Sentences with phrase «by wide spreads»

«The primary acquisition premise for Harbor Cove is based on an extensive renovation strategy, which is driven by wide spreads to Class - A rents in the immediate market.
Buy setting the exact price at which you're willing to buy or sell, you can avoid surprises caused by wide spreads or sudden price movements.
The fund trades well enough, but frequent traders may be frustrated by the wide spreads that open up at times.
Such a static and retrogressive view of what are essentially peoples» movements fuelled by genuine concerns of power devolution and resource control, and accentuated by wide spread human rights abuses by military and para-military forces in the province, is indicative of the security establishment's pre-eminence in decision - making with regards to this and other issues.
Salivary gland extract enhances permeability of blood vessels in the mouse ear as indicated by the wider spread of the red marker (top) compared to an untreated ear (bottom).
Chinese law enforcement agencies have said they are looking into the case of the fake Apple store that has come up in Kunming in China, probably prompted by the wide spread furore caused by the blatant copying of Apple business style that no doubt has taken the country's counterfeit image to a new high.
Commenting on the group of works, Nina Wedell - Wedellsborg, Sotheby's head of Denmark, called it «the perfect storm of five top - quality works from different collections, supported by a wide spread of international bidders.»

Not exact matches

Those spreads are still pretty wide, so you can get a lot of upside if you're willing to take slightly more risk by going into emerging markets.
This supports our view that by year end credit spreads will be wider than current levels which was predicated by our belief in higher inflation, yields and volatility in 2018.»
By spreading your skills over a wider area, it takes away the possibility to be really good at a single thing.
MOSCOW (AP)-- A new report released on Thursday condemned both Ukrainian authorities and separatist rebels for wide - spread torture and detentions of civilians in the country's east torn by a separatist war.
In the Treynor model, shrinking position limits with a constant outside spread would lead to wider bid / ask spreads charged by dealers.
ANZ's decision to get out of the wealth business was driven by wide - spread breaches by its financial planners that the bank had identified a...
As with forward guidance, this can enhance the impact of lower policy rates by spreading the effect to a wider range of borrowers, thereby boosting economic growth.
Government has often played a role in promoting performance - enhancing work practices to enhance overall economy - wide outcomes from higher productivity and innovation, such as the long history of agricultural extension services (since 1887) to spread information on best practices in farming, and employer education on safety practices conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
By looking at how the credit spread for a category of bonds is changing, you can get an idea of how «cheap» (wide credit spread) or «expensive» (tight credit spread) the market for those bonds is related to historical credit spreads.
At the same time, it is not out of the question that we may be quietly allowing U.S. banks to go insolvent without disclosure, covering the losses over time out of wide interest spreads on existing loans, and that we may be able to avoid outward evidence of mortgage deterioration simply by allowing the Treasury to go further and further into deficit on behalf of the GSEs.
Working in the other direction, the investment of the US dollar proceeds of foreign exchange intervention by Asian central banks was supportive of the US Treasury market, as was the very wide spread between 10 - year Treasury yields and the Fed funds rate, particularly in light of the Fed's reaffirmation of its intention to maintain an accommodative monetary policy stance (Table 5, Graph 12).
That said, credit spreads have popped wider in the past 2 weeks as measured by the spread between Moody's BAA yields and 10 - year Treasuries, by 6 - month commercial paper yields versus 6 - month T - bills, and other spreads.
Yet supply - side reforms, coupled with tighter environmental regulations, are spreading to a wider range of industries plagued by overcapacity.
A false perception has often been created (either by sensationalist commentary, or lazily prejudiced comments by stand - up comedians and others), that sexual abuse is wide - spread throughout the Clergy, and in some way a particularly Catholic problem.
To date your public apology (and thank you very much for that) is the only sign I have seen from anyone connected with US emergent — Jeff may have started the rumors but they spread far and wide, and continue to be spread by a few voices even today.
Human rights, in widest commonalty spread, gained the highest status accorded by U.N. authority.
