Sentences with phrase «by women religious»

Hundreds of these parishes are administered by women religious who act, in effect, as pastors without portfolio.
In former times there were women's mosques in some parts of China, used as religious and charitable centers for women and led by women religious teachers.

Not exact matches

Uber said expanding its service may be a boon for Saudi Arabia, a country where women are not allowed to drive because of fatwas, or religious edicts, issued by conservative Muslim clerics that uphold a distinct segregation between the sexes.
These were zealous, energetic, Evangelical Protestants, men and women who were motivated almost entirely by their religious commitments.
In any case, there can be no denying that the «renewal» of women's religious life led by the LCWR and its affiliated orders has utterly failed to attract new vocations.
Beating women is not a religious more, and it's certainly not applauded by any form of Judaism... so, no, that scenario is not supported by anything anyone has said.
Ann Carey's 1997 book, Sisters in Crisis, reported a hard fact, thoroughly supported by the data: Progressive orders of religious women don't generate new vocations.
The religious conservatives, beset by this sea change in the secular culture, might have been expected to retrench into their conventional media stereotypes: authoritarian, emotionally uninvolved husbands and fathers, a rigidly patriarchal family style, deeply gendered domestic roles that kept women at home» plus, as Wilcox puts it, «high levels of corporal punishment and domestic violence.»
The garden of Hamid's new order of self - accepting, self - organizing universal men and women is threatened by religious militants.
The religious among us keep trying to chip away at the separation of church and state by making people recite the pledge of allegiance with the God clause, installing religious symbols and displays on public property, holding prayer breakfasts for politicians, berating the removal of prayer in public schools, trying to pass laws limiting women's access to birth control, and trying to get an amendment passed outlawing abortion (since in their view God creates a soul the moment a sperm enters an egg).
Transforming Parish Ministry: The Changing Roles of Catholic Clergy, Laity, and Women Religious by Jay P. Dolan et al..
Some readers, though, may be encouraged by the Illustrated History to look once more at, listen harder to, and ponder the meaning of the men, women, and events that have made our own religious world.
His early religious outlook was colored by the evangelical Baptist faith of his parents and a Calvinist theology of predestination - the belief that the fate of all men and women had been predetermined by God, said of Lincoln in its «God in America» series.
These new expressions of faith, fed by passions of ordinary men and women, did not merely diverge from received authority; increasingly they failed even to take into account the standard theological categories that served as guides for religious experience and formed the common denominator of theological discussion between disputants.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, initially surprised by the Vatican's report last month, «plans to move slowly, not rushing to judgment» when the group's 21 - member board meets for three days in Washington, D.C., beginning Tuesday.
Due to a misunderstanding of the word «saved» this verse has been tragically used by some misogynistic authoritarian male religious leaders to require women to remain barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, because otherwise, they can not be «saved.»
There would be apostolic visitations of seminaries and houses of religious formation, led by seminary rectors and religious men and women from living and growing communities, who would recommend needed changes; the trustee agency would then mandate their implementation.
Religion News Service broke the news on Wednesday, noting that Johnson Cook was the first woman and first African American to hold the position created 15 years ago by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA).
Perhaps John of Salisbury would remind us today that the only laws in conformity with equity are those that protect the sacredness of human life and reject the licitness of abortion, euthanasia and bold genetic experimentation, those laws that respect the dignity of marriage between a man and a woman, that are inspired by a correct secularism of the State, a secularism that always entails the safeguard of religious freedom and that pursues subsidiarity and solidarity at both the national and the international level.
When he relates his one adult visit to her» he by then a rising literary lion, she a well - known poet» Oz recognizes her flat as the home of a religious woman but conveys little sense of what that might mean.
The film spans several decades, following Corinne from a young girl who half - heartedly proclaims herself to be saved by Jesus to a teenager who marries when she becomes pregnant to a woman ensconced in a deeply religious community after she and her husband come to believe that God has saved their baby.
Indeed, those who belong to the same religious group can be fierce in their disagreements, even though they have a great deal in common, as has been shown by the recent arguments in the churches about whether women should be ordained.
And as Islamic law forbids a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim man (although it permits a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman), her marriage was not a marriage at all in Sudan, where matters of personal and family law are controlled by religious courts.
