still alive, and what is his real mission on earth.
Nevertheless, by virtue of our collective human powers — our capacity for complex symbolic thinking, the sophistication of our tools, our ability to steward nature, and our demonstrated interest in telling both nature's story and our own — human beings also transcend nature.
In the new humanity which is begotten today the Word prolongs the unending act of his own birth; and by virtue of his immersion in the world's womb the great waters of the kingdom of matter have, without even a ripple, been endued with life.
The dissolution of this opposition takes place only when each form of the Godhead, by virtue of its inherent independence, dissolves itself in itself: «Therefore that element which has for its essence, not independent self - existence but simple being, is what empties and abandons itself, gives itself unto death, and so reconciles Absolute Being with its own self.»
Thus the world which «has some real existence of its own, an infinity in it own degree, by virtue of its participation in Gods actus purus» «can achieve in [God] an eternal existence» (pp23 ‑ 4).
It is largely by virtue of his influence that I have focused on Zen in my own study and teaching, and that I emphasize Zen in this essay.
I hold that there are two ways of personally containing, concretely as a person containing, a belief, or an act, by believing it, and by suffering it as enacted, believed by an included mind, included by virtue of the «suffering» relation, as one's own beliefs are included by an active relation.
In his own words, «As for the rural peoples of eastern Europe, they succeeded in bearing disasters and persecution principally by virtue of the cosmic Christianity....
«5 The full account of the human ousia in De Anima and in the Nichomachean Ethics is a dynamic one, in which the rationality of the agent shapes, by virtue of his choices and his actions, his own coming - to - be.
The pledge of allegiance was created by a socialist named Francis Bellamy who came up with it in order to instill in his own words «the virtue of obedience to the state» into impressionable children.
We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined... that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
She added: «His conversion to the Muslim faith was not of his own volition, but by virtue of his parents» conversion when he was a minor.
It is never possessed as a secure possession or as a quieting insight, hut rather constantly has to make its way against all the temptations that continually emerge Out of existence and give man the illusion he can still dispose of himself and has his life in his own hands — even if it be by virtue of just such an insight....
The critique of deontological and utilitarian abstractions (as evidenced in the categorical imperative or in the exhortation to maximize happiness) offered by virtue ethicists is enhanced by Hartshorne's own critique of metaphysical abstractions.
A presbytery would henceforth ordain not in its own right but by virtue of its participation in a larger reality.
So Niebuhr advised: «If it is not possible for modern man to hold by faith that there is a larger meaning in the intricate patterns of history than those which his own virtues or skills supply, he would do well to emphasize fortune and caprice in his calculations.»
By our own hands we enthroned them: our strength no longer suffices for their removal: they have suspended the senate of right reason and the assembly of the virtues: the emperor, our will, is held hostage: and it is time to pray.
In his recent book, Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity, he offers «four benefits» of mortality: interest and engagement, suggesting that adding, say, twenty years to the human life span would not proportionately increase the pleasures of life; seriousness and aspiration, proposing that the knowledge that our life is limited is what leads us to take life seriously and passionately; beauty and love, presenting the idea that it is precisely their perishability that makes, for instance, flowers beautiful to us, just as the coming and going of spring makes that season all the more meaningful; and, finally, virtue and moral excellence, by which he means the virtuous and noble deeds that mortality makes possible, including the sacrifice of our own life for a worthy cause.
It makes the statement more precise by indicating that this procreation belongs to that kind of created efficient causality in which the agent by virtue of divine causality essentially exceeds the limits set by his own essence.
We may end our article where we began it, by quoting from the Novena of Cardinal Newman: Philip, my holy Patron, who wast so careful for the souls of thy brethren, and especially of thy own people, when on earth, slack not thy care of them now, when thou art in heaven... Be to us a good father; make our priests blameless and beyond reproach or scandal; make our children obedient, our youth prudent and chaste, our heads of families wise and gentle, our old people cheerful and fervent, and build us up, by thy powerful intercession, in faith, hope, charity and all virtues».
Through his own joyful spirit, and by encouraging that virtue in others, through healthy friendships and innocent diversions, Philip laid the groundwork for souls to advance in virtues of every kind.
These human collectivities can not by any virtue or wisdom of their own add one iota to the validity of its truth or subtract one iota from that validity.
Whilst not having the supreme degree of the pontifical office, and notwithstanding the fact that they depend on the bishops in the exercise of their own proper power, the priests are for all that associated with them by reason of their sacerdotal dignity; and in virtue of the sacrament of Orders, after the image of Christ, the supreme and eternal priest (Heb.
By virtue of the fact that liberal democracy is an association of communities, each of which has its own vision of God and the good, rather than itself being the highest institutional expression of one such community, it does indeed operate without a common substantive conception of the good.
The question of which levels have the radical autonomy introduced by their own internal relations and which are irreducible only by virtue of the internal relations and actions characterizing their parts is always a factual one.
The important personalistic thesis is that the (temporal) person, whenever he begins to be, is the kind of being who is never a sequence or a succession of units but a unity who can succeed himself by virtue of his ability to relate his world to himself on his own terms (within limits).
Wang's contribution here was to point out that the humanity by virtue of which the great man is one body with the world can be regarded both as substance and as function.13 As substance, the person's own personal being apart from expressions, humanity is the manifestation of the clear character by which the world is regarded as one body.
This would be done by virtue of the extraordinarily complex rhythms within human experience wherein the core of the person's own experience is made compatible with the rhythms of external things, with minimal distortion, and whereby semantic rhythms within the person's experience point out the external reference; Whitehead's discussion of symbolic reference is a good account of this.
But a republic will have republican customs — public participation in the exercise of power, the political equality of the citizens, a wide distribution of small and medium property with few very rich or very poor — customs that will lead to a public spiritedness, a willingness of the citizen to sacrifice his own interests for the common good, that is, to a citizen motivated by republican virtue.
This is at first glance an anomalous position to find Habermas taking, because he generally appears to be skeptical of religion, treating it as a form of ideology that systematically distorts communication by virtue of the fact that religious people generally seem to be unable to abandon their own suppositions long enough to truly consider the interests and values of others.
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