Buttressed by such a phalanx of support Leo XIII ended his encyclical with a ringing exhortation, «We exhort you, Venerable Brethren, in all earnestness to restore the golden wisdom of St. Thomas, and to spread it far and wide for the defence and beauty of the Catholic faith, for the good of society, and for the advantage of all the sciences» [6] It was an exhortation that was welcomed and followed by many in the Church so that it has been written «We are accustomed to consider Saint Thomas, Thomism, and Aristotelianism as the predominant points of orientation and the most favourable to the Church.»
He viewed it as opening doors that will continue to open wide «for the Gospel by the spread of civil and religious liberty and by the diminution of Papal power».
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
the catholic church has helped to spread the horrible disease world - wide by telling people over and over that wearing a condom is a sin, the list goes on...»
the catholic church has helped to spread the horrible disease world - wide by telling people over and over that wearing a condom is a sin, the list goes on... = The Church also says not to have promiscuous seex but that doesn't stop people.
the catholic church has helped to spread the horrible disease world - wide by telling people over and over that wearing a condom is a sin, akin to a man spilling his seed on the ground, a terrible offense to god.
We must remember that by the beginning of the second century a wide rift had opened up between Jew and Christian, and Christianity was primarily spreading among the Gentiles, to whom the traditions of ancient Israel were foreign, and who, on the other hand, were mostly Greek - speaking and immersed in Hellenistic culture.
The beloved production based on the novel by Victor Hugo received the Tony Award in 1987 and gained an even more wide - spread audience with the release of the 2012 movie with Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and other huge names.
Wide - Spread Growth Starts with Seven - Unit Deal in Mexico City; Brand to Add Nine Additional Units by 2018
By «training trainers,» scholarships have a multiplier effect spreading agroecology knowledge and experiences far and wide.
There is no valid scientific research that can truly determine how wide spread gluten intolerance, celiac, and many other diseases caused by other wheat proteins (Gliadin).
Drop by the TBS onto the prepared cookie sheet and with a spatula (or the back of a spoon) spread the cookies in a circular motion until they are approximately 2 inches wide.
Nebraska was a 30 - point favorite heading into Saturday night, failing to cover the spread by a wide margin.
Willian would move to his natural position and Pedro would move to RW.Willian isn't a winger and he makes Chelsea narrow by attacking centrally as opposed to spreading defenses by going wide
By simply taking touches in a wider spread of the pitch, Pellegrini kept the defense off balance, shifted the point of attack and created more space for his teammates.
Unlike this system our kiddy impact shield means the force of the impact is spread evenly through the upper body by way of the wide point of contact.
You can teach the concept of large and small, as well as helping gross motor development by asking how big things are and spreading arms wide or putting hands close together for small things.
(it was a fairly wide - spread attack by some boys who thought those words are funny.
By feeding true believers a steady diet of similar red meat, blogs and online discussion sites helped to spread these and other less - than - flattering tidbits far and wide, with the most «successful» ending up in endless rotation on cable news.
But the Democrats will need to spread their dollars far and wide to defend their seats — of the 60 districts targeted for advertising by the DCCC, 54 are held by Democrats.
Many American election officials are already trying take make their own attempts to innovate election procedures, but lack the funding and access to technological know - how to effectively implement wider - spread change, according to new research by Reboot and Turbovote.
The plans by prime minister Gordon Brown to abolish the 10p tax band are continuing to receive wide - spread criticism from Labour and opposition MPs.
That ensures that all of the chewee's eggs were fertilized by chewer, who is free to mate with more slugs and spread its sperm farther and wider.
But whoever these people were, their descendants successfully spread far and wide, for their genes show up not only in Europeans but also in Native Americans, according to a talk by paleogeneticist Johannes Krause of the University of Tübingen in Germany, who spoke at a biomolecular archaeology meeting last week.
While human - to - human transmission is important, infections can be contracted by touching surfaces contaminated by respiratory droplets from infected individuals, or hand touching, leading to a wider and more rapid spread
Modification of winds aloft by Typhoon Yunya also spread ash over a much wider range of azimuths than would have otherwise received ash.)
Tests informed by genome - wide analyses may help epidemiologists recognize and contain resistant strains before they spread to other patients.
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