Sentences with phrase «by younger physicists»

«But the work should be performed by younger physicists

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Youthful but no longer young by Einstein standards, Gates is a rare bird: an African - American theoretical physicist.
That is why, on this 100th anniversary of Einstein's miraculous year, Science's Next Wave has chosen to focus attention on a few young physicistsyoung by today's academic standards anyway — and some institutions and individuals who promote their fortunes.
Young particle physicists are driven by a passion for the science, so such admonitions may fall on deaf ears, says Elizabeth Worcester, 37, a postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.
Physicists have calculated that the centre of the Earth is two - and - a-half years younger than its surface, thanks to the effects of gravity as described by general relativity.
The new work is a variation on a famous experiment, devised by the 19th century English physicist Thomas Young, which showed that light is a wave.
At a meeting in Western Canada between the directors of the NSERC and some 170 researchers and graduate students, a young physicist asked members of the audience to give their opinion about collaborative grants by a show of hands.
To a young German physicist named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, the cold - blooded Rømer scale seemed to cry out for a sister scale, if not an outright replacement, usable by the general public.
The younger Bragg had been captivated by a result reported by German physicist Max von Laue.
Elder brother Thomas is very laid back and plays in a rock band while two years younger Alexander is a physicist by day.
During the estimated gameplay length of 7 to 10 hours, the player takes the role of young American physicist Hans Tannhauser, who, while actually on a holiday, dives into the everyday life of the mysterious village of Trüberbrook — just to find out he hadn't got there by accident.
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