Sentences with phrase «by wealthy special interests»

NY State United Teachers President Andrew Pallota thinks that it would be controlled by wealthy special interests that could undo protections for workers:
Enact Public Campaign Financing: In order to free state government from control by wealthy special interests and pay - to - play corruption, election and ethics reform must include full public financing of state elections on the model used by Arizona and Maine.

Not exact matches

«President Clinton will highlight the choice voters face in the upcoming midterm elections, and emphasize the need to continue moving the country forward by electing strong Representatives like Hinchey who are fighting for middle class families — not the wealthy special interests
Our analysis underscores how unlimited campaign contributions - as limited liability companies effectively have no limits - warp our elections and result in important policy decisions being driven by the demands of wealthy special interests.
The carriage horse deal underlined the transactional side of a mayor who says he is on a mission to liberalize New York City, even as his efforts are propelled in part by wealthy contributors tied to special interests.
The poor are suffering disproportionately across the country from the vicious dog epidemic, (whether its is from attacks, or limits to their civil rights and ability to use their yards or walk down the street) because authorities being manipulated by special interests feel they can get away with trampling the rights of the poor on behalf of the interests of the wealthy.
«Electoral intervention is not supposed to be a non-profit's main activity, but these dark money groups are abusing their tax - exempt status by existing primarily as vehicles for corporations and wealthy donors to secretly influence elections,» Fischer noted, adding, «Some dark money non-profits might now use lobbying as an accounting trick to balance their books between electoral and non-electoral spending, leading to a spiraling cycle of non-stop campaigning and special interest influence, but with zero transparency or public accountability.»
Having fought industrial wind development for years in my community, I have come to understand that only a grassroots rebellion, led by rural environmentalists against the wealthy, powerful, special - interest, urban fake - environmentalists will be able to turn the tide.
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