A similar worldview was constructed by proslavery Christians, Muslims, Brahmans and the Nazis to deny slaves, women and Jews religious and cultural equality, a marginalization that led to enormous abuse.
You ignorant person, don't you know the bible and other religious works are written by men from a long time ago who hated women except to procreate with them and have them serve them as their slaves?
It is only by changing religious and secular text which informs such notions for new citizens will this change and finally women will own God on equal terms.
Some of these religious men said nothing when body bag after body bag of young men and women were showing up at the airports killed by terrorist!!
There still exists inequality and oppression in the Church regarding women religious, propounded by the use of gender - specific language:
Elizabeth observes: «Most women religious would admit that, in the quarter century since Vatican II, the rather short - lived euphoria of the «nun in the world» has been replaced by a long - suffering, quiet frustration at the lurking possibility of permanent extinction.
But how is being harrassed by the women at work different from her govt harrassing her for her religious stance?
Many Muslims are deeply troubled by the very real problems of religious intolerance, persecution of minorities and the treatment of women within their societies.
I was pleased when I read in The New Yorker that Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the three members of the Russian feminist punk - rock band Pussy Riot serving time in prison for «hooliganism motivated by religious hatred ``, spends her time in a small four woman cell reading.
When this happens, the aggressively masculine stance and the dislike of women's having their part and place in the affairs of the world — and in religious communities, the refusal to give women a full share in the communities» life and in their ordained ministry — are taken to be supported by the cosmic order and hence given a divine force in human affairs.
According to McNamara, it was in the twelfth century that the ideal of syneisactism came under serious attack: «By mid-century, clerical observers had already begun to attack the syneisactism that joined religious men and women in a common enterprise and that defied the carefully nurtured fear of women at the base of clerical reform.
An extract from a paper given by Fr Edward Holloway to the women religious of the Consortium Perfectae Caritatis International Congress in Rome, March 1973.
So the point I want to make today is not that all who subscribe to patriarchy are abusive, but that patriarchy in a religious environment, just as in any environment, has a negative effect on the whole community and creates a cultural climate more susceptible to abuse than one characterized by mutuality and shared leadership between men and women.
Bill — as long as the Catholics, or any other religious cult, continue to denigrate women and gays, you can not, by any stretch of imagination, claim they are liberal.
Men want to be leaders but problems in a marriage are often blamed on a women by many religious leaders - we aren't pretty enough, we don't give enough blow jobs blah blah blah.
«What's really at stake here, in the larger significance, is the future of the church,» says Sister Maureen Fiedler of the order of Sisters of Loretto, which is represented by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
«For myself, the shock made me numb at first, and then I was profoundly sad that my life as a woman religious and my commitment to serving the poor would be so denigrated by the leadership of our church,» says Sister Simone Campbell, who heads NETWORK, a liberal advocacy group in Washington.
In Jesus» teaching, the last who shall be first are people who, by virtue of life circumstance, have very little social or spiritual status according to traditional religious practice — women, children, and eunuchs.
The woman lives in a building owned by someone else and decides to hang religious symbols in an area not part of her rented space in public view and them asking her not to is interfering with her «private» life.
They are taking care of the Religious Right by attacking women's rights.
There is some speculation that this woman was simply the innocent bystander in a malevolent plan by the religious leaders to accuse and attack Jesus (John 8:6).
My heart is heavy as I have received multiple messages today from women and daughters who say they have just now found the courage to confront the fact that they are (or have been) in physically or emotionally abusive relationships, justified by religious teachings.
In her book One Woman's Fight, published by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, she said she was sure that «I fought not only for what I earnestly believed to be right, but for the truest kind of religious freedom intended by the First Amendment, the complete separation of church and state.»
Women had always been able to take part in religious cult and make offerings to the gods, but they could now achieve lasting fame by devoting their wealth to the Church and themselves to God's service.
Second, to understand for myself how man and woman are regarded by our own religious tradition, whose prime story concerns primordial man and woman and their complex interactions.
This is very similar to the religious bigots of the past, where they took Bible passages to condone slavery, keep women down, and used Bible passages to claim blacks as curses who should be enslaved by the white man.
I think this couple has some «old - fashioned» ideas about what se - x is, what marriage is, what men and women are... And these ideas are being bolstered by their religious stance.
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